References to Photographs of People and Places Connected with Sorabji
This page gives references to publications (including booklets accompanying recordings) in which photographs of people who belonged to Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji’s entourage (dedicatees and friends, critics, performers of the pre-1976 era, writers, correspondents, etc.) can be found. The page is divided as follows:
See also the biographical notes.
Often only one photograph is available in print. In the case of well-known composers or writers, only one major source is usually given. Links to websites or archival sources are usually given only when no other photograph is known to have been published.
A separate list at the bottom of the page gives the names of people for whom no photograph has yet been found. The author would be very grateful to be informed of any serendipitous discoveries. Unfortunately, im most cases, the likelihood of locating a photograph is very low. Due to copyright restrictions, it is not possible to reproduce the photographs found in the sources listed on this site; links to photographs available on the internet are provided in some cases. Additional photos can be easily found with Google Images. Links to the relevant pages on the website of the National Portrait Gallery (London) are provided for the items in their possession.
Wikipedia has a list of composers depicted on film, mentioning films about Frederick Delius and Philip Heseltine (cited in the relevant entries below).
Frequently cited sources
- OB: Sean Vaughn Owen, “Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji: An Oral Biography” (PhD diss., University of Southampton, 2006 [c2008]). A list of illustrations appears on p. 6.
- SCC: Paul Rapoport, ed., Sorabji: A Critical Celebration (Aldershot, Hampshire: Scolar Press [later Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate], 1992, 1994; now Abindgon, Oxforshire, and New York: Routledge). A list of illustrations appears on pp. xi-xii.
Photographs of fourteen people associated with Sorabji can be found in Portraits of the World’s Best-Known Musicians: An Alphabetical Collection of Notable Musical Personalities of the World Covering the Entire History of Music, ed. Guy McCoy (Philadelphia: Theodore Presser, 1946). Individuals for whom there is a separate entry below are indicated by a bullet (•) at the end of the entry.
- Carl Engel (43)
- Dinh Gilly (61); see Wikipedia
- Ursula Greville (67)
- Leigh Vaughan Henry (79)
- Philip Heseltine (80)•
- Arthur Eaglefield Hull (88); see a picture at Bardon Music
- Luisa Kirkby Lunn (130)
- William McNaught (129)
- E. J. Moeran (133); see Geoffrey Self, The Music of E. J. Moeran (Toccata Classics, 1986)
- Egon Petri (152)•
- Ebenezer Prout (159); see Wikipedia
- Percy Scholes (183); see Kenneth Shenton, “Everyman and His Music Percy Scholes (1877-1958)”
- Almon Kincaid Virgil (219)
- Christopher à Becket Williams (231)•
Copies of the Virgil Practice Clavier can be found in the following collections (the pages linked to contain photographs):
Another source of photographs is Jürgen Schaarwächter, Two Centuries of British Symphonism: From the Beginning to 1945, 2 vols. (Hildesheim, Zurich, and New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 2015). See the list in 2: 1143-46 (page numbers are not given). The names with a connection to Sorabji are (in the order in which they are listed, with the illustration number in parentheses; those from no. 52 onwards are in vol. 2):
- Ebenezer Prout (23)
- Cyril Scott (31)
- Edmund Rubbra (41, 63)
- Christian Darnton (42)
- Arnold Bax (43)
- E. J. Moeran (45)
- Erik Chisholm (46)
- Bernard van Dieren (54)
- Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji (55)
- Alan Bush (67)
See also section “Illustrations” (pp. 28-36) in Brian Inglis and Barry Smith, eds., Kaikhosru Sorabji’s Letters to Philip Heseltine (Peter Warlock) (London: Routledge, 2019).
The Sorabji Resource Site offers further references for photographs:
Becket, Williams, Christopher à
- “Captain C. a [sic] Becket Williams”, The Musical Standard 13, no. 298 (15 February 1919): 59.
- “Personal and Otherwise: Christopher à Becket Williams”, Musical Opinion 62, no. 620 (May 1929): 721.
- A. F. Leighton Thomas, “Becket Williams (1890-1956)”, Welsh Music 2, no. 2 (1957): 12-14.
Best, Reginald Norman: OB, 329 (fig. 18).
Bowen, York
- Monica Watson, York Bowen: A Centenary Tribute (London: Thames Publishing, 1984), 55-58.
- Several pictures on Glen Ballard’s website devoted to Bowen.
Bromage, Bernard
- Bernard Bromage, “A Modern Merlin” [John Cowper Powys (1872-1963)], The Occult Review 2, no. 10 (November 1938): 412-15; 412.
- Bernard Bromage, The Occult Arts of Ancient Egypt (London: Aquarian Press, 1953), between pp. 96 and 97 and pp. 112 and 113.
Busoni, Ferruccio
- Antony Beaumont, Busoni the Composer (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1985), between pp. 64 and 65.
- Ferruccio Busoni, Briefe an seine Frau, 1889-1923: Gesamtausgabe. Edited by Martina Weindel. Quellenkataloge zur Musikgeschichte, vols. 66A, 66B. Wilhelmshaven: Florian Noetzel (Heinrichshofen-Bücher Verlag), 2015, vol. 2, figs. I-XLVIII (between pp. 1128 and 1229).
- Della Couling, Ferruccio Busoni: “A Musical Ishmael” (Lanham, Md., Toronto, Oxford: The Scarecrow Press, 2005), between pp. 200 and 201.
Chisholm, Erik
- SCC, 299.
- “Sorabji”, in Erik Chisholm, Men and Music: Lectures Given at University of Cape Town Summer School, February 1964 (Erik Chisholm Trust, June 2014), 103-14. Includes the following illustrations on pp. 110-14:
- Cover of Chisholm’s essay on Sorabji published by Oxford University Press.
- Sorabji (aged 70) and Chisholm, with the Corfe Castle in the background.
- Sorabji with Chisholm and his daughter Fiona in front of The Eye, 1959.
- Pages 1 and 112 of the published score of the Concerto for Piano and Orchestra [no. 5] (1920; 144 pp.).
- Page 1 of the published score of the Symphony [no. 1] for Organ (1924; 81
- Pages 1 and 252 (penultimate) of the manuscript of Opus clavicembalisticum (1929-30; 253
pp.) and its dedication page.
- Manuscript of the “Epistle dedicatory” of the later version of the Trois poèmes du
“Gulistān” de Saʿdī (1926, rev. 1930; 16 pp.).
- “Additional Pictures”, in ibid., 132-33:
- Diana Chisholm (née Brodie), Chisholm’s first wife.
- Chisholm in May 1965.
- Chisholm with his second wife, Lillias Scott, in the late 1950s.
- Patrick Shannon as Provost of Aberdeen between 1955 and 1965.
- John Purser, Chasing a Restless Muse: Erik Chisholm, Scottish Modernist, 1904-1965 (Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell & Brewer, 2009), passim. Includes the following illustrations:
- Cover of Chisholm’s essay on Sorabji published by Oxford University Press (p. 60).
- Diana Brodie, Chisholm’s first wife, who wrote down her recollections of Sorabji (p. 69).
Cortot, Alfred: Wikipedia Commons.
Davies, E. Emlyn: Cyfaill. “Ein Cerddorion, Rhif 151: Mr. E. Emlyn Davies, F.R.C.O., Rhosllanerchrugog [place of birth]”. Y Cerddor (April 1911): 38-39; 39.
De Solis, Aldo Solito
- Cover of an eight-page promotion leaflet entitled “Solito de [recte De] Solis: The Brilliant Young Pianist...” (1924-25).
- “Actress has a Private Life”, The Deseret News (Salt Lake City), 24 July 1948: 6 {Shown with his wife, Gale Page, née Sally Perkins Rutter}.
- Back cover of a recording entitled “Aldo Solito De Solis plays Music of the Masters: A Superb Piano Collection”, Kapp KCL-9010 (1950s).
- Raccolte Museali Fratelli Alinari (Florence); taken between 1920 and 1930.
Delius, Frederick
- Ken Russell, Song of Summer (black and white TV documentary, 1968; 72 minutes). See the Wikipedia article and the review by Stephen Lloyd on MusicWeb International.
- Barry Smith, Peter Warlock: The Life of Philip Heseltine (London: Oxford University Press, 1994), between pp. 174 and 175 (pl. 8).
- Barry Smith, Frederick Delius and Peter Warlock: A Friendship Revealed (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), between pp. 202 and 203.
- See the entry for Tony Britten’s movie Peter Warlock: Some Little Joy under Heseltine.
Derus, Kenneth: <> (second from right).
Ellis, Havelock
Ewing, Cecil Cameron: Obituary by Edward Ewing, The BMJ [British Medical Journal] 332, no. 7552 (27 May 2006): 1278.
Garvelmann, Donald M.
Gentieu, Norman
Habermann, Michael
Heseltine, Philip (Peter Warlock)
- Barry Smith, Peter Warlock: The Life of Philip Heseltine (London: Oxford University Press, 1994), between pp. 174 and 175.
- Malcolm Clarke, Voices from a Locked Room (movie, 1995; 93 minutes). See the full cast of IMDb; stars Jeremy Northam as Heseltine.
- Barry Smith, Frederick Delius and Peter Warlock: A Friendship Revealed (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), between pp. 202 and 203.
- Tony Britten, Peter Warlock: Some Little Joy (TV movie, 2005; 88 minutes), Capriol Films, 2005. DVD on Signum Vision SIGDVD002 (2008). Preview (6:13) on the website of Capriol Films and on vimeo and YouTube; six excerpts as part of a review by Robert Anderson, “Engaging Integrity”, Music & Vision, 30 October 2008; full cast on IMDb. Sorabji does not appear to be featured, but Frederick Delius and Bernard van Dieren are.
Hinton, Alistair
- Booklet for the Altarus AIR-CD-9066(3) recording of Hinton’s String Quintet. Booklet for the Altarus AIR-CD-9021 recording by Donna Amato of Hinton’s Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Grieg and of Sorabji’s Variazione maliziosa e perversa sopra “La morte
d’Åse” da Grieg (1974; 2 pp.).
- Booklet for the Altarus AIR-CD-9075(5) recording by John Ogdon of Opus clavicembalisticum (1929-30; 253
pp.), 79.
- Charles Beauclerk, Piano Man: A Life of John Ogdon (London: Simon & Schuster, 2014), between pp. 176 and 177.
- “Alistair Hinton, Composer”, The Cross-Eyed Pianist, 11 July 2018.
Holliday, Frank: SCC, 320. Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji Collection, The William Ready Division of Archives and Research Collections, McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario), box 8, folder 32; box 15, folders 5 and 6.
Ireland, John
- Fiona Richards, The Music of John Ireland (Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate, 2000), between pp. 146 and 147.
- The John Ireland Trust: Gallery.
MacDiarmid, Hugh (real name: Christopher Murray Grieve)
- Christopher Murray Grieve, The Company I’ve Kept (London: Hutchinson & Co (Publishers); Berkeley, University of California Press, 1966), between pp. 112 and 113 (bust by Benno Schotz).
- Gordon Wright, MacDiarmid: An Illustrated Biography (Edinburgh: Gordon Wright Publishing, 1977), passim.
- Alan Bold, MacDiarmid: A Cultural Biography (London: John Murray, 1988), between pp. 224 and 225.
- Colin Scott-Sutherland, ed. Ronald Stevenson: The Man and the Music — A Symposium (London: Toccata Press, 2005), 30, 254.
- Booklet for the Altarus AIR-CD-9075(5) recording by John Ogdon of Opus clavicembalisticum (1929-30; 253
pp.), 16, 17, 18, 19.
- Painting (79 × 74.3 cm; 1968) by John Caldwell Brown (b. 1945) in the Art Collection of the University of Edinburgh, EU0489.
- Wikipedia Commons.
Marchesi, Blanche
- Blanche Marchesi, Singer’s Pilgrimage (London: Grant Richards, 1923), passim.
- Wikipedia Commons (sketch by John Singer Sargent, c. 1910, also found as the frontispiece of Marchesi’s book).
Madge, Geoffrey Douglas
McArden, Joy
- One picture as Octavian (with Ruth Naylor as Sophie) in a 1939 production of Richard Strauss’s Der Rosenkavalier, in Hugh Carey, Duet for Two Voices: An Informal Biography of Edward Dent Compiled from His Letters to Clive Carey (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979), 157.
- Photographs of McArden and Cecil B. DeMille, listed in the Register of the Cecil B. DeMille Photographs, ca. 1900s-1950s, 1881-1959, in the L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Brigham Young University, MSS P 146, box 5, folder 11, items 1421-22.
Morland, Harold
- “Poet Admired by Gandhi Dies at 91”, Accrington Observer, 5 March 1999, 6.
- “Obituaries: Harold Morland”, The Westmoreland Gazette, 12 March 1999, 13.
Peterkin, Norman
- Hubert Foss, “Personal Portraits: Norman Peterkin, Man behind the Scenes”, Music Lover, January 1948: 13-14.
- SCC, 140
- Colin Scott-Sutherland, ed. Ronald Stevenson: The Man and the Music — A Symposium (London: Toccata Press, 2005), 37.
- Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji Collection, The William Ready Division of Archives and Research Collections, McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario), box 8, folder 32.
- The Songs of Norman Peterkin. Charlotte de Rothschild, soprano; Adrian Farmer, piano. Lyrita SRCD.362 (2017). Three photographs (probably taken in Singapore about 1911; seated at the piano; with two other men, dated Johore 4.8.12).
Petri, Egon
- Antony Beaumont, trans. and ed., Ferruccio Busoni: Selected Letters (London and Boston: Faber and Faber, 1987), 133 (fig. 9).
- Wikipedia Commons.
Rapoport, Paul
- Paul Rapoport, “Music to My Ears”, Perspectives: A Newsletter by and for Employees of McMaster, September 2005.
- Booklet for the Altarus AIR-CD-9075(5) recording by John Ogdon of Opus clavicembalisticum (1929-30; 253
pp.), 79.
- Charles Beauclerk, Piano Man: A Life of John Ogdon (London: Simon & Schuster, 2014), between pp. 176 and 177.
- Entry “1992: Use of the Latin Language in Paul Rapoport’s Sorabji: A Critical Celebration”
Rowley, Alec: Beryl Kington,Rowley Rediscovered: The Life and Music of Alec Rowley (London: Thames Publishing, 1993), between pp. 64 and 65.
Rutland, Harold:
- John Longmire, John Ireland: Portrait of a Friend (London: John Baker, 1969), between pp. 76 and 77 (drawing by Juliet Pannett).
- The John Ireland Companion, ed. Lewis Foreman (Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Boydell Press, 2011), 162 (fig. 16 [same drawing by Juliet Pannett).
Saurat, Denis
Scott, Francis George
- William Johnstone (1897-1981), portrait (oil on canvas) dating from about 1933, acquired in 1991 by the National Galleries of Scotland; accession no. PG 2849. Johnstone was a cousin of Scott.
- Benno Schotz (1891-1984), green bronzed plaster dating from 1947 (height: 35 cm), sold on 24 September 1997 by Christie’s (sale 1557, lot 73; no picture available). Schotz was an Estonian-born Scottish sculptor.
- Christopher Murray Grieve, The Company I’ve Kept (London: Hutchinson & Co (Publishers); Berkeley, University of California Press, 1966), between pp. 112 and 113 (also includes Joan Muspratt’s photograph of Sorabji).
- Maurice Lindsay, Francis George Scott and the Scottish Renaissance (Edinburgh: Paul Harris Publishing, 1980), frontispiece.
Simpson, Robert: Robert Simpson: Composer — Essays, Interviews, Recollections, edited by Jürgen Schaarwächter, Studien und Materialen zur Musikwissenschaft, vol. 74 (Hildesheim, Zurich, and New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 2013), 6 (photograph by Peter Musgrave).
Sitwell, Sir Sacherevell, 6th Baronet
- Sarah Bradford et al., The Sitwells and the Arts of the 1920s and 1930s (London: National Portrait Gallery Publications, 1994; Austin: University of Texas Press, 1996), passim.
- Booklet for the Altarus AIR-CD-9083 recording by Jonathan Powell of Rosario d’arabeschi (1956; 45 pp.).
Solomon, Yonty
- <>
- Yonty Solomon, “Obituaries: Kaikhosru Sorabji”, The Independent, 17 October 1988 (photographed by Jeremy Grayson with the composer, in October 1977).
- Alistair Hinton, “Kaikhosru Sorabji and Erik Chisholm”, Jagger Journal (University of Cape Town Libraries), no. 10 (1989-90): 20-35; 29.
Stevenson, Ronald
- Victoria Crowe, oil on board (1984, 28″ × 36″) in the collection of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery. Another work (oil on paper) by Crowe is reproduced on the cover of Song in Gold Pavilions: Ronald Stevenson on Music, ed. Chris Walton (Stellenbosch: Sun Press, 2009). The entire volume, which contains several photographs of Stevenson, can be downloaded from the SUNScholar Research Repository.
- Colin Scott-Sutherland, ed., Ronald Stevenson: The Man and the Music — A Symposium (London: Toccata Press, 2005), passim.
- Booklet for the Altarus AIR-CD-9021 recording by Donna Amato of the Variazione maliziosa e perversa sopra “La morte
d’Åse” da Grieg (1974; 2 pp.). Booklet for the Altarus AIR-CD-9075(5) recording by John Ogdon of Opus clavicembalisticum (1929-30; 253
pp.), 16, 17, 79.
- Charles Beauclerk, Piano Man: A Life of John Ogdon (London: Simon & Schuster, 2014), between pp. 176 and 177.
Vicars, Denise: Sean Vaughn Owen’s Facebook page Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji (entry for 27 April 2014). Owen, who is standing next to Vicars, is the author of the dissertation “Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji: An Oral Biography” (University of Southampton, 2006).
Vicars, Mervyn: Mervyn Vicars, 20th century composer – a musical biography (click on “Photo Gallery”).
Worthy, Madeline Matilda (the composer’s mother)
- SCC, 207.
- OB, 327-28 (figs. 14-16).
Other People
Allan, Maud: Felix Cherniavsky, The Salome Dancer: The Life and Times of Maud Allan (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1991), between pp. 128-29 (also of Holford House and the West Wing’s music room where Sorabji played to Busoni).
Aprahamian, Felix
- Felix Aprahamian, Diaries and Selected Writings on Music, edited by Lewis and Susan Foreman (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2015), several photographs in an insert comprising 44, between pp. 174 and 175).
- Photograph by Pete Wicker, taken in the 1970s or 1980s; National Portrait Gallery, no. NPG x47290.
Blom, Eric Walter
Brian, Havergal: <>.
Bush, Alan
- Several pictures in the Gallery on the website of the Alan Bush Music Trust, also in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery.
- Colin Scott-Sutherland, ed. Ronald Stevenson: The Man and the Music — A Symposium (London: Toccata Press, 2005), 222, 250 (with Ronald Stevenson).
Byngham, Dion (Harry J.)
- Derek Egdell, The Order of Woodcraft Chivalry, 1916-1949, as a New Age Alternative to the Boy Scouts, 2 vols. (Lewinston, NY, Queenston, ON, and Lampeter, Dyfed, Wales: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1993), vol. 2, figs. 2 and 9 (at the end of vol. 1).
Chisholm, Alastair
Cobbett, Walter Wilson: Painting (ca. 1920; 84 × 61 cm) by an unknown artist in the collection of the Royal College of Music, accession no. PPHC000268.
Coburn, Alvin Langdon
- Alvin Langdon Coburn: An Autobiography, ed. Helmut and Alison Gernsheim (London: Faber & Faber, 1966), 37.
- Wikipedia Commons.
Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish: Wikipedia Commons (photograph by Alvin Langdon Coburn).
Crowley, Aleister: <>.
Darnton, Christian: Five portraits by Howard Coster in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery.
Davie, Cedric Thorpe: Cedric Thorpe Davie (1913-1983): Catalogue of Works and Index to Correspondence (St. Andrews: University Library, 1988), cover.
Dieren, Bernard van
- Alastair Chisholm, Bernard van Dieren: An Introduction (London: Thames Publishing, 1984), pp. 17-24 (also includes a photograph of his son, Bernard van Dieren Jr.).
- Barry Smith, Peter Warlock: The Life of Philip Heseltine (London: Oxford University Press, 1994), between pp. 174 and 175, pl. 20.
- See the entry for Tony Britten’s movie Peter Warlock: Some Little Joy under Heseltine.
Douglas, Norman
- Constantine Fitzgibbon, Norman Douglas: A Pictorial Record (London: The Richards Press, 1953).
- Mark Holloway, Norman Douglas: A Biography (London: Secker & Warburg, 1976), between pp. 250 and 251.
- Various pictures in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery.
- Wikipedia Commons.
Ewing, Cecil
Gates, John: Harold C. Schonberg, “Music: Pianistic Exotica — John Gates Performs at Carnegie Hall”. The New York Times, 21 October 1966: 37. (The article can be downloaded for a fee on the newspaper’s website; it can also be downloaded by subscribers through ProQuest Historical Newspapers.)
Gervais, Terence White: Booklet for the Altarus AIR-CD-9063 (2) recording entitled “In Memoriam John Ogdon, 1937-1989” (with Ronald Stevenson and John Ogdon).
Godowsky, Leopold
- Jeremy Nicholas, Godowsky, the Pianists’ Pianist: A Biography of Leopold Godowsky (Northumberland: Appian Publications & Recordings, 1989), passim.
- Leopold Godowsky Website (apparently no longer active at <>)
- Wikipedia Commons.
Grace, Harvey
- IMSLP (no source provided).
- Photograph by Elliott & Fry (active 1863-1962), no. NPG x89478, purchased by the National Portrait Gallery in 1996. Three other photographs on the same page, made by Alexander Bassano (1829-1913) on 1 January 1920 and showing a Victorian gentleman, are erroneously identified as representing Grace.
Gray, Cecil: Barry Smith, Peter Warlock: The Life of Philip Heseltine (London: Oxford University Press, 1994), between pp. 174 and 175 (pl. 19).
Hart House String Quartet: Mária Kresz and Péter Király, The Violinist and Pianist Géza de Kresz and Norah Drewett: Their Life and Music on Two Continents, Including Parts of Norah Drewett’s Memoirs (Toronto: Canadian Stage and Arts Publication, 1989), 71, 80, 81, 188, 189 (Norah Drewett); 112, 113 (Hart House String Quartet).
Howard, Paul
James, Montague Rhodes
Kindler, Frieda: Portait (charcoal) by Sir Jacob Epstein (1880-1959). Sold for £720 by Bonhams (London), 11 November 2009 (lot 124). The first name is given as “Freda” in the citation.
Mairet, Philippe Auguste
- Margot Coatts, A Weaver’s Life: Ethel Mairet, 1872-1952: A Selection of Source Materials (London: Crafts Council, in association with the Crafts Study Centre, Bath, 1983), 40.
- C. H. [Charles Hubert] Sisson, ed., Philip Mairet: Autobiographical and Other Papers (Manchester: Carcanet, 1981), jacket (drawing).
Medtner, Nicolas
- Barrie Martyn, Nicolas Medtner: His Life and Music (Aldershot, Hampshire: Scolar Press, 1995), between pp. 82 and 83, 178 and 179, 210 and 211.
- Chris Crocker’s Medtner website.
- Wikipedia Commons.
Moeran, E. J.: Barry Smith, Peter Warlock: The Life of Philip Heseltine (London: Oxford University Press, 1994), between pp. 174 and 175 (pl. 23).
Newman, Ernest
- Herbert van Thal, ed., Fanfare for Ernest Newman (London: Arthur Barker, 1955), frontispiece.
- Vera Newman, Ernest Newman: A Memoir by His Wife (London: Putnam, 1963), frontispiece.
- Wikipedia article.
- Paul Watt, Ernest Newman: A Critical Biography, Music in Britain, 1600-2000 (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2017), passim.
Nichols, Robert Malise Bowyer
- Peter Warlock: A Centenary Celebration, ed. David Cox and John Bishop (London: Thames Publishing, 1994), between pp. 128 and 129.
- Barry Smith, Peter Warlock: The Life of Philip Heseltine (London: Oxford University Press, 1994), between pp. 174 and 175 (pl. 9).
- Various pictures in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery.
- Wikipedia article.
Ogdon, John
- Colin Scott-Sutherland, ed. Ronald Stevenson: The Man and the Music — A Symposium (London: Toccata Press, 2005), 30, 31, 255.
- Booklet for the Altarus AIR-CD-9075(5) recording by John Ogdon of Opus clavicembalisticum (1929-30; 253
pp.), 15, 16, 18, 19, 79.
- <>
- Charles Beauclerk, Piano Man: A Life of John Ogdon (London: Simon & Schuster, 2014), between pp. 176 and 177. The book’s endpapers reproduce the last page of Opus clavicembalisticum (1929-30; 253
pp.) with Ogdon’s annotations.
Orage, Alfred Richard
- Drawing by Francis Ernest Jackson (ca. 1900-1901) as part of the Orage article in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (subscription required).
- Philip Mairet, A. R. Orage: A Memoir (London: J. M. Dent, 1936; rev. ed., New Hyde Park, NY: University Books, 1966), 24.
Ould, Barry Peter: SCC, 447.
Quilter, Roger
- Valerie Langfield, Roger Quilter: His Life and Music (Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Boydell Press, 2002), passim.
- Various pictures in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery.
Rovaart, M. C. [Marinus Cornelis] van de: Portrait as a conductor on the website of the Gemeente Amsterdam Stadsarchief.
Rubbra, Edmund:
- Foreman, Lewis, ed. Edmund Rubbra, Composer: Essays — With an introduction by Sir Adrian Boult & three specially commissioned drawings of Dr. Rubbra by Richard Walker (Rickmansworth: Triad Press, 1977).
- Painting (1957-63) by Juliet Kathleen Pannett (1911-2005) in the collection of the Royal College of Music, accession no. PPHC000278.
- Fourteen portraits in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery.
Sadero, Geni: poster (1917-18) in the Civica Raccolta delle Stampe Achille Bertarelli (Civico Museo Revotella, Trieste), no. A 295. The following may be relevant: Alba Noella Picotti, Geni Sadero e le canzoni nate dalla terra profonda: Conferenza-concerto (Programma di sala, Istituto giuliano di storia, cultura e documentazione, 1996), Civico Museo Teatrale Carlo Schmidl (Trieste), T 44012, SCH MC 3996.
Scholes, Percy Alfred
Selver, Percy Paul: Wikipedia.
Sitwell, Sir Francis Osbert Sacheverell
- Sarah Bradford et al., The Sitwells and the Arts of the 1920s and 1930s (London: National Portrait Gallery Publications, 1994; Austin: University of Texas Press, 1996), passim.
- <>.
Slonimsky, Nicolas: Nicolas Slonimsky, Perfect Pitch: An Autobiography, ed. Electra Slonimsky Yourke (New York, London: Schirmer Trade Books, 2002), between pp. 120 and 121.
Solomon, Neil: “Neil Solomon: Renowned Pianist, Composer and Teacher”, Sunday Times (South Africa), 1 February 2015.
Sorabji, Shapurji (the composer’s father)
- “Mr. Shapurjee Sorabjee: A Pioneer of India’s Industrial Development”, The Textile Mercury (Manchester), 1 April 1905: [2]-7; 2.
- Sorabji M. Rutnagur, Bombay Industries: The Cotton Mills—A Review of the Progress of the Textile Industry in Bombay from 1850 to 1926 and the Present Constitution, Management and Financial Position of the Spinning and Weaving Factories (Bombay: The Indian Textile Journal Limited, 1927), 648-49, 672.
- SCC, 206.
- OB, 328 (fig. 17).
Spare, Austin Osman: <>.
St Hill, Katherine: Anthony Writer, Jyotisha Bharati, and Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Scientific Palmistry (Part IV)—Ridge Patterns, Medical Palmistry, etc. (no publisher information; 2004, updated 2017), 28.
Thiman, Eric: Felix Aprahamian, Diaries and Selected Writings on Music, edited by Lewis and Susan Foreman (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2015), pl. 25 (between pp. 174 and 175).
Tobin, John: The Music Teacher 15, no. 3 (March 1936): 187 (advertisement).
Toussaint, Franz: <>.
Viñes, Ricardo
- Ricardo Viñes (website managed by Nina Gubisch-Viñes, grand niece of Ricardo Viñes; link <> no longer active)
- Wikipedia Commons.
Walton, William
- Stephen Lloyd, William Walton: Muse of Fire (Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Boydell Press, 2001), between pp. 146 and 147.
- Various portraits in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery.
Winstanley, Harry: Three photographs on two pages (1, 2) of the New International Godowsky Society’s website,
Cathedral of Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges {Google Maps}
- Front cover of the Altarus AIR-CD-9025 recording by Donna Amato of St. Bertrand de Comminges: “He was laughing
in the tower” (1941; 16 pp.).
- Booklet for the Altarus AIR-CD-9082 recording of the same work by Jonathan Powell.
- <>.
Holford House: Holford House (destroyed in 1944) {Google Maps} was the palatial home in the “West Wing” of which the dancer Maud Allan (1883-1956) resided and where Busoni played for Ferruccio Busoni in November 1919. See also Felix Cherniavsky, The Salome Dancer: The Life and Times of Maud Allan (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1991), between pp. 128 and 129 (quoted in the entry for Maud Allan).
Old Saddlery: The Old Saddlery, located at 43 East Street, Corfe Castle {Google Maps}, was the shop of W. E. Ottaway, the local saddler whom Sorabji admired for his love of books and about whom he wrote an undated unpublished tribute (1960s?). The eighteenth-century rubble-stone walled house, formerly known as Ottaway’s Pottery Shop and Adjoining House is a Grade II listed building, is described on the Historic England website under number 1228974.
Sanatorium Groedel: Sorabji’s father underwent a number of cures at the then prestigious sanatorium in Bad Neuheim, then located in an Art Nouveau building on Terrassenstrasse 2-4 {Google Maps}. Photographs, especially on old postcards, can be found on Google Images.
Villa Tasca {Google Maps}
- Eliana Mauro, Le ville a Palermo (Palermo and Rome: Ugo LaRosa Editore, [1992]), 118-20, 187-88.
- Salvatore Requirez, Le ville di Palermo (Palermo: Flaccovio Editore, 1996), 109, 111-15.
- Booklet for the Altarus AIR-CD-9067 recording by Jonathan Powell of Villa Tasca: Mezzogiorno siciliano—Evocazione
nostalgica e memoria tanta cara e preziosa del giardino meraviglioso, splendido,
tropicale (1979-80; 47 pp.).
- Booklet for the Altarus AIR-CD-9069(1) recording by Jonathan Powell of the Sonata IV for Piano (1928-29; 111 pp.).
People for Whom No Photograph Is Known
Ashworth, Edward Clarke
Brittain, Richard Henry
Burton-Page, Anthony
Cooper, H. James
Davey, Frank G.
Edroff-Smith, Emily
Gray-Fisk, Clinton
Jenkins, Theodore
Marrot, Harold Vincent
Nason, Edward
Procter, Robert William
Richards, George E.
Spencer-Bentley, Clive
Trew, Charles A. (Abraham)
Vicars, Adrian and Kevin {see also the entries for Mervyn and Denise}
Welsh, Henry
Other People
Branson, David
Browne, Arthur G.
Collins, A. J. (Alfred James)
Datch, (Frederick) George Bethell {Datch played the part of the Host of Southwark, Harry Bailly, in I racconti di Canterbury (1972), Pier Paolo Pasolini’s film based on Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. The relevant passages are found on the VHS tape released as Water Bearer Films ISP 8003 at 6:20-7:37, 01:26:00-01:32:34, and 01:39:00.}
Grew, Sydney
Guercio, Francis M. (Michael)
Hill, Ralph
Katz, Maurice
Lees, Aubrey
Lightly, Henry
Lorenz, Robert
Malloch, George Reston
Martine (née Boutte), Marthe
Osterreid, Ludmille
Ottaway, Walter E. {but see Places}
Ross, George Alexander
Woodhouse, George