Sorabji Resource Site (SRS)


This page contains a list of 215 persons or bodies who (mostly) wrote to Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji or to whom the composer sent letters. They represent the bulk of the Sorabji Archive collection, where they exist either in autograph (in the case of letters to Sorabji) or in copy (in the case of letters from him).

This compilation is based on a working list prepared when I worked at the (then called) Sorabji Music Archive in 1992 and 1993. It was extensively revised in 2021 to include correspondents whose letters are held in various public collections (as listed on the page devoted to archival collections), and converted into a table by adding the numbers of letters where known. In no case should this list be considered exhaustive, nor does it represent the current holdings of the Archive and of other repositories.

Some collections may include copies of open letters to various newspapers or magazines that Sorabji liked to append to his letters to friends. They may or may not be included in the number of letters. All the open letters found so far, and the list of periodicals and newspapers to which they were sent, are listed on separate pages.

Contents of columns

  • Name: Name of the correspondent, given in parentheses when writing on behalf of a corporate body. Many people are not public figures with entries in reference sources; they are often admirers who wrote to express their interest in the music after hearing a performance or reading an open letter.
  • Date: Year or range of years, rarely representing a continuous correspondence, but rather extremes between which dates may be far apart. Some dates are currently unknown, hence the blank entries.
  • From: Number of letters, if known, from the person named in the first column to Sorabji.
  • To: Number of letters, if known, from Sorabji to the person named in the first column.
  • Coll.: Presence of one or more letters in a public library or archive, for which as much as could be found in online catalogues is given on a separate page. The number and dates of letters are often not known, which explains the occasional blank entries for numbers. Copies may be held in the Sorabji Archive.
  • Comments: Additional relevant information.

Due to their exceptional number, the entries for the correspondence between Sorabji and his friends Frank Holliday and Norman Gentieu give the numbers of the items in the Sorabji Archive and at McMaster University on separate lines. Further details are given on a separate page.

Click on a column heading to sort, then shift-click on other headings to sort on multiple columns.
Surround strings with quotation marks for specific searches. Refresh the page to revert to the initial order.

Name Date From To Coll. Comments
Name Date From To Coll. Comments
Ali-Shah, Omar 1967 1  
Alkan Society (Brian Doyle) 1987
Altarus Records (Chris Rice) 1985-87 2 1
Amati, J. J. 1932
Amis, John (British Broadcasting Corporation) 1972 1 1
Anderson, Martin J. (Toccata Press) 1983 1
Arriola, Lloyd Paguia 1987-88 2 1 Written by Alistair Hinton on behalf of Sorabji
Beamish, D. 1947 1
Bellamann, Henry H. 1921 2
Blackwell’s Music Shop, Oxford (Alan Pope) 1985 1
Bösendorfer Pianos Ltd, London (Shirley Freeman) 1969 1
Boston Public Library (Richard G. Appel) 1932 1
Bowyer, Kevin 1988 1
Breitkopf & Härtel (Leipzig) 1938 1
Brewer, Charles (editor of Air Space for Listeners’ Letters) 1957 1
Brewer, George Mackenzie 1923-24 5
British Broadcasting Corporation (Val Drewry) 1943 1
British Council (Richard Page-Smith) 1948 1 1
British Sexological Society Unknown
Britons Publishing Society, London 1956 1
Brittain, Richard Henry (Brittain Advertising) Undated 3 One letter dated April 1930
Bromage, Bernard Undated [1928] 1
Browne, Arthur G. 1932 1
Burgess, Walter 1944-45 3
Burton-Page, Anthony 1979-87 3 50 Contains several enclosures (articles from various publications)
Bush, Alan 1940-81 12 13
Busoni, Ferruccio 1921 1 2
Busoni, Gerda 1934 1
Byngham, Dion (using the name “Dion Cassius”) 1987 2
Caldwell, Clement Undated 1
Capes, S. J. 1949 1
Caplet, André 1924 1
Carrington, Douglas R. 1986 1 1
Central Music Library, Westminster (Alan Sopher) 1978 1
Challans, Mary (pseud. Mary Renault, author of The Charioteer) 1954 1
Chapman, Ernest Unknown
Chester, J. W. (R. D. Gibson) 1944 1
Chesterton, A. K. [Arthur Kenneth] 1959   1
Chickering & Sons, East Rochester (E. M. Hendrickson) 1938 1
Chisholm, Diana Undated 1
Chisholm, Erik 1926-65 11 185 Approximate numbers
Clark, Edward Unknown
Clarke, Raymond 1984-85 2
Coope, Nawal B. 1947 1
Cooper, Valerie (New Europe Group) Unknown
Cortot, Alfred 1921 2
Cotton, Martin 1973-74 2 One letter with a short reply by Sorabji
Cremation Society, London 1953 1
Da Capo Press, New York (Bea Friedland) 1983 1
Dal Monte, Toti 1947 1
Dann, Glenn 1977 1
Darnton, Christian Philip Unknown
Datch, (Frederick) George Bethell 1936-76 2 11
Davenport, J. R. 1932-33 2
Davey [?], Frank 1930 1
Davey, R. C. 1928 1
Davie, Cedric Thorpe 1967 3
Dawney, Michael (Writing, Editing, Proofreading) 1987 1
Delius, Frederick 1930 1
Derus, Kenneth 1974-88 120 74 Annotated edition deposited in 1997 at the Sorabji Archive as The Sorabji-Derus Correspondence (xxx, 408 pp.)
Diamond, David 1973 1
Dieren, Bernard van 1928-33 5 1
Dieren, Bernard van, Jr. 1973 1
Dieren, Frida van (née Kindler) 1948 1 1
Doders, Lelio P. 1947 1
Douglas, Major Clifford Hugh 1943 1
Douglas, Norman 1943-51 6
Ellis, Havelock 1922-27 6
Englebrands [?], J. W. 1944 1
Enharmonic Records, Bloomington (David DeBoor E. Canfield) 1982 1
Etherton, Robert 1965 1
Evans, Edwin 1921 1
Ewing, Cecil 1945-83 4 35
Feaney, Edward Undated 1
Free Library of Philadelphia (Bernice Larrabee) Undated 1
Gallagher, Bridie and Pat Undated [1986?] 1
Gambaruti [?] 1944 1 Hardly legible name
Garvelmann, Donald M. 1969-84 10 51
Gellert, Roger 1959 1
Gentieu, Norman P. 1967-87

Ghandy, S. K. 1946 1
Gilly, Dinh 1927 2 One letter is undated.
Gnecchi, Vittorio 1934 1 In French
Gold, Julius Unknown
Goossens, Sir Eugene Aynsley 1956 1
Grainger, Percy 1924 1
Gray, Cecil 1928-44 2 4
Green, Andrew J. K. 1949 1
Greene, Leslie M. C. (League of Empire Loyalists) [married name: Leslie Von Goetz] 1957 1 1  
Grieve, Christopher Murray 1926-55 3 24
Guptara, Prabhu S. 1984
Habermann, Michael R. 1980-83 5 1
Haidar, (Princess) Musbah Undated 1 Dated 23 March, probably 1944 given the reference to her book Arabesque (London: Hutchinson).
Hallidie-Smith, Rev. Andrew 1953 1
Hamilton, Gerald 1943 1
Henry, Leigh 1922 1 2
Heseltine, Philip 1913-22 38
Hill, Ralph (Musical Mirror and Fanfare) 1932-33 2
Hinchingbrooke, Viscount (Alexander Victor Edward Paulet Montagu, later known as Victor Montagu) 1955 2 One letter is undated.
Hinton, Alistair 1978-79 3
Holbrooke, Joseph 1944 1
Holden, W. Undated 1
Holleyman & Treacher, Brighton 1963 1
Holliday, Frank 1965-74


To Erik Chisholm, Da Capo Press (Samuel Mitnick), Library of Congress (Mrs. M. G. McCannon), W. W. Norton (George Brockway)
Hope-Wallace, Philip 1929 1
Howard, Paul 1942-46

Ide, Frances C. 1940
Ikbal Ali Shah, Sirdar 1945 1
Incorporated Parsee Association of Europe, London (J. D. Moos) 1953 1 2 With reply by Sorabji at the end of one of the letters
Indy, Vincent d’ 1923 1
Innes, Ralph Hammond Unknown
Ireland, John 1926-53 8
Kaan, Marie Luise, and Norbert von Kaan zu Albert 1955 2
Karhoff-Tate, Judith 1983 1
Kay, R. H. 1973 1 1
Keun, Odette (author of Continental Stakes) 1945 1 Plus a letter to Madame Sorabji of 19 February [year unknown]
Khurody, Khursheed 1984-87 3 1
Kirby, James Undated [1986?] 1
Kitchener, F. Undated Dated 12 July
Kresz, Madame Géza de (Norah Drewett) 1925-29 1 1
Laires, Fernando 1980 1
Lamb, P. J. 1944 1 1
Lees, Aubrey (Ruggiero Secondo) 1954 5
Lioni, Frank 1977 1
Ley, Rosamond 1934 1
Library of Congress (Carl Engel) 1928-32 3 1
Library of Congress (Register of Copyrights) 1980 1
Liebermann, Lowell 1980-84 5 4
Lightly, Henry 1976-87 1 4
London Weekend Television (Derek Bailey) 1977 2 1
Lucas, Mr. 1949 1
Lucene, José de (counsellor to the Portugueuse Embassy in London) 1955 2
Ludovici, Anthony M. 1925-53 3
Mackenzie, Compton 1940-41 2
Macnab, John Angus 1949 1
Maddox, Jonathan 1988 1
Madge, Geoffrey Douglas 1980-88 6 2
Mairet, Philippe Auguste 1934 1
Marchesi, Blanche 1927-40 3
Martin, Norah Eileen Holt 1943 1
McNaught, William (The Musical Times) 1941 1
Medtner, Anna 1953 2
Medtner, Nicolas 1946 1
Menen, Aubrey 1959
Messein, Albert, Éditeur 1921-23 2
Minchen, Bruce 1957 1
Mitchell, Donald Unknown
Morland, Harold 1977-87 14 9
Muench, Franklyn 1981 1 With reply by Sorabji at the end of the letter
Nairn, Edward 1983-88 2
Newman, Ernest 1936-58 2 2
Newmarch, Rosa 1913 1
O’Cumman [?], R. W. 1944 1
Offord, Martin 1984 1 With reply by Sorabji at the bottom of the letter
Ogdon, John 1988 1 Dictated to Alistair Hinton
Osborne, Tony 1987 1
Osterreid, Ludmille 1919-21 4
Ostrovsky, H. 1917 Inscribed photograph
Oxford University Press (Alan Frank) 1974 1
Pearson, W. 1930 1
Percy Grainger Library, White Plains (Stewart R. Manville) 1980 1
Peterkin, Norman 1945-70 2 3
Petri, Egon 1932-57 8 4
Petrone, Carlo 1944
Podhragy, (Freiherr) Friedrich Leopold Salvator Popper von 1944 1
Pryce-Jones, Alan 1953 1
R.C.A. House, London (Robert Parker) 1977 1
Rapoport, Paul 1975-88 10 1
Richards, George 1934-41 14
Roberge, Marc-André 1983 1
Roberts, Gwyn 1987 1
Roberts [Schreuder-Roberts], Mrs. M. A. 1987 1
Romary Ltd., A., Biscuit Makers (Tunbridge Wells) 1952 1
Rower, Dinshaw D. 1934 1
Rowley, Alec 1931-33 2
Rudd, Harold A. D. 1930 2
Rutland, Harold 1954-77 2 7
Sacre du Printemps, Au (Jan Sliwiński) 1924 1
St. Hill, Katharine (founder of the London Cheirological Society) 1930 1
Saurat, Denis 1953-56 2
Schoenberg, Arnold 1921 1
Scholes, Percy Unknown
Scott, Francis George 1922-34 8
Sharp, Gabriel 1930 1
Shaw-Taylor, Desmond Unknown
Shervarshidze, Leonid 1973 1
Shillan, David Unknown
Sitwell, Edith 1923 1
Sitwell, Osbert 1955 1
Sitwell, Reresby 1969 1
Sitwell, Sacheverell 1921-79 11
Slonimsky, Nicolas 1933 3 One letter with a reply by “(Mme) M Sorabji”
Snow, Herbert 1922 1
Solomon, Yonty 1976-78 9 Plus one letter to Alan Frank (Oxford University Press) of 30 October 1974
Spawforth, Eleanor Mary Undated [1987?] 1
Spencer, Malcolm Undated 1
Spencer-Bentley, Clive 1977-84 21
Stephens, Augustus 1930 1
Stevens, Bernard 1943-51 6
Stevenson, Ronald 1958-86 61 2 One letter, one draft of a letter, and four greeting cards from RS.
Thomas, Alan G., Bookseller 1981-87 1
Thomson, A[lexander] Raven 1944 1
Van de Poel, Piet Hein M. (Nederlandse Omroep Stichting) 1982 1
Vicars, Mervyn 1952?-88 12 4 Includes a letter from Denise Vicars
Vizetti, Albert 1924 2
Walton, William 1928 1
Warnes, Cyril Alan 1957 1
Watson, Gordon 1955 1
Weeks, J. G. 1944 1
Westcott & Sons, J., London 1930 1
Williams, Brian David 1978 1
Winstanley, Harry 1982 1 1 With reply by Sorabji at the bottom of the letter
Wood, Henry J. 1921 1
Woodhouse, Violet Gordon Undated 1
Last modified: 2025-01-01
© Marc-André Roberge 2025
Sorabji Resource Site (SRS)
Faculté de musique, Université Laval, Québec

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