Sorabji Resource Site (SRS)

Published Essays and Open Letters

This page provides an extensive bibliography of Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji’s essays published under his own name and as part of collective books as well as his many open letters. The latter category is largely based on research carried out in the Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji Collection at McMaster University. This collection contains many items that Sorabji sent to his friend Frank Holliday for his amusement and enjoyment: clippings of published articles and carbon copies of open letters that he had sent to music journals, magazines, and newspapers, many of which could not be traced in print.

The list was supplemented by systematic browsing of serial publications in the Main Reading Room of the British Library and in the British Library Newspaper Collections (known until April 2014 as the Colindale Newspaper Library), among others. Alistair Hinton, who carried out a detailed search of The Catholic Herald in the mid-1990s, has made it possible to add a further group of entries. The list of articles from The Swanage Times was taken from the bibliography of Sean Vaughn Owen’s PhD dissertation, “Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji: An Oral Biography” (University of Southampton, 2006).

The list is divided into four categories:

Prior to my extensive research in Frank Holliday’s collection of Sorabjiana at McMaster University, it was not known that Sorabji had sent (rather than published, as many were probably rejected) so many open letters to a wide variety of music journals and non-musical publications. A full list of these publications, in the order in which Sorabji began to approach them, provides details of publication history, links with funding bodies, political affiliations, etc. An alphabetical list, with links to the relevant sections of the bibliography, is given below.

Entries on this page are arranged chronologically within an alphabetical list of publications. Music journals are listed first, followed by the non-musical ones. The items published in The New Age and The New English Weekly (230 and 342, respectively) can be found in Marc-André Roberge, An Annotated Bibliography of Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji’s Collected Published Writings (Bath: The Sorabji Archive, 1993), xiv, 141 pp., described elsewhere on this website and updated on this page. The items from the three other serial publications indexed in that volume — The Musical Times (66 items), The Chesterian (1), and The Sackbut (6) — are taken over without the annotations.

Sorabji was often involved in controversies that sometimes spanned several issues of a journal, especially Musical Opinion and The Musical Times. References to articles that prompted a reply by Sorabji and those that were sent in reaction to his comments are given as part of the references below, mainly for Musical Opinion. In such cases, his name appears in bold type to make it stand out. The same information for The Musical Times can be found in my above-mentioned compilation An Annotated Bibliography of Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji’s Collected Published Writings.

Copies of almost all of Sorabji’s published articles are available from the Sorabji Archive as a two-volume compilation.

This bibliography concludes with a list of open letters sent by Sorabji to various publications but whose publication could not be ascertained. Carbon copies of some of these are included in the correspondence with Ronald Stevenson, which can be found under Acc.11567 Ronald Stevenson Musicological correspondence (section 24), but the bulk of these copies were sent to Frank Holliday and can be found in the Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji Collection. References to the box/folder are given as {2/F.5}. It would be worth going through the whole collection again to make a truly systematic list of unpublished letters, and there is no guarantee that other letters were received by editors but thrown away.

Alphabetical List of Music Journals

Alphabetical List of Non-Musical Journals

Unpublished Letters

Books and Contributions to Edited Books

See a description of the full contents of Sorabji’s two books, Around Music and Mi contra fa, where data on previous editions and reprints of some of the articles will be found.

“Hindoo Music”. In Ralph Dunstan, ed., A Cyclopædic Dictionary of Music, 4th ed., 244. London: J. Curwen, 1925. Reprint, Da Capo Press Music Reprint Series. New York: Da Capo Press, 1973. {Internet Archive}

Around Music. London: The Unicorn Press, 1932. Reprint, Westport, Conn.: Hyperion Press, 1979. 250 pp. {Internet Archive; can be borrowed}

Mi contra fa: The Immoralisings of a Machiavellian Musician. London: Porcupine Press, 1947. Reprint, Da Capo Press, 1986. 247 pp. {Internet Archive; can be borrowed}

“The Validity of the Aristocratic Principle”. In Art and Thought, Issued in Honour of Dr. Ananda K. Coomaraswamy on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, ed. K. Bharatha Iyer, 214-18. London: Luzac & Company, 1947. {Internet Archive}

“The Greatness of Medtner”. In Nicolas Medtner (1879 [i.e. 1880]-1951): A Tribute to His Art and Personality, ed. Richard Holt, 122-32. London: Dennis Dobson, 1955.

“Shortform-Analysis of Opus Clavicembalisticum”. In booklets for the Altarus AIR-CD-9075(4) recording of Opus clavicembalisticum by John Ogdon (1989), 21-27, and its reissue as AIR-CD-9075(5), 28-36.

Music Journals

The Chesterian

“Oriental Influences in Contemporary Music”. The Chesterian n.s., 3 (December 1919): 83-86.  

The Gramophone

Letters not written by Sorabji, but in which his name is mentioned in passing, as well as reviews of recordings of his music, can be found in the Gramophone Archive (formerly a free service, but now by subscription).

“Correspondence: Airing a Grievance”. The Gramophone 2, no. 1 (June 1924): 27.

“Correspondence” [about loudspeakers]. The Gramophone 4, no. 2 (July 1926): 68.

“Correspondence: A Protest”. The Gramophone 4, no. 3 (August 1926): 113. See a reply by P.L. [Peter Latham on pp. 211-12; about Latham, see “Through Catharsis Comes Healing: Peter Latham (1894-1970)”, in Three Treasures: Rediscovering Treasures from the Deep, 1918 (undated, completed 2019), 107-11 (from the website The Flowers of War [Downer, ACT, Australia]; no longer available).

“Correspondence: Organs and Organ Music”.The Gramophone 5, no. 5 (October 1927): 211. In reply to P.L [Peter Latham], “Analytical Notes and First Reviews: Organ”, The Gramophone 5, no. 3 (August 1927): 101-2.

“Correspondence: Organs and Organ Music”. The Gramophone 5, no. 8 (January 1928): 353.

“Correspondence: Organs and Organ Music”. The Gramophone 5, no. 9 (February 1928): 398-99. See also replies from Clinton Gray-Fisk on p. 398 and P.L. [Peter Latham] on pp. 398-99 (with editorial note: “The guillotine must now drop.—Ed.)”.

“Correspondence: Singing”. The Gramophone 6, no. 68 (January 1929): 378. Written in reply to Herman Klein, “Operatic and Foreign Songs: Eva Turner”, The Gramophone 6, no. 66 (November 1928): 241. See a reply to Sorabji from Cecelia [sic?] Boehmert, “Correspondence: Celestina Boninsegna”, The Gramophone 6, no. 69 (February 1929): 422, whose letter is printed immediately before his, and in which she objects to his placing Eva Turner in the same category as Celestina Boninsegna.

“Correspondence: Singing”. The Gramophone 6, no. 69 (February 1929): 422. Refers in a postscript to Richard Holt, “The Genius of Rachmaninov”, The Gramophone 6, no. 69 (January 1929): 352-54; the letter is mentioned by the editor in “Trade Winds and Idle Zephyrs”, The Gramophone 6, no. 71 (March 1929): 456-57 (in section “Rachmaninov” on p. 457).

“Italian Tenors”. The Gramophone (April 1929): 513. Written in reply to Hermann Klein, “The Gramophone and the Singer: A Carmen Album and Other Topics” [part of a series], The Gramophone 6, no. 69 (February 1929): 385-87; 386, on the “vices on Italian singing”. Quoted in an editorial paragraph.

“Correspondence: Schumann’s Orchestration”. The Gramophone 7, no. 73 (June 1929): 47 (with editorial note: “We regret that for reasons of space the rest of Mr. Sorabji’s letter is omitted.—London Ed.”). See a mention at the start of Our Technical Adviser, “Technical Talk”, The Gramophone 7, no. 72 (July 1929): 89 (“Those readers who examined the table in my notes last month must have been somewhat bewilderd after Mr. Sorabji’s handsome tribute to mathematicians.”).

“Correspondence” [about Busoni]. The Gramophone 8, no. 87 (August 1930): 164 (with editorial note: “This interesting and spacious topic must now be guillotined—Ed.)”. The preceding items, under the title of “Godowsky and Others”, are letters from D. C. Levy (p. 162), R. S. Abbott (p. 162), and Clinton Gray-Fisk (p. 163, covering the full two columns) in which Sorabji is mentioned.

“Correspondence: Rhythmic Music”. The Gramophone 9, no. 105 (February 1932): 409. See a reply from Herbert Roberts, “Correspondence: Rhythmic Music”, The Gramophone 9, no. 106 (March 1932): 457 (with editorial note: “Many readers have answered in similar strain”), and Sorabji’s reply to Roberts, “Correspondence: Rhythmic Music”, The Gramophone 9, no. 107 (April 1932): 505. See also letters from Clinton Gray-Fisk and Herbert Roberts, “Correspondence: ‘Rhythmic Music’ (?)”, The Gramophone 9, no. 108 (May 1932): 554. See also B. A. Young, “Correspondence”, The Gramophone 10, no. 109 (June 1932): 50 •(with editorial note: “Several other letters expressing similar views have been received”). In a letter to Erik Chisholm, 24 January 1932, 13 (section dated 4 March), Sorabji spoke of “another wordy warfare”.

“Correspondence: ‘Softly Awakes My Heart’”. The Gramophone 12, no. 133 (June 1934): 39. See a reply from P.G.H., “Collector’s Corner”, The Gramophone 12, no. 135 (August 1934): 118-20; 118.

“Correspondence: The Acoustic Gramophone”. The Gramophone 13, no. 145 (June 1935): 41 (signature misread as “Kaikhosru Shaporyi Sorabji”).

“Correspondence: The Elder of the Pianists”. The Gramophone 15, no. 180 (May 1938): 545. Second of three letters under this title, the others being by Richard Holt (p. 545) and Clinton Gray-Fisk (pp. 545-46, in which Sorabji is mentioned).

“Editorial: Needles”. The Gramophone 18, no. 209 (October 1940): 103. Sorabji’s letter is printed as part of this article by the editor, Compton Mackenzie, in which he expands on his “Correspondence: Needles”, The Gramophone 18, no. 208 (September 1940): 78-79, which in turn refers to his “Editorial”, The Gramophone 18, no. 207 (August 1940): 51. Mackenzie, “In Turn Table Talk: W.R.A.”, The Gramophone 18, no. 210 (November 1940): 133, wrote that W.R.A. (William Robert Anderson [1891-1979], who wrote the column “Round and About with W.R.A.”) and Mrs. Anderson “suffered shock and bruises in a motorcoach accident”, but that the former “was soon well enough to write and say that he had no wish to take up the glove dropped by Mr. Sorabji, last month”, referring to the September article.

“G.W. and Rachmaninov”. The Gramophone 19, no. 218 (July 1941): 39. Written in reply to G.W., “Deletions from the H.M.V. Catalogue”, The Gramophone 19, no. 217 (June 1941): 5-7.

“Correspondence: Neglected Mary Garden”. The Gramophone 20, no. 237 (February 1943): 134-35.

“Correspondence: ‘Mr. Elie Siegmeister Notwithstanding’”. The Gramophone 22, no. 253 (June 1944): 14.

“Correspondence: Bruckner and Mahler”. The Gramophone 27, no. 323 (April 1950): 211-12. Appears to be in reply to R. W. Baker, “Bruckner and Mahler”, The Gramophone 27, no. 319 (December 1949): 118-19, and no. 320 (January 1950): 141-42. Followed by a reply from Baker (p. 212) mentioning Sorabji.

MILO [Magazine of the Imperial League of Opera]

“Some Animadversions on Singing in General and Operatic in Particular”. MILO [Magazine of the Imperial League of Opera] 1, no. 1 (October 1929): 19-22.

Monthly Musical Record

“Correspondence: [About Michel-Dmitri Calvocoressi’s treatment of Scriabine in his article “On Mr. Leo Ornstein”, The Monthly Musical Record 44, no. 521 (1 May 1914): 118-19]”. The Monthly Musical Record 44, no. 522 (1 June 1914): 163.

“Correspondence”. The Monthly Musical Record 46, no. 552 (1 December 1916): 320. Reply to C. D. Graham, “Artistic Anarchy and the War”, The Monthly Musical Record 46, no. 551 (1 November 1916): 287-88; Sorabji’s letter is followed on the same page by Graham’s reply.

“Mahler’s Eighth Symphony”. Monthly Musical Record 60, no. 714 (2 June 1930): 169-70 (consists of two articles on the same subject: the first one by Cecil Gray, the second by Sorabji).

Music Journal (Leeds)

Letter dated 1 April 1972 (negative opinion of the German Lied). Music Journal, July 1972: 38 {3/F.3}.

The Music Student

“The Cyril Scott Piano Concerto”. The Music Student 10, no. 4 (December 1917): 142.

Music and Letters

“General Notes”. Music and Letters 8, no. 1 (January 1927): 99. About Halsey Ricardo, “The Recent Performance of Der Ring des Nibelungen” [at Covent Garden], Music and Letters 7, no. 4 (October 1926): 368-73.

Music and Musicians

“cri de Corfe”. Music and Musicians 21, no. 1 (September 1972): 5.

“Letters: Royalty Rates”. Music and Musicians (1978).

Musical America

“Musical America’s Open Forum: Vladimir de Pachmann—and How He Strikes Some Younger Contemporaries”. Musical America 39, no. 1 (27 October 1923): 10. Letter dated 10 October 1923, in reply to “Mephisto’s Musings”, Musical America 38, no. 21 (15 September 1923): 7.

Musical America’s Open Forum: In Defence of London Music”. Musical America 25, no. 3 (12 November 1921): 26. See also “Occasional Notes”, The Musical Times 63, no. 947 (1 January 1922): 28-29, which summarizes the letter.

Musical Courier: Weekly Review of the World’s Music

“Sorabji’s Answer”. Musical Courier 89, no. 25 (18 December 1924): 30.

Musical Mirror and Fanfare

“Editor’s Letter Box: Prestige of Roman Musical Art”. Musical Mirror and Fanfare 9, no. 8 (1931): 235.

“Mahler and English Audiences”. Musical Mirror and Fanfare 12 (1932): 85-87.

“The Editor’s Letter Box: A Letter of Appreciation”. Musical Mirror and Fanfare 12, no. 5 (May-June 1932): 124-25.

Musical News and Herald

“Letters to the Editor: Music in India”. Musical News and Herald 64, no. 1624 (12 May 1923): 478. Written in reply to “Music in India”, Musical News and Herald 64, no. 1623 (5 May 1923): 434, which reproduced an article by C. T. Cornfield, “The Music of India”, Musical Courier of 10 April 1923.

“Correspondence: Modern Italian Music”. Musical News and Herald 65, no. 1644 (29 September 1923): 261. Prompted a reply by Gerald E. H. Abraham, “Correspondence: Modern Italian Music”, Musical News and Herald 65, no. 1645 (6 October 1923): 294.

“Correspondence: Mme. Lily Payling”. Musical News and Herald 46, no. 1659 (12 January 1924): 46.

“Correspondence: The Opera Question”. Musical News and Herald 46, no. 1665 (23 February 1924): 189 (preceded by “Comments: The Opera Question” on p. 177).

“Correspondence: The Opera Question”. Musical News and Herald 46, no. 1666 (1 March 1924): 213 (refers to the preceding item).

“Towards a New Piano”. Musical News and Herald 47, no. 1694 (13 September 1924): 216-17.

“The Forum: Galli-Curci Mania”. Musical News and Herald 48, no. 1711 (10 January 1925): 32-33.

“The Piano Concerto in Contemporary Music”. Musical News and Herald 48, no. 1733 (13 June 1925): 562-64. Several sentences are quoted in Helen Fetter, “Music”, The Sunday Evening Star (Washington), 26 July 1925, pt. 3, p. 4, prefaced by a paragraph referring to the “Hindu musician in London, who is said to be the composer of some extraordinary music” and has “relieved his mind of some propaganda for the piano concerto”.

Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review

“The Modernists”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 43, no. 516 (September 1920): 948.

“Correspondence: Mr. Sorabji and Mr. Newman”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 44, no. 518 (November 1920): 134-35. Followed by Newman’s reply on p. 135; refers to Ernest Newman, “An Advisory Board for the Manuscript Composer”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 44, no. 517 (October 1920): 49-50. For a related article preceding Sorabji’s first letter, see “Schaunard”, “Stray Musings”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 43, no. 515 (August 1920): 851-52. See also A. Eaglefield-Hull, “Wanted: An Advisory Board for Composers”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 44, no. 517 (October 1920): 55-56; and Edwin Evans, “Correspondence: Mr. Sorabji and Mr. Newman”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 44, no. 519 (December 1920): 226.

“[Correspondence]: Who is Anglo-Indian?” Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 46, no. 543 (December 1922): 243. Written in reply to A. Eaglefield-Hull, “Atonality”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 46, no. 542 (November 1922): 146-47.

“Letters to the Editor: ‘The Immortal Hour’”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 47, no. 563 (August 1924): 1085. Written in reply to Eric H. Thiman, “Letters to the Editor: ‘The Immortal Hour’”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 47, no. 562 (July 1924): 992. See also the replies of Eric H. Thiman and Anthony Bernard, “Letters to the Editor: ‘The Immortal Hour’”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 47, no. 564 (September 1924): 1186.

“Letters to the Editor: ‘The Immortal Hour’”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 48, no. 565 (October 1924): 42 (together with a letter on the same topic by Herbert S. Brown). See also letters by Clinton Gray-Fisk and Eric H. Thiman, “Letters to the Editor: ‘The Immortal Hour’”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 48, no. 566 (November 1924): 166-67, 167.

“Sorabji’s Organ Symphony”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 51, no. 608 (May 1928): 813. Refers to Sinjon Wood [Christopher à Becket Williams], “Charivaria”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 51, no. 607 (April 1928): 689-90. See also Sinjon Wood [Christopher à Becket Williams], “Charivaria”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 51, no. 610 (July 1928): 975-76; and Clinton Gray-Fisk, “Letters to the Editor: Sorabji’s Organ Symphony”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 51, no. 612 (September 1928): 1194 (who criticizes Sinjon Wood).

“Sorabji’s Organ Symphony”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 52, no. 613 (October 1928): 57.

No letters or articles seem to have been published between November 1928 and January 1943.

“The Way of the Virtuoso”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 66, no. 785 (February 1943): 150-51.

“Letters to the Editor: Szymanowsky’s [sic] Concerto”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 66, no. 788 (May 1943): 272.

“Letters to the Editor: Szymanowsky’s [sic] Concerto”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 66, no. 791 (August 1943): 372.

“Letters to the Editor: ‘Miracle of the Gorbals’”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 70, no. 839 (August 1947): 378. See the reply from Reginald Hunt, “Letters to the Editor: Francis George Scott”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 70, no. 840 (September 1947): 414.

“Letters to the Editor: ‘The Song of the High Hills’”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 71, no. 845 (February 1948): 184.

“Letters to the Editor: Delius as a Composer”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 71, no. 850 (July 1948): 416 (in reply to a letter from G. Wheatley). See the reply from G. Wheatley, “Letters to the Editor: Delius as a Composer”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 71, no. 851 (August 1948): 460.

“Letters to the Editor: Musical Criticism”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 74, no. 880 (January 1951): 165.

“Letters to the Editor: Max Reger”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 75, no. 884 (May 1951): 77, 79. See replies by Denis Pownall, “Letters to the Editor: Max Reger”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 77, no. 885 (June 1951): 457, 459; “Letters to the Editor: Max Reger”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 77, no. 888 (September 1951): 633.

“Letters to the Editor: Concert Manners”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 74, no. 886 (July 1951): 541, 543. Original typescript under the title “How to Behave in the Royal Festival Hall”.

“Letters to the Editor” [reply to Mr. Pownall]. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 74, no. 887 (August 1951): 575-76.

“E. Emlyn Davies: A Personal Tribute”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 74, no. 888 (September 1951): 673 (section “The Organ World”).

“Letters to the Editor: Reger”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 75, no. 890 (November 1951): 77, 79.

“Letters to the Editor: Was Delius British?” Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 75, no. 893 (February 1952): 297. There are two letters on this topic: the first one by Clinton Gray-Fisk, the second one by Sorabji.

“Letters to the Editor: Atmospheric Music”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 75, no. 894 (March 1952): 361.

“Letters to the Editor: ‘Wozzeck’”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 75, no. 895 (April 1952): 423.

“Joy McArden: An Appreciation”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 75, no. 898 (July 1952): 615.

“Letters to the Editor: Mr. Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji writes”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 76, no. 902 (November 1952): 117, 119.

“Letters to the Editor: Mr. Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji writes”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 76, no. 906 (March 1953): 373 (section “The Organ World”). See the reply from John Holmes, “Letters to the Editor: Max Reger”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 76, no. 908 (May 1953): 461.

“Letters to the Editor: African Music”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 76, no. 908 (May 1953): 461. See the reply from Cosmo S. Grant, “African Music”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 76, no. 909 (June 1953): 527.

“Letters to the Editor: Reger”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 76, no. 909 (June 1953): 525, 527.

“Letters to the Editor: Musical Appreciation”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 77, no. 914 (November 1953): 79.

“Letters to the Editor: Musical Appreciation”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 77, no. 916 (January 1954): 203.

“Letters to the Editor: Musical Appreciation”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 77, no. 917 (February 1954): 269.

“Letters to the Editor: ‘The Revolt of the Masses’”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 77, no. 917 (March 1954): 337.

“Letters to the Editor: The Silly Season”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 78, no. 926 (November 1954): 77, 79.

“Letters to the Editor: Musique concrète”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 78, no. 927 (December 1954): 143.

“Letters to the Editor: Mr. Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji writes”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 78, no. 930 (March 1955): 373 (section “The Organ World”).

“Letters to the Editor: Verdi’s Requiem”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 78, no. 931 (April 1955): 397, 399. See the reply from J. Beaumont Percival, “Letters to the Editor: Music and Climate”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 78, no. 933 (June 1955): 527.

“Letters to the Editor: East and West”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 78, no. 934 (July 1955): 589. See the reply from J. Beaumont Percival, “Letters to the Editor: East and West”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 78, no. 935 (August 1955): 654.

“Letters to the Editor: A Final Word”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 79, no. 939 (December 1955): 141, 143.

“Letters to the Editor: Copyright”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 80, no. 952 (January 1957): 205.

“Letters to the Editor: Finis coronat opus”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 80, no. 954 (March 1957): 333. Refers to C. A. Warnes, “Letters to the Editor: Bax Sonata No. 2”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 80, no. 953 (February 1957): 271; the same page also features a letter by Clinton Gray-Fisk (“Cyril Scott”) in which Sorabji is quoted.

“Letters to the Editor: [Foreign Conductors]”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 81, no. 964 (January 1958): 237, 239.

“Letters to the Editor: Critics on the Air”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 81, no. 966 (March 1958): 373. See the reply from J. Beaumont Percival, “Letters to the Editor: Critics on the Air”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 81, no. 968 (May 1958): 511. See also the reply to Percival from Mervyn Vicars, “Letters to the Editor: Critics on the Air”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 81, no. 969 (June 1958): 573; reply from Percival to Vicars, “Letters to the Editor: Semantics”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 81, no. 970 (July 1958): 639, and reply from Sorabji, “Letters to the Editor: More Semantics”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 81, no. 970 (July 1958): 639, which includes the editorial statement: “This correspondence, having lost all relevance to music, must now cease.”

“Letters to the Editor: Memory-Playing and Encores”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 81, no. 967 (April 1958): 445. See the reply from Kathleen Salkeld, “Letters to the Editor: Encore la politesse!”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 81, no. 969 (June 1958): 573.

“Letters to the Editor: Rachmaninov”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 81, no. 968 (May 1958): 509.

“Letters to the Editor: More Semantics”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 81, no. 970 (July 1958): 639.

“Letters to the Editor: Rachmaninov”. Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 81, no. 972 (September 1958): 763. See also Clinton Gray-Fisk, “Letters to the Editor: Rachmaninoff”, Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review 82, no. 973 (October 1958): 11.

The Musical Standard: A Newspaper for Musicians, Professional and Amateur

Letter to The Musical Standard (late September 1912?), apparently in reply to S.O.G., “What is Cacophony?”, 28 September 1912, in reaction to Philip Heseltine, “Arnold Schönberg”, 21 September 1912 (pp. 176-78). Summarized in letter to Philip Heseltine, late February 1914.

“Our Letter-Box: Chaikovski”. The Musical Standard 3, no. 56 (24 January 1914): 93.

“Our Letter-Box: Scriabin”. The Musical Standard 3, no. 58 (7 February 1914): 141.

“To the Editor” [Against Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto]. The Musical Standard 3, no. 63 (14 March 1914): 261.

“Our Letter-Box: Mr. Leigh Henry and Chopin”. The Musical Standard 3, no. 69 (25 April 1914): 401. Refers to Leigh Henry, “Drama in Music: The Works of Alexander Scriabin”, The Musical Standard 3, no. 67 (11 April 1914): 339-40. See also the reply from Leigh Henry, “Our Letter-Box: Drama in Music”, The Musical Standard 3, no. 71 (9 May 1914): 449.

“Our Letter-Box: Futurist Music”. The Musical Standard 3, no. 72 (16 May 1914): 473.

“To the Editor” [Reply to Leigh Henry]. The Musical Standard 3, no. 75 (6 June 1914): 545. Sorabji’s letter is preceded by a long letter by Leigh Henry titled “Mr. Leigh Henry Again”, pp. 544-45.

“Musical Lumber”. The Musical Standard 5, no. 113 (27 February 1915): 151. {This appears to have been Sorabji’s first article on music.}

“Trois Poemes [sic] de Stephane [sic] Mallarme [sic]: For Voice, String Quartet, Two Flutes, Two Clarinets and Pianoforte by Maurice Ravel”. The Musical Standard 5, no. 115 (13 March 1915): 196-97.

“Our Letter-Box” [About music publishing]. The Musical Standard 6, no. 131 (3 July 1915): 17. Refers to C. N., “British Music and the Publishing of It: I. A Few Casual Reflections”, The Musical Standard 5, no. 128 (12 June 1915): 455-56; and “British Music and the Publishing of It: II”, The Musical Standard 5, no. 129 (19 June 1915): 471-72.

“Our Letter-Box: M. Moiseiwitsch’s Costume”. The Musical Standard 8, no. 191 (26 August 1916): 160.

“Our Letter-Box” [Reply to Christopher à Becket Williams who made “the extraordinary statement that Hungarian music to-day ‘non est’”]. The Musical Standard 9, no. 235 (30 June 1917): 439.

“Our Letter-Box” [Reply to a certain Mr. Williams]. The Musical Standard 9, no. 237 (14 July 1917): 33.

“Our Letter-Box: French Music”. The Musical Standard 10, no. 251 (20 October 1917): 264.

“Our Letter-Box” [About occultism]. The Musical Standard 10, no. 253 (3 November 1917): 298. Refers to “Notes and Comments: On Mystery”, The Musical Standard 10, no. 252 (27 October 1917): 271.

“Maud Allan and the Classical Dance”. The Musical Standard 10, no. 255 (17 November 1917): 332.

“Our Letter-Box” [About Delius and Goosens]. The Musical Standard 10, no. 259 (15 December 1917): 401. Refers to a letter by Christopher à Becket Williams, The Musical Standard 10, no. 258 (8 December 1917): 385.

“Our Letter-Box: The Advent of Asia in Music”. The Musical Standard 11, no. 266 (2 February 1918): 81. Written in reply to D. C. Parker, “The Advent of Music in Asia”, The Musical Standard 11, no. 265 (25 January 1918): 56-58.

“Our Letter-Box: For Art’s Sake”. The Musical Standard 11, no. 276 (13 April 1918): 246. Written in reply to “Notes and Comments: For Art’s Sake”, The Musical Standard 11, no. 275 (6 April 1918): 222.

The Musical Times

“Correspondence: ‘The Melodic Poverty of Modern Music’”. The Musical Times 57, no. 881 (1 July 1916): 332.

“Correspondence: ‘The Melodic Poverty of Modern Music’”. The Musical Times 57, no. 883 (1 September 1916): 409-10.

“Letters to the Editor: The Small Orchestra”. The Musical Times 59, no. 910 (1 December 1918): 553.

“Letters to the Editor: Sanskrit Literature”. The Musical Times 60, no. 992 (1 December 1919): 698.

“Letters to the Editor: The Sackbut, Etc.” The Musical Times 62, no. 937 (1 March 1921): 189-90.

“Letters to the Editor: The Sackbut, Etc.” The Musical Times 62, no. 938 (1 April 1921): 279.

“Letters to the Editor: The Sackbut, Etc.” The Musical Times 62, no. 939 (1 May 1921): 357.

Occasional Notes”. The Musical Times 63, no. 947 (1 January 1922): 28-29. Summarizes “Musical America’s Open Forum: In Defence of London Music”, Musical America 25, no. 3 (12 November 1921): 26.

“Letters to the Editor: The Ballad in America”. The Musical Times 63, no. 951 (1 May 1922): 352.

“Letters to the Editor: ‘The Ballad in America’”. The Musical Times 63, no. 953 (1 July 1922): 510.

“Letters to the Editor: The Case of Vierne: Some Parallels”. The Musical Times 64, no. 962 (1 April 1923): 271.

“Letters to the Editor: Inflated Orchestras”. The Musical Times 64, no. 963 (1 May 1923): 347.

“On Neglected Works”. The Musical Times 65, no. 972 (1 February 1924): 127-29.

“Letters to the Editor: The Vienna State Opera Company, Etc.” The Musical Times 65, no. 973 (1 March 1924): 252.]

“Letters to the Editor: ‘Recovery of the Lost Voice’”. The Musical Times 65, no. 976 (1 June 1924): 543.

“Letters to the Editor: Gramophone Records: English and Foreign Catalogues”. The Musical Times 66, no. 986 (1 April 1925): 348.

“Some Ideas on the Concert Problem”. The Musical Times 66, no. 987 (1 May 1925): 414-16.

“Letters to the Editor: H.J.K. and H.K.: An Apology—And a Glance at Some American Ethics”. The Musical Times 66, no. 988 (1 June 1925): 540.

“Letters to the Editor: A Disclaimer”. The Musical Times 66, no. 994 (1 December 1925): 1121.

“Letters to the Editor: The Position of Opera”. The Musical Times 67, no. 1002 (1 August 1926): 733.

“Letters to the Editor: Disingenuous Journalism”. The Musical Times 67, no. 1006 (1 December 1926): 1117.

“Letters to the Editor: Demands on Technique”. The Musical Times 68, no. 1016 (1 October 1927): 929.

“Letters to the Editor: Mahler, Reger, and Alkan”. The Musical Times 69, no. 1020 (1 February 1928): 159.

“Letters to the Editor: ‘Le jardin parfumé’”. The Musical Times 69, no. 1030 (1 December 1928): 1120.

“Letters to the Editor: Battistini”. The Musical Times 70, no. 1032 (1 February 1929): 155.

“Letters to the Editor: Organ Recitals and the Press”. The Musical Times 70, no. 1036 (1 June 1929): 540.

“Letters to the Editor: Organ Recitals and the Press”. The Musical Times 70, no. 1038 (1 August 1929): 740.

“Letters to the Editor: Jeritza and Gerhardt”. The Musical Times 70, no. 1042 (1 December 1929): 1119.

“Letters to the Editor: Connoisseurs Will Laugh”. The Musical Times 71, no. 1048 (1 June 1930): 546.

“Letters to the Editor: The Dolmetsch Foundation”. The Musical Times 71, no. 1049 (1 July 1930): 636.

“Letters to the Editor: The Mason and Hamlin Pianoforte”. The Musical Times 71, no. 1050 (1 August 1930): 739.

“Letters to the Editor: Concerts of Contemporary Music at Glasgow”. The Musical Times 71, no. 1051 (1 September 1930): 837.

“Letters to the Editor: The Elgar Protest”. The Musical Times 72, no. 1059 (1 May 1931): 444.

“Letters to the Editor: Alban Berg Is Not Alarming”. The Musical Times 72, no. 1065 (1 November 1931): 1026. Produced replys by Herbert W. Fisher, “Alban Berg”, The Musical Times 72, no. 1066 (1 December 1931): 1125-26, and Sorabji, “Letters to the Editor: Alban Berg”, The Musical Times 73, no. 1067 (1 January 1932): 62. Sorabji received “as an attempted rejoinder to my second letter which they did not publish” an “epistle”, which he reproduced together with his reply (both in full) in a letter to Erik Chisholm, 24 January 1932, 12 (section dated 4 March). He also mentions that he received a reply that he returned unopened with a note saying he did not wish to continue the discussion, which in turn prompted a short reply.

“Letters to the Editor: Democracy and Music”. The Musical Times 75, no. 1102 (December 1934): 1120.

“Letters to the Editor: Indian Music: Mild Reproof”. The Musical Times 77, no. 1126 (December 1936): 1118-19.

“Letters to the Editor: A Disclaimer”. The Musical Times 78, no. 1127 (January 1937): 60.

“Letters to the Editor: Indian Music”. The Musical Times 78, no. 1129 (March 1937): 258.

“Music in Italy To-day: Reflections from Rome”. The Musical Times 78, no. 1132 (June 1937): 501-2.

“Letters to the Editor: The Sostenuto Pedal”. The Musical Times 81, no. 1163 (January 1940): 33.

“Letters to the Editor: Rachmaninov’s Piano Concertos”. The Musical Times 82, no. 1178 (April 1941): 156. This letter is not by Sorabji, but contains quotations by the editor from a unpublished open letter. See full references to the controversy in An Annotated Bibliography of Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji’s Collected Published Writings (entry no. 614).

“Letters to the Editor: The Sins of the B.B.C.” The Musical Times 87, no. 1246 (December 1946): 376.

“Letters to the Editor: Toward the Heart of Music”. The Musical Times 91, no. 1283 (February 1950): 66.

“Letters to the Editor: ‘Wozzeck’”. The Musical Times 93, no. 1313 (July 1952): 322.

“Letters to the Editor: A Disclaimer”. The Musical Times 95, no. 1332 (February 1954): 90.

“Letters to the Editor: Two Points of View”. The Musical Times 95, no. 1333 (March 1954): 142.

“Letters to the Editor: Cassandra Speaks”. The Musical Times 96, no. 1344 (February 1955): 89-90.

“Letters to the Editor: ‘... Totidemque vaccae’?”. The Musical Times 96, no. 1346 (April 1955): 208.

“Letters to the Editor: The Golden Past”. The Musical Times 96, no. 1349 (July 1955): 376.

“Letters to the Editor: Becket Williams and Scriabin”. The Musical Times 98, no. 1369 (March 1957): 152-53.

“Letters to the Editor: The Third and the Light”. The Musical Times 98, no. 1372 (June 1957): 330.

“Letters to the Editor: Recitals by Opera Singers”. The Musical Times 98, no. 1374 (August 1957): 437.

“Broadcast Music”. The Musical Times 98, no. 1378 (December 1957): 668-69.

“Letters to the Editor: Coughers at Concerts”. The Musical Times 98, no. 1378 (December 1957): 678.

“[Letters to the Editor:] Broadcast Music”. The Musical Times 99, no. 1379 (January 1958): 25.

“Broadcast Music”. The Musical Times 99, no. 1383 (May 1958): 258.

“Letters to the Editor: Orpheus Today”. The Musical Times 99, no. 1385 (July 1958): 375.

“Letters to the Editor: The Dissection of Music”. The Musical Times 99, no. 1387 (September 1958): 490.

“Letters to the Editor: Cuts in Tchaikovsky”. The Musical Times 99, no. 1389 (November 1958): 612.

“Letters to the Editor: Francis George Scott”. The Musical Times 100, no. 1393 (March 1959): 147.

“Letters to the Editor: A ‘Decrepit’ Piano for Chopin”. The Musical Times 101, no. 1407 (May 1960): 310.

“Letters to the Editor: ‘The Critics’”. The Musical Times 101, no. 1411 (September 1960): 567.

“Obituary: Clinton Gray-Fisk”. The Musical Times 102, no. 1421 (June 1961): 445.

“Letters to the Editor: Acquired Taste”. The Musical Times 105, no. 1459 (September 1964): 664.

“Letters to the Editor: Alkan”. The Musical Times 106, no. 1472 (October 1965): 777.

The Rotunda: A Journal of Artistic Organ Building and Musical Progress

“Modern Composers and the Organ”. The Rotunda 3, no. 3 (September 1930): 37-41. Repr. as “Kaikhosru Sorabji on Reger’s Organ Works”, Music (Official Journal of the American Guild of Organists and the Royal Canadian College of Organists) 12, no. 6 (June 1978): 41-42. See Alec Rowley, “Give the Composer a Chance”, Musical Opinion and Musical Trade Review 54, no. 643 (April 1931): 623.

Review of G. D. [George Dorrington] Cunningham’s opening recital given on 7 December 1929, originally published in The New Age on 26 December 1929, repr. as part of G. D. Cunningham, “An Impression of the Alexandra Palace Organ as Restored, Electrified and Modernised”, The Rotunda 3, no. 2 (March 1930): 10-11, 14; 11, 14.

The Sackbut: A Musical Review

“Of Singers”. The Sackbut 1, no. 1 (May 1920): 19-22. See Martyn Owen, “Correspondence: Mattia Battistini”, The Gramophone 70, no. 829 (June 1992): 6, who quotes from, and summarizes, this article by “the great hatchet man of music”.

“‘Ille Reporter’”. The Sackbut 1, no. 2 (June 1920): 53-56; 55-56.

“Modern Piano Technique”. The Sackbut 1, no. 3 (July 1920): 116-23.

“Letters to the Editor”. The Sackbut 1, no. 3 (July 1920): 128.

“Contingencies: Busoni”. The Sackbut 1, no. 9 (March 1921): 417-18.

“The Beecham Scheme and Our ‘Music Lovers’”. The Sackbut 9, no. 7 (February 1929): 236-37.

The Scottish Musical Journal

“Simplicity from Around Music: XII. — Of Simplicity”. The Scottish Musical Journal 12, no. 2 (December 1930): 28-29. Reprint of chapter 12 of Around Music.

Non-Musical Journals

Candour: The British Views-Letter (To serve as a link between Britons all over the world in protest against the surrender of their heritage)

“The Charlatans of Congress”. Candour 3, nos. 92/93 (29 July and 5 August 1955): 15-16.

“‘Air Space’ Surprise?” [About Zionist pretensions in Palestine]. Candour 4, no. 118 (27 January 1956): 35.

“Despotic Democracy” [About the article “All Aboard for Alaska” by the G. K. Chesterton expert Aidan Mackey]. Candour 4, no. 133 (11 May 1956): 154.

Letter dated 28 February 1958 about being a Parsi. Candour, ?

Catholic Herald

[Unknown title]. Catholic Herald, n.d. Followed by a letter by Frank Holliday.

“Machine Guns on Cathedral!” Catholic Herald, 21 May 1943: 2.

“Italy”. Catholic Herald, 25 February 1944: 2.

“Soldier’s Report on India”. Catholic Herald, 19 May 1944 [name printed as “Kaikhasra Shaparji Sorabyi”].

“In Defence of the Pope”. Catholic Herald, 22 September 1944.

“The Treatment of Italy”. Catholic Herald, [date unknown].

“Christianity in India”. Catholic Herald, [date unknown].

“Lest We Forget: Statemen’s Record”. Catholic Herald, [date unknown].

“Taste for Opera”. Catholic Herald [?], undated (late 1952 or 1953).

“Christianity and Homosexuality”. Catholic Herald, 26 January 1954.

“Transcendental Polyphony”. Catholic Herald, 5 March 1954: 2.

“Paper Curtain”. Catholic Herald, 16 July 1954: 2.

“The Bel Canto Discipline”. Catholic Herald, 6 August 1954: 2.

“Studying the Hands”. Catholic Herald, 4 February 1955: 2.

“Colour Bar and Caste System”. Catholic Herald, 22 April 1955: 2.

“Moral Masochism”. Catholic Herald, 20 January 1956: 2.

“Case against Makarios”. Catholic Herald, 13 April 1956: 2.

“Archbishop Makarios”. Catholic Herald, 27 April 1956.

“The Bible in Spain”. Catholic Herald, 15 June 1956.

“National Sovereignty”. Catholic Herald, 3 May 1957: 2 (name printed as “Kaikhosru Shkapurji Sorabji”). The magazine published a letter by Frank Holliday under the same topic.

“Cassino Bombing: Whence the Order?” Catholic Herald, 11 October 1957: 2.

“Two Political Measures”. Catholic Herald, 15 November 1957: 2.

“Jews and Arabs”. Catholic Herald, 10 January 1958.

“Background Music”. Catholic Herald, 26 September 1958: 2.

“Democratic Disaster”. Catholic Herald, 2 January 1959: 2.

“An Ancient Creed”. Catholic Herald, 6 February 1959: 2.

“Composers and Poppycock” [About Mahler]. Catholic Herald, 10 April 1959: 2.

“The Fame of Delius”. Catholic Herald, 5 February 1960: 2.

Letter dated 20 March 1960. Catholic Herald {2/F.1}.

“Instructions on M.R.A.” Catholic Herald, 22 April 1960: 2.

“More Selective Sympathy Needed”. Catholic Herald, 2 September 1960.

“Tibet”. Catholic Herald, 2 September 1960 [?] {8/F.10}.

“Origins of the Two World Wars”. Catholic Herald, 14 July 1961: 2.

“[Portugal and Angola]”. Catholic Herald, 23 August 1961: 2. Copy in the correspondence with Ronald Stevenson.

“Goa: Twofold Motive”. Catholic Herald, 5 January 1962.

“Edinburgh Dishonour”. Catholic Herald, 14 September 1962: 2.

“Imitative Music”. Catholic Herald, 12 October 1962: 2.

The Catholic Times

“The Banks and Money”. The Catholic Times, [date unknown].

Daily Telegraph

“Music of the Day: The Viennese Project”. Daily Telegraph, 2 February 1924: 4.

[Plea for Mahler’s symphonies]. Daily Telegraph, 1925 or 1926.

“Popular Democracy”. Daily Telegraph, 7 June 1955.

Letter dated 27 May 1961 [about Joan Sutherland refusing to submit to the drill-sergeant methods of a conductor]. In correspondence with Ronald Stevenson.

“John Ireland’s Will”. Daily Telegraph, 20 September 1962.

“Pop Music” [If there’s no meaning to it, said the King...]. Daily Telegraph, 5 October 1971.

Letter dated 2 June 1972 about the theory of residuals by the Italian sociologist and economist Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923). Daily Telegraph.

The Distributist

“[The public loudspeakers of The Establishment...]”. The Distributist 6, no. 2 (Summer 1958): 32.

Encounter: Literature, Arts, Politics

“Taxation”. Encounter, February 1959.

The European: The Journal of Opposition

“Music... Delusions and Pathetic (or not so) Fallacies”. The European, February 1955: 41-44; March 1955: 44-48.

“Letters: Homosexuality”. The European, no. 36 (February 1956): 61-62.

“Letters: Wagner and Shaw”. The European, no. 40 (June 1956): 63-64.

“Letters: King Ludwig’s Palaces”. The European, no. 44 (October 1956): 126-27.

“Letters: Roger Casement”. The European, July 1957: 319. Roger Casement (1864-1916) was a diplomat and Irish nationalist whose Black Diaries detailing homosexual activities were discussed in Alfred Noyes, The Accusing Ghost; or, Justice for Casement (London: Victor Gollancz, 1957). See two further items about him on this page.

“Manners & Empire”. The European 10, no. 5 (January 1958): 317-19.

Gambit: Edinburgh University Review

“A Personal Statement”. Gambit: Edinburgh University Review, Summer 1965: 4.

Glasgow Evening News

In a letter to Erik Chisholm, 8 January [1931], Sorabji mentions that he was expecting a cheque for an (unidentified) article in the Glasgow Evening News.

Guardian, The

“Non-British Sorabji”. The Guardian [?], undated, after 1953.

Health and Life and B.B.A. Monthly (Health & Life World Fellowship)

“Your Letters: Flesh versus Spirit”. Health and Life 42, no. 258 (May 1956): 197.

“Your Letters: Those Dieticians”. Health and Life 46, no. 306 (May 1960): 199.

“Your Letters: The Opticians Act”. Health and Life 47, no. 315 (February 1961): 78.

“Your Letters: New Light on the Eyes”. Health and Life 48, no. 330 (May 1962): 199.

“Your Letters: Unscrupulous Rascality”. Health and Life 48, no. 333 (September 1962): 319.

Housewives Today, Supporting the Policy of the British Housewives’ League

Letter dated 9 January 1958. Housewives Today, February 1958: 12.

The Listening Post

“A Dim View of Dogs”. The Listening Post, 1966 {letter accompanying the original dated 29 December 1965}.

Medical Times (General Practitioners’ Alliance, London)

“Sexual Inversion”. Medical Times 49 (October 1921): 148-49.

The Modern Mystic and Monthly Science Review: A Monthly Journal Devoted to the Study of Mysticism and the Occult Sciences

This section was added in December 2020 thanks to information provided by Sean Vaughn Owen. There may be more articles or letters to the editor in other issues.

“The Metapsychic Motive in Music”. The Modern Mystic and Monthly Science Review 3, no. 5 (June 1939): 207-10, no. 6 (July 1939): 238-41. Both issues feature the same photograph of Sorabji (not reproduced elsewhere).

The New Age: A Weekly Record of Christian Culture, Social Service and Literary Life

For a full list of Sorabji’s articles and letters, see Marc-André Roberge, An Annotated Bibliography of Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji’s Collected Published Writings (Bath: The Sorabji Archive, 1993), xiv, 141 pp.. See also statistical data on the number and percentage of his contributions to this newspaper.

Update (October 2014) to An Annotated Bibliography of Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji’s Collected Published Writings

The following data is the result of a search in the database of The New Age under Alfred Richard Orage prepared by the Modernist Journals Project that revealed previously unknown items relating to Sorabji’s open letters.

Item 1: The letter from Flora Keyes that Sorabji endorses in his correspondence published on 15 April 1915 is “From an Onlooker”, The New Age 16, no. 23 (8 April 1915): 621. Sorabji is mentioned in Alice Morning, “Impressions of Paris”, The New Age 16, no. 26 (29 April 1915): 692-93; 693: “The complaint of Mr. D. K. Sorabji that Indian subjects are ‘rudely’ stared at in London goads me to say that the spectacle of an Oriental in a London hat and trousers is sufficient justification for anyone to stare, even rudely.” Alice Morning was one of several pseudonyms used by the English writer, poet, and literary critic Beatrice Hastings (Emily Alice Haigh; 1879-1943).

Item 2: The letter by Evan Morgan, whom Sorabji thanks in his article of 29 April 1915, is “Foreigners in England”, The New Age 16, no. 25 (22 April 1915): 607. Evan Frederic Morgan, 2nd Viscount Tredegar of the second creation of the title (1893-1949), was a Welsh poet and author with an interest in the occult (the link provided includes a photograph).

Item 3: The letter by “M.F.E.” to which Sorabji replies in his published on 20 May 1915, is entitled “Foreigners in England”, The New Age 17, no. 1 (6 May 1915): 22-23. Evan Morgan, “Foreigners in England”, The New Age 17, no. 4 (27 May 1915): 94-95, wrote to “heartily condone with Mr. Sorabji over the utter nonsense written in ‘M. F. E.’s letter.”

Item 4: The correct reference should be The New Age 19, no. 1 [and not 6] (4 May 1916).

The New English Weekly: A Review of Public Affairs, Literature and the Arts

For a full list of Sorabji’s articles and letters, see Marc-André Roberge, An Annotated Bibliography of Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji’s Collected Published Writings (Bath: The Sorabji Archive, 1993), xiv, 141 pp.. See also statistical data on the number and percentage of his contributions to this newspaper.

The Observer

Letter about Portugal, 14 August 1955 at the latest {letter from the Portuguese Embassy to Sorabji, 1955-08-14}.

Letter dated 1 April 1966 [about the Busoni legend]. In correspondence with Ronald Stevenson.

The Occult Review: A Magazine Devoted to the Investigation of Supernatural Phenomena and the Study of Psychological Problems

The following list gives two sets of references (volume and issue numbers, dates, pages) for most of the items published up to 1929. This is due to the fact that the journal was published in two editions, an English one and an American one. The latter was published a month later but with a different pagination, although the content and layout were identical. Digitized versions are available on the website of the International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals (processed in December 2020). References are given to one or both sets, depending on the copies available:

  • Normal type: English edition, from photocopies made at the British Library in the mid-1990s.
  • [Italic type, between brackets]: American edition (added in December 2020), using the digitized versions. Not currently available for Sorabji-related items after 1929.

Bullets () identify discoveries made in the American edition.

Koretaka Eguchi’s table of contents of the journal on his Sapphire Museum of Magic and Occultism On Line website mentions a letter in vol. 68, no. 7 (July 1941).

“Correspondence: ‘A Cameo from Clairvoyant History’”. The Occult Review 37, no. 4 (April 1923): 244-45. Written in reply to H. F. Mauran, “Correspondence: Mr. Leadbeater [Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854-1934)] and the ‘Akashic Records’”, The Occult Review 37, no. 3 (March 1923): 181-82 (about A Cameo from Clairvoyant History by William Loftus Hare [1868-1943]).

“Correspondence: Intersexuality”. The Occult Review 43, no. 2 (February 1926): 119-20 [no. 3 (March 1926): 191-92] (signed “K.S.”). Written in reply to J. M. Stuart-Young [John Moray Stuart-Young (1881-1939)], “Sexual Characteristics after Death”, The Occult Review 42, no. 6 (December 1925): 384-97 [43, no. 1 (January 1926): 44-47], and Grahame Houblon, “Memories of Other Lives: Two Alternative Theories”, The Occult Review 42, no. 2 (August 1925): 95-100 [no. 3 (September 1925): 163-68]. Grahame Houblon is the author of The Crack in the Wall: Ghost Stories (London: A. H. Stockwell, 1924) and Witching Ways: A Novel (London: A. H. Stockwell, 1925).

“Correspondence: Flesh Eating”. The Occult Review 45, no. 4 (April 1937): 268 [no. 5 (May 1927): 340] (name printed as “Kaikhoseu Sorabji”). •Probably written in reply to R. E. Bruce, “Correspondence: Flesh Eating”, The Occult Review [45, no. 2 (February 1927): 125].

•“Correspondence: Meat Eating”. The Occult Review [46, no. 2 (August 1927): 124]. Refers to his letter published in the April [May] 1927 issue.

“Correspondence: Astral Communications, Etc.” The Occult Review 46, no. 6 (December 1927): 411 [47, no. 1 (January 1928): 51].

“Correspondence: The Psychology of Sex”. The Occult Review 49, no. 2 (January 1929): 122-23 [no. 3 (March 1929): 194-95] (signed “K.S.”).

“Correspondence: The Jesuits and H.P.B. [Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-91)]”. The Occult Review 49, no. 5 (May 1929): 337-38 [no. 6 (June 1929): 409-10].

No articles or letters by Sorabji appear to have been published between October 1929 and June 1935. Digitized versions of the remaining cited items are currently not available.

“Correspondence: Spirit Guides”. The London Forum (Incorporating “The Occult Review”) 62, no. 1 (July 1935): 53-54. Written in reply to Frank Lind, “Under the Reading Lamp: A Causerie”, The London Forum (Incorporating “The Occult Review”) 61, no. 5 (May 1935): 340-44; 343.

“Correspondence: Vampirism”. The Occult Review 67, no. 4 (October 1940): 218. Written in reply to Owen Prothero, “Vampires and Vampirism”, The Occult Review 67, no. 3 (July 1940): 158-63. Owen Prothero may be a pseudonym, as the name is that of a character in The Creators (1910) by May Sinclair (real name: Mary Amelia St. Clair [1863-1946]).

“To the Editor [“It seems to me that all readers of the Occult Review...” (about the chalatanry of the various schools of Biblical prophecy)]. The Occult Review 69, no. 1 (January 1942): 44-45.

“Correspondence”. The Occult Review 70, no. 2 (April 1943): 69, 71. Written in reply to Hugh Liversidge, “Artists, Music and Audiences”, The Occult Review 70, no. 2 (January 1943): 12-13 (the author is described on p. 12 as a “practising Buddhist and authority on Yoga”, the “British representative of the famous New York ‘Musical Courier’”, and a “counsellor and friend of countless famous musicians”). Sorabji’s letter is immediately followed by a reply from Liversidge on p. 71.

Parliament Christian (Incorporating “Posterity”): The Organ of the People’s Common Law Parliament to amend the deficiencies in present parliamentary and electoral procedure, to ensure that the Will of the people shall prevail, to give security to all and remove the economic and other causes of War, to establish a true Christian social order

“Freedom and Democracy: Some Disillusioning Reflections”. Parliament Christian 3, no. 10 (March 1944): 93-94.

Peoples Post (Incorporating “The Bedford Newsletter”): Organ of the British People’s Party

“Precepts for the Young”. Peoples Post 4, no. 15 (April 1947): 3.

“Immoral Maxims”. Peoples Post 4, no. 18 (July 1947): 3.

“To the Editor”. Peoples Post 4, no. 18 (July 1947): 4.

“To the Editor”. Peoples Post 4, no. 19 (August 1947): 4.

“To the Editor: Housing”. Peoples Post 4, no. 22 (November 1947): 4.

“To the Editor” [About iron-curtain democracies]. Peoples Post 7, no. 1 (March 1951): 4.

“To the Editor” [About India and politics]. Peoples Post 7, no. 12 (April 1952): 5.

“Dressed in a Little Brief Authority”. Peoples Post 7, no. 14 (June 1952): 9-11.

“To the Editor” [About Peter Carl Fabergé (1846-1920)]. Peoples Post 8, no. 10 (August-September 1953): 7-8.

Prediction: Magazine for the Occult and Astrology, Incorporating Weekly Horoscope and Fantasy

Letter [about reincarnation] published before 27 September 1947 {letter from D. Beamish (Parkestone, Dorset, 1947-09-27}.

“Letters: Zoroastrianism”. Prediction 45, no. 6 (June 1979): 36. Refers to Judy King, “Lux et Veritas: Thus Spake Zarathustra”, Prediction 45, no. 4 (April 1979): 16-17.

Radio Times

Reference is made in “Editor’s Notes”, The Musical Times 95, no. 1131 (January 1954): 11-12; 12, to a recent issue in which Sorabji “entered the baroque lists in which the great organ tournament is fought” and that “his entry was decisive”; his comments on a lecture by Geraint Jones are also quoted. See also the entries for items sent to this journal but apparently unpublished.

The Royalist: A Magazine of Royalism, Its Destiny, Mission, Purpose and Use (The Royal Stuart Society)

[About the royal family]. The Royalist, November 1951 [does not look like this journal from the layout; no issue for November 1951].

“The Confusion of Caste”. The Royalist n.s. 7, no. 33 (January-February 1958): 6-7.

“Correspondence: The Royal Patronage of Music”. The Royalist n.s. 7, no. 36 (July-August 1958): 32.

“Puritan Myths”. The Royalist n.s. 8, no. 43 (Summer 1960): 30.

Royalist Viewpoint

Review of The Specious Origins of Liberalism by Anthony M. Ludovici. Royalist Viewpoint, no. 70 (May 1968): 8.

“Cromwell”. Royalist Viewpoint, nos. 73/74 (August-September 1968): 5.

“Zionist Propaganda”. Royalist Viewpoint, no. 84 (July 1969): 6.

Scottish Arts & Letters

“The Songs of Francis George Scott”. Scottish Arts & Letters 1 (1944): 22-23.

The Social Crediter for Political and Economic Realism

Letter to Major Douglas (?). The Social Creditor {letter to Paul Howard, 1946-01-27}.

The Spectator

Letter dated 1 November 1958, to remain confidential, about Denis Mack Smith, “The Papacy and Politics”, The Spectator, 24 October 1958: 539-40. The Spectator? Denis Mack Smith (1920-2017) was an English historian of Italy.

The Sunday Telegraph

Letter to Denys Smith, dated 29 November 1962. Sunday Telegraph? {2/F.4}.

Letter dated 4 October 1962. Sunday Telegraph {2/F.4}.

Letter to the British journalist Peregrine Worsthorne (1923-2020), dated 21 May 1962 {2/F.4}.

The Sunday Times

“Overcrowded Japan”. Sunday Times (?), n.d. {1/F.13}.

Letter dated 5 September 1955 about the opinion of the composer John Veale (1922-2006) opinion about Sir Thomas Beecham’s opinion of Frederick Delius. Sunday Times.

Letter dated 7 May 1964 {2/F.5}.

The Swanage Times

“Corfe’s Crying Need”. The Swanage Times, 8 September 195?.

“Letters to the Editor: Concern for Corfe Castle”. The Swanage Times, [date unknown].

“All for Noughts”. The Swanage Times [?], [date unknown].

“The Word ‘Turk’”. The Swanage Times, 25 September 1952, 8.

“Letter to the Editor: Water War”. The Swanage Times, [1956?].

“Left or Right?” The Swanage Times, 30 May 1956, 8.

“The Town Map”. The Swanage Times, 12 December 1956, 13.

“Letters to the Editor: Winfrith Wants”. The Swanage Times, 13 March 1957. {1/F.18}.

“The Editor’s Postbag: One Man’s Meat”. The Swanage Times, 17 July 1957, 9; received by FH on 23 July 1957.

“Really, really!”. The Swanage Times, 5 June 1957, 9.

“One Man’s Meat”. The Swanage Times, 17 July 1957, 9.

“Party Slaves”. The Swanage Times, 19 February 1958, 10.

“Over the Hedge”. The Swanage Times, 9 April 1958, 10.

“Square Piano”. The Swanage Times, 12 November 1958, 12.

“Visual Drivel”. The Swanage Times, 23 September 1959, 12.

“Conspiracy”. The Swanage Times, 13 January 1960, 14.

“Look and Pass On”. The Swanage Times, 27 April 1960, 14.

“Comical Ignorance”. The Swanage Times, 10 August 1960, 10.

“Radio-Active Waste”. The Swanage Times, 26 October 1960, 2.

“Hospitality”. The Swanage Times, 4 January 1961, 14.

“Editor’s Postbag: Colour Bar”. The Swanage Times, 12 April 1961, 9.

“Malice in Taxation”. The Swanage Times, 6 June 1961, 2.

“Editor’s Postbag: Sinister U.N.”. The Swanage Times, 13 December 1961, 16.

“The Editor’s Postbag: Comical Ignorance”. The Swanage Times, 10 August 1960, 10. {2/F.1}.

“Hospitality”. The Swanage Times, 4 January 1961, 14.

“Destruction of Trees — Vandalism”. The Swanage Times, 18 July 1962, 14.

“Freedom Fight”. The Swanage Times, 21 November 1962, 14.

“Fluoride”. The Swanage Times, 13 February 1963, 22.

“Cheap Trips”. The Swanage Times, 30 October 1963, 3.

Letter dated 2 July 1963. The Swanage Times {2/F.4}.

“Money”. The Swanage Times, 21 October 1964, 28.

“Quack Remedy”. The Swanage Times, 5 August 1964, 3.

“Rude to Queen”. The Swanage Times, 16 November 1964, 28.

“The Wrong Pope”. The Swanage Times, 10 March 1965, 16.

“A Time for Silence”. The Swanage Times, 5 May 1965, 14.

“Colonialism of Another Kind”. The Swanage Times, 21 July 1965.

“A Dim View of Dogs”. The Swanage Times, 30 December 1965, 17.

“‘Malice’ Against Natural Beauty”. The Swanage Times, 16 February 1966, 14.

“A Cry from Higher Mudbank”. The Swanage Times, 27 April 1966, 16.

Untitled article. The Swanage Times, 18 May 1966, 28.

“Homes Reply”. The Swanage Times, 8 June 1966, 28.

“Sinister Establishment”. The Swanage Times, 17 August 1966, 14.

“Some Pointers on Pianos”. The Swanage Times, 19 October 1966, 14.

“The Trick of Party Politics”. The Swanage Times, 8 March 1967, 16.

“Billy’s Campaign”. The Swanage Times, 5 July 1967, 16.

“Broken Faith at Tyneham”. The Swanage Times, 17 January 1968, 14.

“‘Pernicious Trash’ on TV Attacked”. The Swanage Times, 4 April 1968, 32.

“Tribute to George Bishop [former chairman of the Swanage council]”. The Swanage Times, 25 May 1968, 17.

“‘Subversive Rubbish’ Attacked”. The Swanage Times, 6 July 1968, 22.

“‘Plot’ Against Branch Line”. The Swanage Times, 26 September 1968, 37.

“Treasure — or Rats?” The Swanage Times, 16 January 1969, 40.

“Gobbledygook on the Line”. The Swanage Times, 6 March 1969, 8.

“Pop Around the Clock Menace”. The Swanage Times, 15 May 1969, 33.

“Mr. Sorabji’s Final Word”. The Swanage Times, 17 June 1969, 40.

“Knocking the Pop”. The Swanage Times, 26 June 1969, 48.

“Humanitarian Humbug”. The Swanage Times, 11 December 1969, 11.

“Smelling out Communism”. The Swanage Times, 5 February 1970, 20.

“Swastika Origin”. The Swanage Times, 10 December 1970, 3.

“Official Fusspots”. The Swanage Times, 7 January 1971, 3.

“You’re Telling Us: Money”. The Swanage Times [?], n.d. (1972) {3/F.3; 8/F.10}.

“Britain Maligned”. The Swanage Times, 8 January 1972, 11.

“The Crime of Not Caring”. The Swanage Times, 22 April 1972, 9.

“The Swastika and Religion”. The Swanage Times, 12 August 1972, 12.

“Mystical Experience”. The Swanage Times, 2 September 1972, 9.

“Unorthodox Healing”. The Swanage Times, 18 November 1972, 9.

“Readers’ Letters: Much More than Colour”. The Swanage Times, 27 January 1973, 9; received 29 March 1973 {8/F.10}.

“Readers’ Letters: How Can Council Justify Rise?” The Swanage Times [?]; received by FH on 29 March 1973 [January 1973?].

“‘Democratic’ Confidence Tricks”. The Swanage Times, 1 September 1973, 8.

“‘Liberations’ That Meant a Still Greater Slavery”. The Swanage Times, 6 October 1973, 5.

“Well Plotted”. The Swanage Times, 5 October 1974, 8.

“Spite and Malice”. The Swanage Times, 22 March 1975, 2.

“Education for Fools”. The Swanage Times, 22 October 1977, 2.

The Times Literary Supplement

“Letters to the Editor”. Times Literary Supplement 43, no. 3263 (10 September 1964): 841.

Tomorrow (Absorbed “Sovereignty”): A Journal for the World Citizen of the New Age

“Letters: René Guénon [1886-1951]”. Tomorrow (Winter 1963): 93.

“Letters: René Guénon”. Tomorrow (Spring 1964): 173, 175.

Union (Incorporating “Action”): Organ of the Union Movement

“’The Observer’ and 18B”. Union, no. 409 (28 April 1956): 3.

“Hitler and the War”. Union, no. 452 (11 May 1957): 4.

[About sputniks and intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM)]. Union, no. [number, day, and month unknown] 1958?).

Westminster Cathedral Chronicle

Letter about “Roman Letter”. Westminster Cathedral Chronicle (Bulletin?), January 1958: 11-12.

Whitby Gazette

“Letters to the Editor: Fylingdale’s Parish Church”. Whitby Gazette, 10 August 1956 {1/F.17}.

The Word: Against the World of Capitalism, Militarism, Fascism and Dictatorship

“Jarwharlal Nehru and Soviet Russia”. The Word, undated (between 1939 and 1942?): 64.

“Communism and India”. The Word, undated (after May 1942?): 39.

Unpublished Letters

There is no guarantee that the following letters have not been published. Sorabji sent so many letters that the recipients must have made a selection. He also liked to send copies of such letters to his friends. Only a systematic search of the publications listed below would provide an answer.

In the case of the letters sent to the British Broadcasting Corporation, some letters may have been published in their Radio Times, which, at least in its 1930 volume, had a page entitled “What the Other Listener Thinks: Selections from the Editor’s Post Bag” devoted to such letters. See for example Radio Times 27, no. 342 (18 April 1930): 196. This issue contains the announcement for Sorabji’s own performance of Le jardin parfumé—​Poem for Piano Solo (1923; 16 pp.). So far only a few selected years have been digitized on the website of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor de Historie van de Radio. See also the section dedicated to letters addressed specifically to this publication.

British Broadcasting Corporation

Letter dated 25 May 1957 to the British poet and radio producer Terence Tiller (1916-87), c/o British Broadcasting Corporation, about the martyred Tsar in the programme “Report on Revolution” {1/F.19}.

Letter (undated, ca. September 1957) to the Round Up B.B.C. Bristol Headquarters about asking questions about effeminacy to a male ballet dancer {1/F.19}.

Letter (undated, ca. September 1957) to Francis Williams, c/o Any Questions, B.B.C. Bristol Headquarters, about the Holy Father’s remarks upon the remarriage of widows {1/F.19}.

Letter dated 31 August 1961 to the British journalist, television and radio broadcaster René Cutforth (1909-84), British Broadcasting Corporation, about views having no use for Christiany. Copy in correspondence with Ronald Stevenson.

Letter dated 23 April 1962 to the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Letter dated 9 May 1962 to “Ten O’Clock”, British Broadcasting Corporation {2/F.4}.

Letter dated 12 May 1962 to “Woman’s Hour”, British Broadcasting Corporation {2/F.4}.

Letter dated 13 May 1962 to the Scottish journalist, broadcaster, and author Ludovic Kennedy (1919-2009), c/o British Broadcasting Corporation {2/F.4}.

Letter dated 19 August [1962] to “Frankly Speaking” about radio programme of 18 August {2/F.4}.

Letter dated 1 September 1963 to “Woman’s Hour”, British Broadcasting Corporation {2/F.4}.

Letter dated 8 January 1966 to the South-African-born filmaker Christopher Nupen (1934-2023), British Broadcasting Corporation, about a Scriabin programme. Copy in correspondence with Ronald Stevenson.

Letter dated 7 May 1972 to “Saturday Night Theatre”, British Broadcasting Corporation, about being a Parsi {3/F.3}.

Letter (date unknown, early 1960s?) to “Woman’s Hour”, British Broadcasting Corporation, about Henry VIII {sent to Erik Chisholm; Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Archives & Collections, GB 2607 EC/2/151. This may be one of the letters about this programme mentioned above.}.

Catholic Herald

Letter dated 18 April 1954 to the Catholic Herald {1/F.21}.

Letter dated 15 November [1954?] to the Catholic Herald about sexual inversion {1/F.16}.

Letter dated 19 May 1957 to the Catholic Herald about the Roger Casement affair {1/F.?}.

Letter dated 7 January 1958 to the Catholic Herald about the need for Christian yoga {1/F.?}.

Letter dated 26 April 1958 to the Catholic Herald about economic ills {1/F.20}.

Letter dated 2 February (or 11 November) 1959 to the Catholic Herald {1/F.21}.

Letter dated 15 May 1959, to remain confidential, to the Catholic Herald about cremation {1/F.21}.

Letter dated 7 July 1960 to the Catholic Herald about cruelty to animals {sent to Erik Chisholm, date unknown; Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Archives & Collections, GB 2607 EC/2/147}.

Letter dated 18 September 1960 to the Catholic Herald {2/F.1}.

Letter dated 18 August 1963 to the Catholic Herald {2/F.4}.

Letter dated 3 May 1964 to the Catholic Herald {2/F.5}.

Letter dated 5 October 1964 to the Catholic Herald {2/F.5}.

Radio Times

Letter (date unknown) to Hugh Burden, Esq., c/o British Broadcasting Corporation, Radio Times, about Eurasian marriages {1/F.?; received by Frank Holliday in 1950 or 1951}.

Letter dated 14 February 1959 to Radio Times [about Busoni’s Doktor Faust]. In correspondence with Ronald Stevenson.

Letter dated 6 May 1964 to Radio Times {2/F.5}.

Letter dated 21 February 1969 to Radio Times, c/o Norman Fraser.

Letter to Radio Times (printed but only in the editions that have an extra page of letters, according to letter dated 4 January 1978 from John Davies, Letters Editor, Radio Times) {3/F.9}.

Other Publications

Letter sent before 8 December 1913 to the editor of The Musical Standard, who replied that it could not be published {letter to Philip Heseltine, 1913-12-08}.

Letter about the British piano, 2 March 1915 (at the latest) {letter to Philip Heseltine, 1915-03-02: “I am going to send the ‘Musical Standard’ a destructive letter on the atrocity known — why I know not — as the ‘British’ (!!!!!??) Piano! I hope they will publish it.”}.

Letter dated 1 September 1930 to the Daily Express about Erik Chisholm, representing a first version of an a text published as “Music”, The New Age 47, no. 20 (11 September 1930): 236. In correspondence with Christopher Murray Grieve.

Letter about the suicide of a young theology student to The Week-End Review {mentioned in letter to Erik Chisholm, 1931-12-20}.

Letter to The Times about the Baroque organ {sent to Erik Chisholm, date unknown; Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Archives & Collections, GB 2607 EC/2/148}.

Letter dated 9 October 1956 to The Spectator, marked “Private and not for publication”, about the Arab-Israel matter {1/F.?}.

Letter dated 5 May 1957 to The Musical Times {1/F.?}.

Letter dated 10 May 1957 to The Times about a proposed amputation of part of the Third Programme {1/F.?}.

Letter dated 14 June 1957 to Duckett’s Register: Register: News and Views of Catholic Books about the Roger Casement affair {1/F.19}.

Letter dated 24 September 1957 to Lord Hinchingbroke (1906-95) about the Queen accepting gifts from Nikolai Bulganin (1895-1975) and Nikita Krushchev (1894-1971) {1/F.19}.

Letter dated 3 December 1957 to the author of the obituary notice of the Italian tenor Beniamino Gigli (1890-1957) in an unidentified periodical {sent to Erik Chisholm, date unknown; Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Archives & Collections, GB 2607 EC/2/144}.

Letter dated 20 December 1957 to The Month: A Magazine of Science, Literature and Art {1/F.19}.

Letter (undated) to Rev. R. de Brassey about his letter to the Daily Telegraph on sexual inversion {1/F.19}.

Private undated letter (after 13 July [1961]), asking for three copies of the issue for 13 July (marked as not intended for publication). In correspondence with Ronald Stevenson.

Letter (1962?) to Christopher Dearnley and John Aldiss about music in the church {2/F.4}.

Letter (1962?) to Morris West, c/o Messrs. William Heinemann Ltd. {2/F.4}.

Letter (1962?) to the Clerk to the Wareham and Purbeck Rural District Council about fluoridation {2/F.4}.

Letter dated 9 September 1962 to Man and Society {2/F.4}.

Letter dated 15 September 1962, to Mr. Tozer {2/F.4}.

Letter dated 18 June 1965 to the editor, Gambit, about the Sorabji Symposium {2/F.6}. {Refers to Christopher Murray Grieve, John Ogdon, and Ronald Stevenson, “Sorabji Symposium”, Gambit: Edinburgh University Review, Summer 1965: 4–12.}

Letter to The Scotsman, referred to in correspondence with Ronald Stevenson, 29 November 1965.

Letter dated 10 December 1965 to the editor, The Scotsman, about Francis George Scott’s music being absent from a festival of Scottish music. In correspondence with Ronald Stevenson.

Letter dated 18 April 1966 to the Manchester Guardian about Busoni’s Piano Concerto. In correspondence with Ronald Stevenson.

Letter dated 20 February 1975 to Garrard Macleod, Station Manager, WMUK (Kalamazoo, MI), about being described in their February 1975 Programme Guide as an “Englishman”. In correspondence with Donald Garvelmann; quoted in SCC, 24.

Letter dated 30 August 1977 to the editor [no title mentioned] {3/F.8}.

Copies of several other letters can be found in {2/F.5}.

Last modified: 2025-01-01
© Marc-André Roberge 2025
Sorabji Resource Site (SRS)
Faculté de musique, Université Laval, Québec

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