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Musical and Non-Musical Journals
This page lists the journals in which open letters and articles (or reviews) by Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji were published. The journals are listed in the order in which he began to send them material, with the first and last years indicated, with an initial article moved to the end of the title to allow correct sorting. This makes it possible to see how his tastes and interests developed. The list is divided in two types of journals:
Links are provided to the current websites of those publications that still exist.
Brief notes are given for most publications, with details relating to acquaintances of Sorabji or people in whom he was interested. No attempt is made to comment on his reading choices in the case of publications or associations that might raise an eyebrow. Nor should conclusions about his political views be drawn automatically from the titles or attitudes of publications in which his writings appeared.
A blank entry under “Last Item” means that the year is the same as that under “First Item”. Conjectural years are followed by a question mark; this applies to many items known only as undated clippings in Frank Holliday’s collection of Sorabjiana in the Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji Collection at McMaster University.
The number of letters and articles found to date is given in the third and fourth columns, with brackets used where some items are known only from references in correspondence. The number of surviving carbon copies of open letters that Sorabji sent to Frank Holliday but for which no published version is known suggests that several may have remained unpublished. There may even be other journals or magazines, particularly non-musical ones, for which articles have yet to be found.
There is some evidence that Sorabji subscribed at one time or another to the publications of the Honest Money Association and the League against All Cruelty to Animals as well as to the journals On Target: A Fortnightly Review of News Highlights, Commonwealth Affairs, and Background Information.
See the full bibliography of these writings (except those published in The New Age, The New English Weekly, The Chesterian, The Sackbut, and The Musical Times, which are listed in my Annotated Bibliography of Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji’s Collected Published Writings). This compilation includes a few other journals to which Sorabji sent letters that were not published by the editors. See also the tables showing the number and percentage of articles and letters published in The New Age and The New English Weekly.
Click on a column heading to sort, then shift-click on other headings to sort on multiple columns.
Surround strings with quotation marks for specific searches. Refresh the page to revert to the initial order.
Title (British unless otherwise mentioned) | First Item | Last Item | Letters | Articles |
Title (British unless otherwise mentioned) | First Item | Last Item | Letters | Articles |
Musical Standard, The: A Journal for
Musicians, Professional and Amateur {Periodical founded by A. W. Hammond and published between 1862 and 1933. Its first series (1862-1871) has been indexed in detail by RIPM.} |
1914 | 1917 | 13 | |
Monthly Musical Record {Periodical published between 1871 and 1960. A detailed index is being prepared by RIPM.} |
1914 | 1930 | 2 | 1 |
Musical Times, The {Oldest music journal published in the United Kingdom; founded in 1844 and ceasing publication in December 2024.} |
1916 | 1965 | 61 | 5 |
Music Student, The {Periodical published in Leeds between 1908 and 1921 by the Home Music Study Union and Music Teachers’ Association, edited by Percy Scholes.} |
1917 | 1 | ||
Chesterian, The {Periodical published by the music publisher J. & W. Chester between 1915 and 1961; founded by O. M. Kling, it was edited first by G. Jean-Aubry and then by Rollo H. Myers between 1947 and 1950. Sorabji was listed as a contributor for England in the September-October 1929 issue. A full index can be found in the list of forthcoming titles at RIPM.} |
1919 | 1 | ||
Sackbut, The: A Musical Review {Periodical published between 1920 and 1934; first edited by Philip Heseltine, who was replaced by Ursula Greville after the publisher J. Curwen took it over in 1921. A full index can be found in the list of forthcoming titles at RIPM.} |
1920 | 1929 | 2 | 4 |
Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review [current link] {Magazine published since 1877; a sister magazine entitled The Organ was launched in 1921. Among its editors was Clinton Gray-Fisk, who served from 1945 until his death in 1961; one of its contributors was Christopher à Becket Williams, who wrote humourous columns under the pseudonym “Sinjon Wood”.} |
1920 | 1958 | 40 | 4 |
Musical America [current link] {American periodical founded by John C. Freund and published since 1898} |
1921 | 1 | ||
Musical News and Herald {Periodical published between 1891 and 1929} |
1924 | 1925 | 3 | 3 |
Musical Courier: Weekly Review of
World’s Music {American periodical published between 1880 and 1961} |
1924 | 1 | ||
Gramophone, The [current link] {Magazine devoted mainly to record reviews, founded in 1923 by the Scottish writer Compton Mackenzie (1883-1972). The name changed from The Gramophone to simply Gramophone from vol. 51, no. 610 (April 1974), although the cover appeared in this form from vol. 17, no. 553 (June 1969). The magazine’s digital archive (subscription needed) makes it easy to trace Sorabji’s articles and passing mentions of his name.} |
1924 | 1950 | 20 | |
Music and Letters [current link] | 1926 | 1 | ||
Milo [Magazine of the Imperial League of Opera] {Magazine founded by Sir Thomas Beecham, with Philip Heseltine as editor; it folded after three issues.} |
1929 | 1 | ||
Rotunda, The: A Journal of Artistic Organ
Building and Musical Progress {Periodical published between 1925 and 1934} |
1930 | 1 | ||
Scottish Musical Journal, The | 1930 | 1 | ||
Musical Mirror and Fanfare, The {Monthly periodical published between 1920 and 1932} |
1931 | 1932 | 2 | 1 |
Music Journal (Leeds) | 1972 | 1 | ||
Music and Musicians {Monthly periodical published between 1952 and 1987} |
1972 | 1978 | 2 |
Click on a column heading to sort, then shift-click on other headings to sort on multiple columns.
Surround strings with quotation marks for specific searches. Refresh the page to revert to the initial order.
Title (British unless otherwise mentioned) | First Item | Last Item | Letters | Articles |
Title (British unless otherwise mentioned) | First Item | Last Item | Letters | Articles |
New Age, The: A Weekly Record of Christian Culture, Social Service and Literary Life {Magazine published from 1894 to 1938 and edited from 1907 to 1922 by Alfred Richard Orage, under whose editorship it promoted guild socialism. Notable contributors included G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936), Havelock Ellis (1859-1939), Anthony Ludovici (1882-1971), and Hugh MacDiarmid.} |
1915 | 1934 | 36 | 194 |
Medical Times (General Practitioners’ Alliance, London) | 1921 | 1 | ||
Occult Review, The: A Magazine Devoted to the Investigation of Supernatural Phenomena and the Study of Psychological Problems {Monthly magazine edited by Ralph Shirley, and published between 1905 and 1951. Contains contributions from writers such as Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) and (Roland) Meredith Starr (1890-1971). A table of contents for most of the series is available in the English section of Koretaka Eguchi’s Sapphire Museum of Magic and Occultism On Line. Background information and digitized versions for issues published between January 1905 and April 1938 can be found on the website of the International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals.} |
1923 | 1943 | 12 | |
Daily Telegraph [current link] {Newspaper founded in 1855} |
1924 | 1971 | 8? | |
Catholic Times, The (now The Universe) [current link] | ? | 1 | ||
New English Weekly, The: A Review of Public Affairs, Literature and the Arts {Magazine advocating the doctrine of the Social Credit Party, published between 1932 and 1949, edited by Alfred Richard Orage and, from 1934 onwards, by Philip Mairet.} |
1932 | 1949 | 37 | 305 |
Word, The: Against the World of Capitalism, Militarism, Fascism and Dictatorship (1938), continued as The Word: To Rouse the People, to Combat War, and to Speed Commonwealth {Periodical published in Glasgow between 1939 and 1950} |
1939? | 1942? | 2 | |
Modern Mystic and Monthly Science Review, The: A Monthly Journal Devoted to the Study of Mysticism and the Occult Sciences {Periodical edited by Nell [Norman] Dagg (1897-1962) and published in London by King, Littlewood & King between January 1937 and January 1940 and between 1945 and December 1948. Includes articles by Sorabji’s friend Bernard Bromage. Background information and digitized versions for issues published between January 1937 and November 1938 on the website of the International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals.} |
1939? | 1939? | 2 | |
Catholic Herald [current link] {Roman Catholic newspaper founded in 1888 by Charles Diamond (1858-1934), who was succeeded by Michael de la Bédoyère (1900-1973; active (1934-62) as editor.} |
1943 | 1962 | 35 | |
Parliament Christian (Incorporating “Posterity”): The Organ of the People’s Common Law Parliament to amend the deficiencies in present parliamentary and electoral procedure, to ensure that the Will of the people shall prevail, to give security to all and remove the economic and other causes of War, to establish a true Christian social order {Published between 1940 and 1948} |
1944 | 1944 | 1 | |
Scottish Arts & Letters {Periodical published in Glasgow by William Maclellan between 1994 and 1950} |
1944 | 1 | ||
Social Creditor for Political and Economic Realism, The (Liverpool) {Periodical published since 1938; later known as The Social Creditor, it was as incorporated into The Social Artist in 2013.} |
1946 | 1? | ||
Peoples Post (Incorporating “The Bedford Newsletter”), The: Organ of the British People’s Party {Far-right periodical published in 1939-40 and between 1945 and 1954; edited at one time by John Warburton Beckett (1894-1964), a member of Sir Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists from 1934 and founder of the far-right British People’s Party in 1939.} |
1947 | 1953 | 6 | 3 |
Prediction: Magazine for the Occult and Astrology, Incorporating Weekly Horoscope and Fantasy {Probably began publication in 1936} |
1947? |
1979 | 2? | |
Royalist, The: A Magazine of Royalism, Its Destiny, Mission, Purpose and Use (new series) {Published by the Royal Stuart Society; probably started in 1951} |
1951 | 1960 | 4 | |
Swanage Times, The {Newspaper published in a town near Corfe Castle, where Sorabji lived from the early 1950s.} |
1952? | 1977 | 72? | |
Guardian, The [current link] {Newspaper founded in 1821 as The Manchester Guardian} |
1953 | 1953? | 1 | |
Radio Times {Broadcast listings magazine published by the BBC from 1923} |
1954? | 1? | ||
European, The: The Journal of Opposition {Periodical edited by Diana Mitford (1910-2003), the wife of Sir Oswald Mosley, leader of the British Union of Fascists.} |
1955 | 1958 | 4 | 2 |
Candour: The British Views-Letter (To serve as a link between Britons all over the world in protest against the surrender of their heritage) (South Croydon, Surrey) [current link] {Right-wing magazine founded in 1953 and edited by A. K. Chesterton (1896-1973) until his death} |
1955 | 1956 | 4? | |
Observer, The {Sunday newspaper founded in 1791} [current link] |
1955 | 1966 | 2? | |
Sunday Times, The [current link] {Newspaper founded in 1822. Ernest Newman was its music critic from 1920 until his death.} |
1955? | 1964 | 3? | |
Health and Life and B.B.A. Monthly (Health & Life World Fellowship) {Periodical founded in 1934 by Edgar Saxon, who had previously run The Healthy Life ?-1930, 1934-36)} |
1956 | 1962 | 5 | |
Union (Incorporating “Action”): Organ of the Union Movement {Anti-communist weekly newspaper published between 1948 and 1957 by the Sanctuary Press Ltd., which was associated with the British Union of Fascists. Action, which the Sanctuary Press began publishing in 1940, was a mouthpiece for the British Union of Fascists.} |
1956 | 1958 | 3 | |
Whitby Gazette [current link] | 1956 | 1 | ||
Month, The: A Magazine of Science, Literature and Art {Magazine published between 1864 and 2001, at some point described as “a review of Christian thought and world affairs”.} |
1957 | 1 | ||
Distributist (League for the Restoration of Liberty by the Distribution of Property), The {Distributivism was a third-way economic doctrine promoted by G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936) and Hillaire Belloc (1870-1953) aiming to apply the principles of Catholic social teaching.} |
1958 | 1 | ||
Housewives Today, Supporting the Policy of the British Housewives’ League {The British Housewives’ League was a right-wing, non-party, group founded by Irene May Lovelock (née Northover-Smith; 1896-1974). The publication, which probably started in 1947, appears to have been edited by a person close to the Social Crediter (see the entry above).} |
1958 | 1 | ||
Spectator, The [current link] {Weekly magazine founded in 1828 and edited, at the time of Sorabji’s contribution, by the Conservative politician Ian Hedworth John Little Gilmour, Baron Gilmour of Craigmillar (1926-2007).} |
1958 | 1? | ||
Westminster Cathedral Chronicle {Periodical published between 1907 and 1934} |
1958 | 1 | ||
Encounter: Literature, Arts, Politics {Periodical founded in 1953 by the poet Stephen Spender (1909-95) and Irving Kristol (1920-2009; known as the “godfather of neoconservatism”) and published until 1991; it was published by, or had links with, the Congress for Cultural Freedom, an anti-communist advocacy group founded in 1950.} |
1959 | 1 | ||
Sunday Telegraph, The [current link] {Newspaper founded in 1961} |
1962? | 3? | ||
Tomorrow (Absorbed “Sovereignty”): A Journal for the World Citizen of the New Age {Periodical published between 1939 and 1948. Sovereignty began publication in 1946 and described itself as “The Voice of National Britain”.} |
1963 | 1964 | 2 | |
Times Literary Supplement [current link] {Weekly literary review first published in 1902, separate from The Times since 1914} |
1964 | 1 | ||
Gambit: Edinburgh University Review {Scottish quarterly periodical published between 1958 and 1965} |
1965 | 1 | ||
Listening Post, The (Bournemouth?) | 1966? | 1 | ||
Royalist Viewpoint {Periodical published between 1968 and 1973 by the Royal Stuart Society, which was founded in 1926.} |
1968 | 1969 | 2 | 1 |
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