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Works Performed but not Recorded
This page lists those works by Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji that have received a first performance (and sometimes further performances). In several cases, performances were given many years ago, but no commercial recordings have been made. A few private recordings or tapes are circulating, including on YouTube, but there is no guarantee that they have been sanctioned by the performers or the sponsoring organization.
The present list can be seen as an incentive for performers and record companies to start projects.
See also a list of works that have not yet been performed.
The recording with Chappell Kingsland as executive producer that will appear on BIS in 2024 includes, in addition to the works to appear in a first commercial recording listed below, the following for which one such recording already exists:
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Surround strings with quotation marks for specific searches. Refresh the page to revert to the initial order.
Works | Year of First Performance | Comments |
Works | Year of First Performance | Comments |
Chaleur—Poème (1916-17; 32 pp.) | 1999 | |
Quintet no. 1 for Piano and Quartet of Stringed Instruments (1919-20; 72 pp.) | 1998 | |
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra [no. 5] (1920; 144 pp.) | 2003 | |
Sonata III for Piano (1922; 75 pp.) | 1977 | |
Second Symphony for Organ (1929-32; 350 pp.) | 2010 | A virtual performance of the final section of the third movement (“Fuga triplex”) by David Carter using the Vienna Konzerthaus Organ in the Vienna Symphonic Library has been released on YouTube on 14 March 2024 (duration: 95:35). |
Transcription of the Prelude in E-flat by Bach (1945; 4 pp.) | 1999 | |
Schlussszene aus “Salome” von Richard Strauss—Konzertmäßige Übertragung für Klavier zu zwei Händen (1947; 25 pp.) | 2007 | The pianist Mitsutaka Shiraishi has recorded the Dance of Seven Veils in the arrangement for piano by Otto Singer on Meister Music MM4514 (2023; live recording at Tokyo Bunka Kaikan, 8 September 2021; available on Naxos Music Library). This gives an idea of the sound of Strauss's opera played on the piano, though not through the Sorabjian lens. |
Third Organ Symphony (1949-53; 305 pp.) | 2025 | The first performance of the “Toccata” (first section of the third movement) was given by Collin Milller on 18 March in Montreal. See a recording on YouTube (publ. 19 March 2025). |
Symphonic Variations for Piano and Orchestra (1935-37, 1953-56; 540 pp.) | 2024 | A sound file of the entire work has been uploaded on 10 June 2024 by Alberto Vignani on the Sorabji Forum. |
Suggested Bell-Chorale for St. Luke’s Carillon (1961; 1 p.) | 1961 | |
Fourth Symphony for Piano Alone (1962-64; 240 pp.) | 2003 | Vars. 14-17, 25-30, 34, and 35 played by Reinier van Houdt are available on a CD included in issue no. 87 (Fall 2003) of the magazine Musicworks. |
Frammenti aforistici (Sutras) (104) (1962-64; 37 pp.) | 2005 | |
Frammenti aforistici (20) (1964; 9 pp.) | 2004 | A performance by Gaston Polle Ansaldi, recorded in June 2021, is available on YouTube (publ. 23 October 2021). |
Toccata quarta (1964-67; 149 pp.) | 2014, 2024 | The second and fifth movements (“Quasi corale”, “Intermezzo secondo”) were given their first performances by Florian Steininger at the Musentempel im Kulturzentrum Tempel (Karlsruhe) on 6 Janary 2024 and 20 December 2014, respectively. |
Sixth Symphony for Piano (Symphonia claviensis) (1975-76; 270 pp.) | 2013 | The recording of the first performance by Jonathan Powell (’s-Hertogenbosch, 27 October 2013) was broadcast on Concertzender on 14 August 2014 from 1.00 to 7.00 a.m. Following the host’s introduction, the concert begins at 0:03:20 and ends at 4:55:26; the applause subsides at 4:57:20, after which music by Simeon Ten Holt is heard. The entire programme lasts 5:59:54. |
“Il gallo d’oro” da Rimsky-Korsakov: Variazioni frivole con una fuga anarchica, eretica e perversa (1978-79; 93 pp.) | 2005 | Jonathan Powell’s performance at the Centre Corum in Montpellier was broadcast live. |
Opus secretum atque necromanticum (1980-81; 48 pp.) | 2001 | A live recording of the first performance at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 28 November 2001, is available on YouTube. |
Passeggiata variata sul nome del caro e gentile giovane amico Clive Spencer-Bentley (1981; 3 pp.) | 1998 |
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