Sorabji Resource Site (SRS)

Publication Data and Reservations of Rights

This page contains information about Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji’s published musical scores that is not usually found in bibliographic citations. It is divided into two sections:

The first table gives detailed publication data for the fourteen scores that Sorabji had engraved and printed between 1921 and 1931 thanks to the financial support of his father. It also lists the two that appeared later in his lifetime (1969, 1987) with his knowledge and approval.

The second table gives the exact wording of the various reservations of rights, with their position on the page. It also gives information on printing (actually engraving), errata sheet, and list of other compositions to be published. Also offered are the inscriptions added by the composer to prohibit unauthorized performances of some of his (then) unpublished works written between 1954 and 1964; these are marked MS:.

For more on Sorabji’s publishers and his attitude to copyright, see chapters 2 and 3 (pp. 12-26, 27-33) of Maria Rosaria Margiotta, “Sorabji: A History of the First Publishers and an Edition (Transcendental Study no. 99)” (thesis, Master of Philosophy, City University, London, 1999), 90 pp. (vol. 1), 66 pp. (vol. 2).

Publication Data

A bullet () indicates works that were also published in special numbered editions signed by the composer and printed on Whatman handmade paper and in a slightly different format: 12 copies for Sonata seconda and Concerto for Piano and Orchestra [no. 5] and 23 copies for Opus clavicembalisticum.

Curwen Edition numbers are given in brackets where they do not appear on the title page of the publication;; they are taken from an Alphabetical List of Publications dated August 1927 (Curwen Press material, XXVII, no. 337.3) used in table 2 of Margiotta’s thesis (p. 24). In the scores, some numbers have a period between the third and fourth digits.

K.S. numbers all appear at the bottom centre of the publications except for two, Sonata no. 1 for Piano (1919; 42 pp.) and Two Piano Pieces (1918, 1920; 20 pp.), which would have received nos. 2 and 3. These numbers are not identical with the KSS numbers used by the Sorabji Archive.

The inclusive page numbers given are those of the first and last pages of music, respectively.

The indication n/a means “not applicable” (instead of “not available”).

For works published up to 1931, prices are taken from the cover pages of the publications themselves (gn = guinea, d = pence, s = shilling).

The lists of “Other Compositions of Kaikhosru Sorabji” printed at the back of Trois fêtes galantes de Verlaine (publ. 1924) and Symphony [no. 1] for Organ (publ. 1925) indicate that the composer intended to publish the following five works, which remained in manuscript:

  • Concerto for Piano and Orchestra [no.] III [no. 6] (1922; 144 pp.)
  • Symphony [no. 1] for Piano, Large Orchestra, Chorus, and Organ (1921-22; 300 pp.)
  • Opusculum for Orchestra (1923; 36 pp.)
  • Cinque sonetti di Michelagniolo Buonarroti (1923; 40 pp.)
  • Variazioni e fuga triplice sopra “Dies irae” per pianoforte (1923-26; 201 pp.)

Title Publisher and Year Curwen
K. S. Pages Price
Title Publisher and Year Curwen
K. S. Pages Price
Trois fêtes galantes de Verlaine (ca. 1919; 11 pp.) London: J. Curwen and Sons Ltd., 1924 902005 10-12 2-12 6s
Sonata no. 1 for Piano (1919; 42 pp.) London: The London and Continental Music Publishing Co. Ltd., 1921 [999006] [2] 2-43 10s
Trois poèmes pour chant et piano (1918, 1919; 9 pp.) London: London and Continental Music Publishing Co., 1921 [902901]
[3]-11 6s
Quintet no. 1 for Piano and Quartet of Stringed Instruments (1919-20; 72 pp.)
London: London and Continental Music Publishing Co. Ltd., 1923
Two Piano Pieces (1918, 1920; 20 pp.) London: London and Continental Music Publishing Co. Ltd., 1921 [999005] [3] 2-21 4s 6d
Fantaisie espagnole (1919; 23 pp.) London: London and Continental Music Publishing Co. Ltd., 1922 [999007] 4 3-32 7s 6d
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra [no. 5] (1920; 144 pp.)• London: F. and B. Goodwin Ltd., 1923 (Sole distributors: J. and W. Chester Ltd.) [990701]; 990707 in Curwen’s list 7 1-144 25s
Sonata seconda for Piano (1920; 49 pp.)• London: F. and B. Goodwin Ltd., 1923 (Sole distributors: J. and W. Chester Ltd.)
[999001] 6 3-65 12s
Sonata III for Piano (1922; 75 pp.)
London: J. Curwen and Sons Ltd., 1925
999002 9 3-80 12s
Prelude, Interlude, and Fugue for Piano (1920, 1922; 17 pp.)
London: J. Curwen and Sons Ltd., 1924
9090001; some copies have 999003 8 3-19 7s 6d
Le jardin parfumé—​Poem for Piano Solo (1923; 16 pp.)
London: J. Curwen and Sons Ltd., 1927
999.019 14 3-36 7s 6d
Symphony [no. 1] for Organ (1924; 81 pp.) London: J. Curwen and Sons Ltd., 1925
999.009 13 3-107 [1gn]
Valse-fantaisie for Piano (1925; 16 pp.)
London: J. Curwen and Sons Ltd., 1927
999.018 15 3-35 [7s 6d]
Opus clavicembalisticum (1929-30; 253 pp.)•
London: J. Curwen and Sons Ltd., 1931
999021 16 5-252 2gn (5gn for the special edition)
Fantasiettina sul nome illustre dell’egregio poeta Christopher Grieve ossia Hugh M’Diarmid (1961; 10 pp.)
Aylesbury, England: Bardic Edition, 1987 (Bravura Series of Piano Masterworks); Bardic Edition BS1
n/a n/a 8-13 GBP 7.50 in 1987
Pastiche on the “Minute Waltz” by Chopin (1922; 7 pp.)
New York: Music Treasure Publications, 1969
n/a n/a 63-78 USD 5 in 1976

Reservations of Rights

BP: back page (i.e., a page following the last page of music)
FP: first page of music
LP: last page of music
MS: manuscript
TP: title page

[fc]: full caps
[llc]: lower-left corner
[lrc]: lower-right corner
[ulc]: upper-left corner
[urc]: upper-right corner

The capitalization of the copyright-related warnings follows the sources, as do the final punctuations and the use of italics. Statements set in full caps (marked with [fc]) are printed here with sentence-style capitalization.

Title Copyright and Other Information
Title Copyright and Other Information
Trois fêtes galantes de Verlaine (ca. 1919; 11 pp.) TP: [llc] Copyright by the Composer MCMXXIV. / All rights including that of performance, reserved for all countries by the Composer
FP: [llc] Copyright by the Composer 1924 [lrc] Copyright 1924 in U.S.A. by K. Sorabji
BP: Other Compositions of Kaikhosru Sorabji
Sonata no. 1 for Piano (1919; 42 pp.) TP: [llc] All rights including that of performance, reserved by the Composer. / Copyright by the Composer 1921.
FP: [urc] All rights including that of performance reserved by the Composer. [llc] Copyright by the Composer 1921.
FP: [lrc] Printed by Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig.
Loose-leaf sheet: Errata in Sonata No. 1 (1 p.) {Dimensions: 26 × 17.2 cm}
Trois poèmes pour chant et piano (1918, 1919; 9 pp.) TP: [bc] Copyright 1921 by the composer / All rights including that of performance reserved by the composer
FP: [llc] Copyright 1921 by the composer. / All rights including that of performance reserved by the Composer.
Quintet no. 1 for Piano and Quartet of Stringed Instruments (1919-20; 72 pp.)
TP: [lrc, fc] Copyright by the composer for all countries MCMXXIII. All rights including that of performance reserved by the composer
FP: [llc] Copyright 1923 by the composer for all countries. / All rights including that of performance reserved by the Composer
LP: [lrc] Printed in Austria. / Waldheim-Eberle A.G. Vienna
Two Piano Pieces (1918, 1920; 20 pp.) TP: [llc] All rights including that of performance reserved by the Composer. / Copyright by the Composer 1921.
FP: [llc] Copyright by the Composer 1921.
FP: [lrc] Printed by Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig.
Fantaisie espagnole (1919; 23 pp.) TP: [llc, fc] Copyright by the composer for all countries MCMXXII. All rights reserved for all countries by the composer
FP: [ulc] Droits d’exécution réservés. [lrc] Copyright MCMXII by the Composer for all Countries.
LP: [lrc] Printed in Austria. / Waldheim-Eberle A.G. Vienna.
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra [no. 5] (1920; 144 pp.) TP: [lrc] Copyright by the composer MCMXXIII for all countries including that of performance reserved by the composer
FP: [ulc] Copyright MCMXXIII in U.S.A. by K. Sorabji. [llc] Copyright by the Composer for all countries MCMXXIII.
LP: Printed in Austria. / Waldheim-Eberle A.G. Vienna
Sonata seconda for Piano (1920; 49 pp.) TP: [llc, fc] Copyright by the composer for all countries MCMXXIII. All rights reserved for all countries by the Composer
FP: [ulc] Copyright MCMXXIII in U.S.A. by K. Sorabji. / Droits d’exécution réservés. [llc] Copyright by the Composer MCMXXIII.
LP: Printed in Austria. / Waldheim-Eberle A.G. Vienna.
Sonata III for Piano (1922; 75 pp.)
TP: [llc] Copyright for all Countries by the Composer 1924. / All rights including that of performance, reserved for all countries by the Composer
FP: [[llc] All rights including that of performance reserved by the Composer for all countries. Copyright 1925 by the Composer. [lrc] Copyright 1925 in U.S.A. by K. Sorabji.
LP: Printed in Austria
Prelude, Interlude, and Fugue for Piano (1920, 1922; 17 pp.)
TP: [llc] Copyright for all Countries by the Composer 1924. / All rights including that of performance, reserved for all countries by the Composer
FP: [llc] Copyright 1924 by the Composer for all countries / All rights including that of performance reserved by the Composer for all countries; [lrc] Copyright 1924 in U.S.A. by K. Sorabji
Le jardin parfumé—​Poem for Piano Solo (1923; 16 pp.)
TP: [llc, fc] Copyright by the Composer MCMXXVII / Copyright in U.S.A. by the Composer MCMXXVII / All rights including that of public performance strictly reserved for all countries by the composer
FP: [ulc] All rights including that of public performance strictly reserved by the Composer; [llc] Copyright for all countries including U.S.A. by the Composer MCMXXVII
LP: [llc] Printed in Austria
Symphony [no. 1] for Organ (1924; 81 pp.) TP: [llc] Copyright by the composer MCMXXVI / Copyright in U.S.A. by the composer MCMXXVI / All rights including that of public performance reserved for all countries by the composer
FP: [llc] Copyright 1925 by the Composer for all countries. / All rights including that of performance reserved by the Composer. [lrc] Copyright 1925 in U.S.A. by K. Sorabji.
LP: [llc] Weag. [i.e., Waldheim-Eberle Aktien-Gesellschaft]
BP: Other Compositions of Kaikhosru Sorabji
Valse-fantaisie for Piano (1925; 16 pp.)
TP: [llc, fc] Copyright by the composer MCMXXVII. Copyright in U.S.A. by the composer MCMXXVII. All rights including that of public performance reserved by the composer
FP: [ulc] All rights including that of public performance strictly reserved by the Composer [llc] Copyright for all countries including U.S.A. by the Composer MCMXXVII
LP: [lrc] Weag. / Printed in Austria {The second entry is stamped rather than printed.}
Opus clavicembalisticum (1929-30; 253 pp.)
TP: [llc, fc] N.B. Public performance prohibited unless by express consent of the composer
FP: [llc] Copyright for all Countries and in the U.S.A. by the Composer MCMXXXI / All rights including that of performance reserved by the Composer
LP: [lrc] Printed in Austria / Waldheim-Eberle A.G. Vienna.
MS: Un nido di scatole sopra il nome del grande e buon amico Harold Rutland (1954; 26 pp.)
TP: PROIBIZIONE / ASSOLUTA / Non si deve fare nè vedere / nè suonare nè udire da nulla / altro che lui [recte né vedere né suonare né udire a nessun altro che a colui] per cui è stato / scritto questo pezzino.
MS: Passeggiata veneziana sopra la Barcarola di Offenbach (1955-56; 24 pp.) TP: Public performance [word crossed-out but appearing to be “unconditionally” and replaced later with “except by special permission”] prohibited: and playing within the hearing of earnest high-minded solemn dolts strongly deprecated!
MS: Rosario d’arabeschi (1956; 45 pp.) TP (verso): N.B. Esecuzione pubblica assolutamente PROIBITO sopratutto [recte PROIBITA soprattutto] in Inghilterra
Pastiche on the “Minute Waltz” by Chopin (1922; 7 pp.)
FP: [bc] Copyright for all countries 1969 by the composer. All rights, including that of performance, strictly reserved
Fantasiettina sul nome illustre dell’egregio poeta Christopher Grieve ossia Hugh M’Diarmid (1961; 10 pp.)
FP: [llc] Copyright for all countries 1987 by Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji. All rights including that of performance reserved by the composer.
Last modified: 2025-01-01
© Marc-André Roberge 2025
Sorabji Resource Site (SRS)
Faculté de musique, Université Laval, Québec

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