Abridged Version of the Table of Contents of Opus sorabjianum
The following is an abridged version of the table of contents of Opus sorabjianum: The Life and Works of Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji. The full table of contents fills seven pages because it consists of each bookmarked section title, which is necessary to create a complete list of bookmarks in the PDF file. The present list omits the titles of all of Sorabji’s works (and, sometimes, the names of the dedicatees whose relationships with the composer are described) that have an entry pointing to a section where their genesis and compositional features are discussed.
Preliminaries and Introduction
- Discovering Sorabji
- State of Research
- Sorabji’s Life in One Paragraph
- Format of the Book
- Sorabji Resource Site
- Internet Edition and Printing Instructions
Sources and Abbreviations
- Archival Sources
- Frequently Mentioned Correspondents
- Frequently Cited Sources
- Iconography
- Editorial Conventions and Abbreviations
- Current Value of Money
Introduction / A Primer to Sorabji’s Music
- Stylistic Periods
- The Manuscripts and Their Editions
- Incomplete and Lost Works
- Titles and (Extra-)Musical References
- Dedications and Notes Written in the Manuscripts
- Length and Virtuosity
- Notational Techniques
- Formal Categories
- Stylistic Categories
- Works Other than for the Piano
- Compositional Language
Part 1 / Family Background and Early Years
1 / Before 1892 ■ Family Origins in India and England
- Shapurji Sorabji, the Absentee Parsi Father
- Madeline Matilda Worthy, the English (and not “Spanish-Sicilian”) Mother
- Alleged Relatives in the Church Hierarchy
- Gianandrea, Stephen, and the “cugino inglese”
2 / 1892-1914 ■ Childhood and Youth
- First Contacts with Music
- Private Education by Tutors
- Musical Studies with Charles A. Trew
- England at War, Sorabji at Home
3 / 1914 ■ Making Friends in the Heseltine Circle
- Discussing Modern Music with Philip Heseltine, the First Correspondent
- Two Friends from the Heseltine Circle: Bernard van Dieren and Cecil Gray
4 / 1914-20 ■ A Zoroastrian’s First Steps as a Composer
- Name and Nicknames
- Joining (and Breaking from) the Parsi Community
- Quarrels with Lexicographers
- Love of Singing and Singers
- French Influences and Early Songs
5 / 1915-18 ■ Putting a Sharp Pen to Work
- Taking Up Residence at Clarence Gate Gardens
- Waging Wars with Open Letters
- Controversy with Ernest Newman
Part 2 / A Composer-Pianist at Work
6 / 1919 ■ Encounter with an “Artistic and Intellectual Titan”
- Playing for Busoni, the Revered Master
7 / 1920-22 ■ Discovering Other Worlds
- Contacts with Music Publishers
- Occultism, Extrasensory Perception, Yoga, and Number Symbolism
8 / 1922-25 ■ “Sinjon Wood”
- Christopher à Becket Williams, the Early Admirer
9 / 1926-29 ■ Emotional Life
- Women, Children, and “Sexual Inversion”
10 / 1929-30 ■ Erik Chisholm and Opus clavicembalisticum
- Erik Chisholm, the Realistic Glaswegian Friend
- The Composition and First Performance of Opus clavicembalisticum
- The Music of Opus clavicembalisticum
- The Published Edition of Opus clavicembalisticum and Its Reception
11 / 1931-32 ■ Professional Life and Finances
- Reviewing Music for the “No Wage”
- The Publication of Around Music
- Settling Family Matters in the “Accursed, Poisonous, and Pestilent City” of Bombay
- The Shapurji Sorabji Trust and Sorabji’s Finances
12 / 1932-36 ■ A Composer “Who Incidentally, Merely, Plays the Piano”
- Pianistic Abilities, Instruments, and Pianists
- Admiration for Organists
13 / 1936 ■ An Unfortunate Recital and the “Ban”
- John Tobin’s Cowdray Hall Recital
- Public Performances, Copyright, and the “Ban”
Part 3 / The Recluse Composer-Critic
14 / 1937-39 ■ Writing on Non-Musical Matters
- Association with Oxford University Press
- The Well-Read Composer on Social Issues
15 / 1940-41 ■ Friendships, Broken and Unbroken
- Frank Holliday, the Devoted Champion
- Harold Morland, the Inspired Poet
16 / 1941-50 ■ Casting a Defiant Look at the World
- The Eternal Misanthrope: The Fruits of Misanthropy and Mi contra fa
- Foreign Countries and Languages
- Vituperating against England and Its Institutions
17 / 1951-53 ■ Finding Refuge in Dorset
- Escape from London and Life at The Eye
- Norman Gentieu, the Munificent American Friend
18 / 1954-59 ■ Feelings, Positive and Negative
- Caring for “Mumsie” during Her Final Years
- Intensity of Friendship in a Tower of Granite
19 / 1960-61 ■ Completing the magnum opus
- Christopher Murray Grieve (Hugh MacDiarmid) and the “Sorabji Symposium”
- Fascination with the Catholic Ritual
20 / 1962-72 ■ The World-Weary Composer
- Obsession with Food and Health Matters
- Turning Away from Composition
- Likes and Dislikes in Music
Part 4 / Towards Rediscovery
21 / 1973-75 ■ The Flame Rekindled
- Alistair Hinton, the Trusted Friend
- Epistolary Activities, Handwriting, and Typewriting
22 / 1976-79 ■ Lifting the “Ban”
- Unofficial and Official Performances
23 / 1980-88 ■ The Final Years
- Dedications, Tributes, and Other Homages
- Death and Funeral
Appendices, Bibliography, and Index
Appendix 1 / List of Works
Appendix 2 / Catalogue of Works
Appendix 3 / Discography
Appendix 4 / Musical Examples
- Dictionary Articles
- Monographs and Excerpts from Monographs
- Theses and Dissertations
- Obituaries
- Reminiscences by Contemporaries and Friends
- Periodical Articles
- Public Lectures and Broadcasts
- Reviews of Sorabji’s Books of Essays
- Reviews of Published Scores and Early Performances
- Other Publications Cited in the Notes
- Sorabji’s Parents and Parsi Origins
- Published Sources Relevant to Sorabji’s Life
- Unpublished Sources Relevant to Sorabji’s Life
- Open Letters about Sorabji
- Sorabji’s Friends, Dedicatees, and Acquaintances
- Alfred Richard Orage and the New Age Circle
- Musical and Extramusical Aspects of Sorabji’s Works
- Miscellaneous
About the Author
Last modified:
Marc-André Roberge 2025
Sorabji Resource Site (SRS)
Faculté de musique, Université Laval, Québec
The contents of this website dedicated to the English composer Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji may be freely used for documentary purposes in a research context, provided that due credit is given, but may not be mirrored on any other server. Links to external or third-party websites are not guaranteed to be or remain valid or persistent and their content is not guaranteed to be or remain accurate or appropriate.