Sorabji Resource Site (SRS)

Record Labels and Their Artists

This page gives an alphabetical list of record labels that have issued commercial recordings of works by Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji, even if they are no longer in existence, in which case there is no link to a website. The second column gives the names of the artists who have recorded for them, with an indication of the years in which the recordings have been released. The third and fourth columns show the years in which the labels released their first and last Sorabji recordings, respectively, while the fourth column gives the number of recordings produced (excluding reissues).

A bullet () after a name indicates labels that have produced reissues rather than original recordings. In the case of Danacord and Dunelm, the recordings consist of only one piece by Sorabji among other composers.

In addition to these labels, the British Library Sound Archive holds tapes of broadcasts by Yonty Solomon (in one case with Jane Manning) dating from 1977, 1979, 1985, 1987, and 1992.

Click on a column heading to sort, then shift-click on other headings to sort on multiple columns.
Surround strings with quotation marks for specific searches. Refresh the page to revert to the initial order.

Label Artists First Year Last Year Recordings (N)
Label Artists First Year Last Year Recordings (N)
Altarus Records
Amato, Donna (1993, 1994)
Grante, Carlo (1993)
Hamelin, Marc-André (1990)
Hopkins, Charles (1995)
Johnson, Tellef (1999)
Ogdon, John (1989, 2004 [reissue])
Powell, Jonathan (2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007)
Solomon, Yonty (1992)
Stevenson, Ronald (1992)
1990 2007 15
ASV (Academy Sound and Vision)• Habermann, Michael (1988) 1988 1988 1
BIS Habermann, Michael (2003)
Kingsland, Chappell (2024; with the members of the Wild Beautiful Orchestra, and Sharon Bezaly, Sarah Bierhaus, Bryan Chuan, Andrew Garland, Taylor Gonzales, Christopher Grundy, Sharon Harms, Jeremy Reynolds, Zoë Spangler, Julie Thornton, and Emily Walker)
Madge, Geoffrey Douglas (1999)
Ullén, Fredrik (2000, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2020)
1999 2024 10
Brilliant Classics Powell, Jonathan (2021) 2021 2021 1
British Music Society Habermann, Michael (2003) 2003 2003 1
Centaur Farnum, Elizabeth, and Margaret Kampmeier (2002)
Nasseri, Soheil (2007)
2002 2007 2
Continuum Bowyer, Kevin (1988) 1988 1988 1
Elan [recte Élan] Habermann, Michael (1995) 1995 1995 1
Danacord Ullén, Fredrik (2004) 2004 2004 1
Dunelm (through Chandos Records) McLachlan, Murray (2004) 2004 2004 1
Hyperion Hamelin, Marc-André (1998) 1998 1998 1
Keytone Records (Royal Conservatory Series) Madge, Geoffrey Douglas (1983) 1983 1983 1
Musical Heritage Society Habermann, Michael (1980, 1982) 1980 1982 2
Musicmasters• Habermann, Michael (1981, 1982, 1987) 1981 1987 3
Naxos• Habermann, Michael (1981, 1982, 1987) 2015 2015 1
Opus A Records Johnson, Tellef 2024 2024 7
Piano Classics Huisman, Lukas
Powell, Jonathan
Sánchez-Aguilera, Abel
2016 2020 3
Pronunziato Nishimura, Eiji 2017 2017 1
Total 39
Last modified: 2025-01-01
© Marc-André Roberge 2025
Sorabji Resource Site (SRS)
Faculté de musique, Université Laval, Québec

The contents of this website dedicated to the English composer Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji may be freely used for documentary purposes in a research context, provided that due credit is given, but may not be mirrored on any other server. Links to external or third-party websites are not guaranteed to be or remain valid or persistent and their content is not guaranteed to be or remain accurate or appropriate.

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