Sorabji Resource Site (SRS)

Completions and Arrangements

This page contains data on the few completions and arrangements of works by Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji.


Le mauvais jardinier (1919; 1 p.): Completion (2023) by the American composer and pianist Chappell Kingsland extending the seven extant bars to thirty bars.

Introduction, Passacaglia, Cadenza, and Fugue (1929; compl. Alexander Abercrombie, 2004; 79 pp.): Completion (2004) by the Scottish/Welsh pianist Alexander Abercrombie, dedicated to the memory of Busoni. The work covers seventy-nine pages that would require about seventy-five minutes in performance. The Passacaglia consists of eighty-one variations, with the last two beats provided with an ossia to make a partial performance possible.


Opus clavicembalisticum (1929-30; 253 pp.): Orchestration (mid-1950s) of the first two sections by Peter Maxwell Davies (1934-2016); whereabouts unkown. See Stewart R. Craggs, Peter Maxwell Davies: A Source Book (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002), 60-61. The orchestration bears number J. 41 in Craggs’s list of works, and WoO 41 (i.e., Werk ohne Opuszahl) on the Max Trust’s website.

Frammento cantato (1967; 1 p.): Arrangement (2 pp.) by the American composer and pianist Chappell Kingsland for baritone, organ, and assistant organist in 2021, using Marc-André Roberge’s edition as a basis.

Last modified: 2025-01-01
© Marc-André Roberge 2025
Sorabji Resource Site (SRS)
Faculté de musique, Université Laval, Québec

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