Sorabji Resource Site (SRS)

Literary Tastes

This page documents Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji’s literary tastes, which cover all sorts of subjects, mainly in the humanities, but also musical ones, mostly reflected in the books he reviewed as part of his activities as a music critic. It lists the books he discussed, or at least mentioned, in nine usually extensive sources (see the bulleted list below). It does not constitute a complete database of all the authors, both musical and non-musical, that he knew. This is hardly possible on the basis of the surviving archival sources. Sorabji read voraciously, and the number of authors and books he knew is impressive.

The sources used, which cover the years 1930 to 1953, are listed below, and the dates following the titles correspond to the entire period that they cover, not just the years found in the references. They include his two books of essays (AM, MCF), two important unpublished collections of letters to close friends (EC, FH, PH), his articles, reviews, and open letters published in the two newspapers for which he worked as a music critic (NA, NEW) and in the Musical Times (MT), and two unpublished manuscripts (FM, MS).

  • AM: Around Music (1932)
  • CMG: Letters to Christopher Murray Grieve (1931-77)
  • EC: Letters to Erik Chisholm (1926-32, 1933-39, 1948-65)
  • FH: Letters to Frank Holliday (1939-78) {partial examination}
  • FM: “Fruits of Misanthropy” (1925-ca. 1940)
  • MCF: Mi contra fa (1947)
  • MS: “Addition to the Chapter ‘Music and Sex’” (ca. 1953)
  • MT: The Musical Times (1916-65)
  • NA: The New Age (1915-34)
  • NEW: The New English Weekly (1932-49)
  • OL: Open letter to a newspaper or periodical
  • PH: Letters to Philip Heseltine (1913-17, 1920-22)
  • PL: Private letter
  • RS: Letters to Ronald Stevenson (1958-86)
  • VAP: “The Validity of the Aristocratic Principle”, in Art and Thought: Issued in Honour of Dr. Ananda K. Coomaraswamy on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday, ed. K. Bharatha Iyer (London: Luzac, 1947), 214-17.

The extensive correspondence with Frank Holliday has not been included here because there is currently no way of reading it in its entirety and satisfactorily extracting the relevant information. However, my recollections of working on this collection on three occasions in the mid-1990s, and the handwritten notes I made at the time, suggest that literature and essays were not a frequent theme in this particular source.

A list of the writers whose texts Sorabji set to music, and of whom he probably had a good knowledge, can be found elsewhere on this site.

Contents of columns (other than “Author”, “Birth”, and “Death”)

  • Title
    • Titles followed by a bullet (•) are not specifically mentioned in the text, but it is highly likely that this is the actual title Sorabji meant.
    • An initial definite article is placed at the end of the entry, with the word appearing at the beginning capitalized to allow correct sorting.
    • Titles beginning with an accented letter are given without the accent, again to allow correct sorting, and the correct form follows in brackets.
    • The first word of an inverted title is capitalized although it could normally be lowercase, given the sentence-style capitalization of titles used on this site; this is necessary for correct sorting.
  • Publ.: The year of publication may be an approximation in the case of older works, especially those that went through several forms before reaching the version known to a twentieth-century reader like Sorabji.
  • Subject: Each book has been assigned a very general subject category that makes it easy to cover Sorabji’s reading interests. In some cases, the choice of subject is a best guess, as library catalogue data is in sufficient to make a fully informed choice.
  • Source: The two- or three-letter abbreviations are listed above.
  • Reference: The abbreviation for the source is followed by the page number or, in the case of letters (with a leading zero to allow correct sorting), the date in year-month-day format (to be completed with the abbreviation given under Source).

Click on a column heading to sort, then shift-click on other headings to sort on multiple columns.
Surround strings with quotation marks for specific searches. Refresh the page to revert to the initial order.

Aldington, Richard 1892 1962 Soft Answers 1932 Fiction MCF MCF242
Andrews, Charles Freer 1871 1940 True India, The: A Plea for Understanding 1939 Society NEW 1939-04-06
Anomaly [pseud.] Invert and His Social Adjustment, The 1927 Sexuality FM FM112
Anonymous One Thousand and One Nights (English translation) 1885 Orientalism EC 1930-05-28
Anonymous Kamasutras (English translation) 1883 Sexuality FM FM160
Appia, Adolphe 1862 1928 Musik und die Inszenierung, Die 1889 Music AM AM124
Arnold, Frank Thomas 1861 1940 Art of Accompaniment from a Thorough-Bass as Practised in the 17th & 18th Centuries, The 1931 Music NEW 1942-10-01
Asagaroff, Georg 1892 1957 Revolt in the Reformatory 1929 Movie EC 1930-06-13
Aymé, Marcel 1902 1967 Confort intellectuel, Le 1949 Society RS 1978-08-16
Beckford, William Thomas 1760 1844 Vathek, an Arabian Tale 1782 Orientalism EC 1930-05-03
Bekker, Paul 1882 1937 Gustav Mahler’s Symphonien 1921 Music AM AM192
Belloc, Hilaire 1870 1953 Servile State, The 1913 Society VAP VAP215
Berman, Louis, M.D. 1893 1946 Glands Regulating Personality, The 1922 Science EC 1930-05-28
Besier, Rudolf Wilhelm 1878 1942 Barretts of Wimpole Street, The 1930 Play EC 1931-01-22

Satakatraya [Śatakatraya] 450 Poetry EC 1930-05-03
Bhikshu, Subhadra (pseud. of Friedrich Zimmermann) 1852 1917 Buddhist Catechism, A: An Outline of the Doctrine of the Buddha Gotama in the Form of Question and Answer; Compiled from the Sacred Writings of the Southern Buddhists for the Use of Europeans 1890 Religion PH 1914-01-06
Boccaccio, Giovanni 1313 1375 Decameron, The 1353 Fiction PH 1916-02-23
Boiardo, Count of Scandiano, Matteo Maria 1440 1494 Amorum libri tres 1471 Poetry EC 1930-05-07
Borren, Charles van den 1874 1966 Sources of Keyboard Music in England, The 1914 Music MCF MCF236
Brailsford, Henry Noel 1873 1958 War of Steel and Gold, The: A Study of the Armed Peace 1914 Society EC 1930-09-11
Bridges, Robert Seymour 1844 1930 Testament of Beauty, The: A Poem in Four Books 1929 Poetry EC 1930-04-18
Brousson, Jean-Jacques 1878 1958 Anatole France en pantoufles 1924 Biography EC 1930-06-17
Burns, Robert 1759 1796 My Wife’s a Wanton Wee Thing 1790 Poetry MCF MCF221
Burton, Sir Richard Francis 1821 1890 Ananga Ranga (English translation) 1885 Sexuality FM FM160
Carpenter, Edward 1844 1929 Intermediate Sex, The: A Study of Some Transitional Types of Men and Women 1908 Sexuality FM FM112
Carrington, Hereward 1880 1958 Projection of the Astral Body, The (with Sylvan Muldoon, 1903-1969) 1929 Occultism MCF MCF206
Carse, Adam 1878 1958 Musical Wind Instruments 1939 Music NEW 1940-05-30
Challans, Mary 1905 1983 Charioteer, The 1953 Fiction EC 1954-11-03
Chaudhuri, Nirad C. 1897 1999 Autobiography of an Unknown Indian, The 1951 Autobiography FH 1951-12-12
Chauviré, Roger 1880 1957 Short History of Ireland, A 1965 History CMG 1966-12-16
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich 1860 1904 Cherry Orchard, The 1904 Play AM AM060
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich 1860 1904 Seagull, The 1895 Play AM AM060
Coke, Desmond 1879 1940 Stanton 1906 Fiction FM FM261
Colson, Percy 1873 1952 Melba: An Unconventional Biography 1932 Music NEW 1932-08-04
Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish 1877 1947 Bugbear of Literacy, The 1947 Society FH 1951-12-12
Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish 1877 1947 Dance of Shiva, The: Fourteen Indian Essays 1918 Orientalism AM AM111
Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish 1877 1947 Figures of Speech or Figures of Thought: The Traditional View of Art 1946 Philosophy NEW 1950-02-00
Cooper, Derek 1925 2014 Bad Food Guide, The 1967 Society RS 1967-04-21
Coryat, Thomas 1577 1617 Coryat’s Crudities, Hastily Gobbled Up in Five Months Travells…• 1611 Fiction MCF MCF229
Crew, Francis Albert Eley 1886 1973 Sexuality and Intersexuality 1925 Sexuality FM FM112
Cronin, Vincent 1924 2011 Golden Honeycomb, The: A Sicilian Quest 1954 Travel CMG 1955-08-20
Crowe, Catherine Ann, née Stevens 1790 1872 Night Side of Nature, The; or, Ghosts and Ghost Seers 1848 Occultism MCF MCF205
Dante Alighieri 1265 1321 Divina commedia 1321 Poetry EC 1930-05-03
Darnton, Christian 1905 1981 You and Music 1940 Music NEW 1940-09-26
Davids, Thomas William Rhys 1843 1922 Buddhist Birth Stories 1880 Orientalism EC 1931-01-22
Delafield, E. M. (Edmée Elizabeth Monica Dashwood, née de la Pasture) 1890 1943 To See Ourselves: A Domestic Comedy 1931 Play EC 1931-01-30
Dieren, Bernard van 1887 1936 Down among the Dead Men 1935 Music NEW 1936-02-13
Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge (pseud. Lewis Carroll) 1832 1898 Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There 1871 Fiction MCF MCF077
Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge (pseud. Lewis Carroll) 1832 1898 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 1865 Fiction FM FM256
Douglas, Major Clifford Hugh 1879 1952 [Social Credit Pamphlets]
Politics EC 1930-04-05
Douglas, Norman 1868 1952 How about Europe? Some Footnotes on East and West 1930 Fiction EC 1930-06-05
Douglas, Norman 1868 1952 Alone 1921 Fiction MCF MCF011
Douglas, Norman 1868 1952 South Wind 1917 Fiction EC 1930-08-00
Dover, Cedric 1904 1961 Half-Caste 1937 Society FM FM312
Druten, John William van 1901 1957 Diversion 1928 Play FM FM249
Druten, John William van 1901 1957 Young Woodley 1925 Play EC 1931-08-22
Dühren, Eugen (pseud. Iwan Block) 1872 1922 Marquis de Sade und seine Zeit, Der: Ein Beitrag zur Kultur- und Sittengeschichte des XVIII. Jahrhunderts 1900 Sexuality FM FM250
Dukes, Clement 1845 1925 Health at School Considered in Its Mental, Moral, and Physical Aspects 1887 Society FM FM160
Dumas, Alexandre (son) 1824 1895 Dame aux camélias, La 1848 Play EC 1930-06-17
Dunbar, William 1460 1530 Rorate coeli desuper 1500 Poetry MCF MCF221
Eekhoud, Georges 1854 1927 Mes communions 1895 Fiction FH 1951-12-12
Ellam, Captain J. E.

Nvayna: Buddhism and Modern Thought 1930 Orientalism EC 1931-01-22
Ellis, Havelock 1859 1939 Studies in the Psychology of Sex 1928 Sexuality FM FM112
Ellis, Havelock 1859 1939 Individual and the Race, The (from Little Essays of Love and Virtue) 1922 Society FM FM112
Evans-Wentz, Walter Yeeling 1878 1965 Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines; or, Seven Books of Wisdom of the Great Path, According to the Late Lāma Kazi Dawa-Samdup’s English Rendering 1935 Occultism CMG 1941-11-09
Fahey, Father Denis 1883 1954 Money Manipulation and Social Order 1952 Society RS 1961-11-07
Faye, Randall 1892 1948 Maria Marten; or, The Murder in the Red Barn (directed by Milton Rosmer) 1935 Movie FM FM299
Fenby, Eric 1906 1997 Delius As I Knew Him 1936 Music NEW 1942-04-02
Ffrangcon-Davies, Marjorie

David Ffrangcon-Davies: His Life and Book 1938 Music NEW 1938-10-20
FitzGerald, Edward 1809 1883 Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, The 1859 Orientalism MCF MCF066
Flaubert, Gustave 1821 1880 Madame Bovary 1856 Fiction MCF MCF025
Flaubert, Gustave 1821 1880 Tentation de saint Antoine, La [one of 100 copies on papier de Chine] 1874 Poetry PH 1916-02-11
Fodor, Nandor 1895 1964 Encyclopedia of Psychic Science 1934 Occultism EC 1936-09-06
Fox-Strangways, Arthur Henry 1859 1948 Music of Hindostan, The 1914 Music MCF MCF230
Freud, Sigmund 1856 1939 Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis: A Course of Twenty-Eight Lectures Delivered at the University of Vienna 1922 Society FM FM112
Gervais, Terence White 1905 1968 New Organ Principles and Their Interpretation ... (Novum Organisticum) (in typescript) 1937 Music EC 1933-08-22
Gide, André 1869 1951 Corydon: quatre dialogues socratiques 1924 Sexuality FM FM112
Giraud, Albert 1860 1929 Pierrot lunaire: Rondels bergamasques 1880 Poetry EC 1931-05-06
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 1749 1832 Faust 1831 Play EC 1930-04-18
Gourmont, Remy de 1858 1915 Des pas sur le sable 1914 Aesthetics AM AM088
Gray, Cecil 1895 1951 Survey of Contemporary Music, A 1924 Music AM AM066
Gray, Cecil 1895 1951 Sibelius 1934 Music EC 1932-01-24
Grenfell, Russell 1892 1954 Unconditional Hatred 1953 History RS 1961-10-25
Grieve, Christopher Murray 1892 1978 Company I’ve Kept, The 1967 Memoirs CMG 1966-12-16
Grieve, Christopher Murray 1892 1978 Milk-Wort and Bog-Cotton
Poetry MCF MCF221
Grieve, Christopher Murray 1892 1978 Crowdieknowe
Poetry MCF MCF221
Grieve, Christopher Murray 1892 1978 In memoriam James Joyce, from A Vision of World Language 1956 Poetry CMG 1955-08-10
Guénon, René 1886 1951 Autorité spirituelle et pouvoir temporel 1929 Society RS 1961-04-03
Guénon, René 1886 1951 Reign of Quantity and the Signs of Times, The 1953 Philosophy MS
Guignebert, Charles Alfred Honoré 1867 1939 Jesus 1939 Religion MCF MCF031
Giraud, Albert 1860 1929 Pierrot lunaire 1884 Poetry EC 1931-05-06
Hafez (Khwāja Shams-ud-Dīn Muḥammad Ḥāfeẓ-e Shīrāzī) 1315 1390 [Ghazals] 1375 Orientalism EC 1930-05-03
Hall, Radclyffe Marguerite 1886 1943 Well of Loneliness, The 1928 Sexuality FM FM224
Hamilton, Anthony 1646 1720 Memoirs of Count Grammont 1836 Biography EC 1930-05-03
Hamilton, Anthony 1646 1720 Contes 1715 Fiction EC 1930-05-03
Harding, Rosamond 1898 1982 Pianoforte ― Its History Traced to the Great Industrial Exhibition, 1851, The 1933 Music NEW 1933-07-20
Harrison, Martin 1907 1991 Sinecure 1948 Fiction FH 1951-12-25
Hayek, Friedrich A. von 1899 1992 Road to Serfdom, The 1944 Society VAP VAP216
Haynes, Edmund Sydney Pollock 1877 1949 Decline of Liberty in England, The 1916 Society MCF MCF095
Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von 1821 1894 On the Sensations of Tone as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music 1875 Science PH 1914-03-00
Herbert, Solomon 1874 1940 Fundamentals in Sexual Ethics: An Inquiry into Modern Tendencies 1920 Sexuality FM FM112
Hewart, Gordon (Lord) 1879 1943 New Despotism, The 1929 Society MCF MCF095
Hirschfeld, Magnus 1868 1935 Homosexualität des Mannes und Weibes, Die 1914 Sexuality FM FM112
Hull, Arthur Eaglefield 1876 1928 Modern Harmony, Its Explanation and Application 1915 Music PH 1914-03-00
Hull, Robert H.

Contemporary Music 1927 Music NA 1927-12-01
Huxley, Aldous 1894 1963 Antic Hay 1923 Fiction EC 1930-08-23
Huxley, Aldous 1894 1963 Chrome Yellow 1921 Fiction MCF MCF218
Huxley, Aldous 1894 1963 Brave New World 1931 Fiction EC 1932-01-24
Huxley, Aldous 1894 1963 Point Counterpoint 1928 Fiction EC 1930-08-00
Huxley, Aldous 1894 1963 Do What You Will 1929 Fiction EC 1930-05-28
Huxley, Aldous 1894 1963 History of Some Fashions in Love, A 1924 Fiction EC 1930-05-28
Huysmans, Joris-Karl 1848 1907 A rebours [À rebours] 1884 Fiction EC 1930-06-17
Hyndman, Henry Mayers 1842 1921 Awakening of Asia, The 1919 Society FM FM305
Ingram, Archibald Kenneth 1882 1965 An Outline of Sexual Morality 1922 Sexuality FM FM112
Jensen, Børge “World-Food-Shortage”, The: A Communist-Zionist Plot 1947 Society RS 1961-04-03
Jerome, Saint 374 420 Vulgate 382 Religion MCF MCF066
Joubert, Joseph 1754 1824 Recueil des pensées de M. Joubert 1838 Philosophy EC 1930-04-10
Jouvenel, Bertrand de 1903 1987 Du pouvoir: Histoire naturelle de sa croissance 1945 Society RS 1961-04-03
Joyce, James 1882 1941 Ulysses 1922 Fiction FH 1973-08-20
Jung, Carl Gustav 1875 1961 Kommentar zum Geheimnis der goldenen Blüte 1928 Religion MCF MCF074
Kessler, Harry Graf 1868 1937 Edition of Virgil’s Eclogues 1927 Fiction EC 1930-05-03
Keun Odette 1888 1978 Continental Stakes: Marshes of Invasion, Valley of Conquest and Peninsula of Chaos 1944 Society PL (Odette Keun) 1945-05-01
Kipling, Rudyard 1865 1936 White Man’s Burden, The 1899 Poetry FM FM235
Klein, Major Adrian Bernard 1892 1969
Colour Music 1927 Music NA 1927-02-10
Knaggs, Henry Valentine 1859 1954 Truth about Vaccination, The: The Nature and Origin of Vaccine Lymph, and the Teachings of the New Bacteriology 1914 Science EC 1930-09-17
Knight, Melvin M. [dates], Iva Lowther Peters, and Phyllis Blanchard 1887 1981 Taboo and Genetics: A Study of the Biological, Sociological and Psychological Foundation of the Family 1921 Society EC 1940-06-03
Kühnelt-Leddihn, Erik von 1909 1999 Liberty or Equality: The Challenge of Our Time 1952 Society RS 1961-04-03
La Rochefoucault, François 1613 1680 Réflexions ou sentences et maximes morales 1678 Fiction EC 1930-04-10
Laclos, Pierre A. F. Choderlos de 1741 1803 Liaisons dangeureuses, Les 1782 Fiction MCF MCF025
Lawrence, D. H. 1885 1930 Rainbow, The 1915 Fiction PH 1916-02-16
Lawrence, D. H. 1885 1930 Women in Love 1920 Fiction PH 1921-11-08
Lear, Edward 1812 1888 Book of Nonsense (excerpt) 1846 Fiction EC 1930-06-17
Lehmann, Rosamond 1901 1990 Dusty Answer 1927 Fiction FM FM256
Levy, Oscar Ludwig 1867 1946 Idiocy of Idealism, The 1940 Society MCF MCF060
Lewis, Wyndham 1882 1957 Apes of God, The 1930 Fiction EC 1930-10-30
Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph 1851 1940 Phantom Walls 1929 Science EC 1930-09-17
Loliée, Frédéric 1856 1915 Paradoxe, Le: Essai sur les excentricités de l’esprit humain dans tous les siècles 1888 Society CMG 1971-08-24
Ludovici, Anthony M. 1882 1971 Defence of Aristocracy, A: A Textbook for Tories 1933 Society RS 1961-04-03
Ludovici, Anthony M. 1882 1971 Lysistrata; or, Woman’s Future and Future Woman 1925 Science EC 1930-08-00
Ludovici, Anthony M. 1882 1971 Man’s Descent from the Gods; or, The Complete Case against Prohibition 1921 Society EC 1930-08-00
Ludovici, Anthony M. 1882 1971 Man, an Indictment 1927 Society EC 1930-08-00
Ludovici, Anthony M. 1882 1971 A Defence of Aristocracy: A Text Book for Tories 1915 Society EC 1930-08-00
Luftig, Wilhelm 1888 1958 Victory over Eye Diseases without Operation: An Outline of My System on Non-Operative Treatment 1940 Science PL (Henry Lightly) 1976-07-08
Lunn, Sir Arnold Henry Moore 1888 1974 Flight from Reason: A Study of the Victorian Heresy, The 1931 Philosophy EC 1932-01-24
Lunn, Sir Arnold Henry Moore 1888 1974 Switzerland and the English 1944 Society MCF MCF081
Machen, Arthur 1863 1947 House of Souls, The 1906 Fiction FM FM111
Machiavelli, Niccolò 1469 1527 Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio 1517 Politics MCF MCF013
Machiavelli, Niccolò 1469 1527 Principe, Il 1513 Politics MCF MCF013
Mackenzie, Sir Compton 1883 1972 Four Winds of Love, The 1945 Fiction MCF MCF223
Mallarmé, Stéphane 1842 1898 Preface to William Thomas Beckford’s “Vathek: An Arabian Tale” 1876 Orientalism EC 1930-05-03
Mallarmé, Stéphane 1842 1898 Sainte 1898 Poetry MCF MCF165
Marchesi de Castrone, Blanche 1863 1940 Singer’s Pilgrimage, A 1923 Music AM AM094
Maupassant, Guy de 1850 1893 Maison Tellier, La 1881 Fiction PH 1916-02-23
Maurois, André 1885 1967 Peseur d’âmes, Le 1931 Fiction EC 1931-06-23
Mayo, Katherine 1867 1940 Mother India 1927 Politics EC 1932-00-00
Menen, Aubrey 1912 1989       CMG 1965-07-01
Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni 1475 1564 [Sonnets] 1538 Poetry EC 1930-05-03
Milton, John 1608 1674 Paradise Regained 1671 Poetry EC 1932-00-00
Molière (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin) 1622 1673 Bourgeois gentilhomme, Le 1670 Play MCF MCF092
Moll, Albert 1862 1939 Die Conträre Sexualempfindung mit Benutzung amtlichen Materials 1891 Sexuality FH 1954-11-15 (Catholic Herald)
Mookerji, Radakahmal 1889 1968 Theory and Art of Mysticism, The 1937 Occultism MCF MCF196
Mordaunt, Elinor 1872 1942 These Generations 1930 Fiction EC 1930-06-17
Müller, Max 1823 1900 Sacred Books of the East (ed.) 1910 Orientalism EC 1931-01-22
Murray, John Middleton 1889 1957 Son of Woman: The Story of D. H. Lawrence 1931 Biography EC 1931-08-22
Narasu, Polaka Lakshmi 1861 1934 Essence of Buddhism 1907 Religion PH 1914-01-06
Nogaret, François-Félix 1740 1831 Fond du sac, Le: Recueil de contes en vers et en prose et de pièces fugitives 1866 Fiction RS 1965-09-11
Northcott, Richard 1871 1931 Records of the Royal Opera Covent Garden, 1888-1921 1924 Music MCF MCF090
O’Dwyer, Sir Michael Francis 1864 1940 India As I Knew It• 1925 Society FM FM311
Paassen, Pierre van 1895 1968 Days of Our Years 1939 Biography EC 1939-09-11
Pain, Barry 1864 1928 Stories Barry Told Me Recorded by his Daughter• [short story of a baboon and a giraffe] 1927 Fiction MCF MCF077
Pareto, Vilfreo 1848 1923 Mind and Society, The [translation of Trattato di sociologia generale, 1916] 1935 Society MCF MCF029
Payne, John 1842 1916 Preface to the Poems of Shemseddin Mohammed Hafiz of Shiraz 1901 Orientalism MCF MCF241
Payne, John 1842 1916 English versions of Omar Khayyam’s Quatrains 1898 Poetry EC 1930-04-18
Peyrefitte, Roger 1907 2000 Amitiés particulières, Les 1944 Fiction MS
Peyrefitte, Roger 1907 2000 Clés de saint Pierre, Les (in English translation) 1955 Fiction FH 1958-01-27
Picton, Harold Morbid, the Abnormal and the Personal, The 1923 Sexuality FM FM112
Plumstead, H.P.

Admiralty Regrets, The 1927 Play EC 1932-01-24
Poe, Edgar Allan 1809 1869 Masque of the Red Death, The 1842 Fiction MCF MCF209
Pomerai, Ralph de

Aphrodite; or, The Future of Sexual Relationships 1931 Sexuality EC 1931-05-06
Pope, Alexander 1688 1744 Epistle to Augustus 1736 Philosophy EC 1930-06-17
Pope, Alexander 1688 1744 Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot 1735 Poetry PH 1914-01-06
Pope, Alexander 1688 1744 Dunciad, The 1728 Poetry MCF MCF058
Porto, Luigi da 1485 1529 Historia novellamente ritrovata di due nobili amanti 1530 Fiction EC 1930-08-23
Portsmouth, 9th Earl of (Gerard Vernon Wallop) 1898 1894 Alternative to Death: The Relationship between Soil, Family and Community 1943 Society MCF MCF170
Racine, Jean 1639 1699 Thébayide, La, ou Les frères ennemis 1644 Play FM FM306
Raffalovitch, Marc-André 1864 1934 Uranisme et unisexualité: Étude sur différentes manifestations de l’instinct sexuel 1896 Sexuality OL (Catholic Herald) 1954-11-15
Reed, Douglas 1895 1976 A Prophet at Home 1941 Society RS 1966-08-11
Renard, Jules 1864 1910 Histoires naturelles 1896 Poetry MCF MCF166
Reynolds, Reginald Arthur 1905 1988 Cleanliness and Godliness; or, The Further Metamorphosis, a Discussion of the Problems of Sanitation Raised by Sir John Harington… 1946 Science MCF MCF229
Reynolds, Reginald Arthur 1905 1988 White Sahibs of India, The 1937 Society FM FM305
Rogers, James Edwin Thorold 1823 1890 Six Centuries of Work and Wages: The History of English Labour 1884 Society MCF MCF036
Ronald, Sir Landon 1873 1938 Who’s Who in Music (ed.) 1937 Music NEW 1937-07-29
Rougier, Louis Auguste Paul 1889 1982 Philosophy and the New Physics 1921 Philosophy MCF MCF194
Rowse, A. L. 1903 1997 Cornish Childhood, A: Autobiography of a Cornishman 1942 Autobiography FH 1957-11-15
Rūmī, Jall ad-Dīn Muḥammad 1207 1273 Mathnawi 1273 Orientalism MCF MCF183
Rūmī, Jall ad-Dīn Muḥammad 1207 1273 Dīwn-e Kabīr 1250 Orientalism MCF MCF183
Rutter, Francis Vane Phipson 1876 1937 Revolution in Art 1910 Aesthetics PH 1914-01-06
Sade (Comte Donatien-Alphonse-François), Marquis de 1740 1814 Philosophie dans le boudoir, La 1795 Sexuality FM FM250
Sanderson, William

That Which Was Lost: A Treatise on Freemasonry and the English Mistery 1930 Society AM AM084
Saurat, Denis 1890 1958 Three Conventions: Metaphysical Dialogues, Principia Metaphysica, and Commentary, the 1926 Philosophy EC 1930-05-03
Saurat, Denis 1890 1958 Tendances: Idées françaises de Molière à Proust 1928 Society FM FM276
Saurat, Denis 1890 1958 Three Conventions, The: Metaphysical Dialogues 1926 Philosophy EC 1931-06-25
Scartazzini, Johann Andreas 1837 1901 Divine Comedy (edition) 1890 Poetry FM FM174
Scherchen, Hermann 1891 1966 Handbook of Conducting 1933 Music NEW 1934-03-15
Scholes, Percy 1877 1958 Oxford Companion to Music, The 1938 Music NEW 1938-12-22
Schwarzschild, Leopold 1891 1950 Rd Prussian, The: The Life and Legend of Karl Marx 1947 Society FH 1951-12-25
Seal, Gabriel

Professor of Music 1943 Music NEW 1943-02-25
Shakespeare, William 1564 1616 Romeo and Juliet 1597 Play EC 1930-08-00
Shakespeare, William 1564 1616 Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, The 1603 Play EC 1930-06-03
Shane, Brian de (actually Catherine Bower Alcock)

De Sade, Being a Series of Wounds, Inflicted with Brush and Pen, upon Sadistic Wolves Garbed in Masochist’s Wool 1929 Fiction NA 1929-09-12
Shaw, George Bernard 1856 1950 Man and Superman 1903 Play AM AM178
Sinnett, Alfred Percy 1840 1921 Esoteric Buddhism 1885 Religion PH 1914-01-06
Smyth, Dame Ethel 1858 1944 Final Burning of Boats, A 1928 Biography NA 1928-04-12
Stall, Sylvanus 1847 1915 What a Young Boy Ought to Know• 1897 Sexuality FM FM087
Steed, Henry Wickham 1871 1956 Through Thirty Years, 1892-1922: A Personal Narrative 1925 History CMG 1965-07-01
Stimson, Henry Lewis [dates], and Bundy McGeorge 1867 1950 On Active Service in Peace and War 1948 History RS 1961-11-07
Stopes, Maria Charlotte Carmichael 1880 1958 Married Love: A New Contribution to the Solution of Sex Difficulties• 1918 Sexuality FM FM160
Symonds, John Addington 1840 1893 Translation of Michelangelo’s Sonnets 1893 Poetry EC 1930-06-17
Thomson, James 1834 1882 City of Dreadful Night, The, and Other Poems 1880 Poetry PH 1914-03-02
Törne, Bengt de 1891 1967 Sibelius: A Close-Up 1937 Music NEW 1937-04-15
Trübner, Nicolas 1817 1884 Trübner’s Oriental Series 1878 Orientalism EC 1931-01-22
Turner, Walter James Redfern 1889 1946 Beethoven 1927 Music NEW 1934-03-15
Uzanne, Octave 1851 1931 Son altesse la femme 1885 Fiction EC 1930-06-17
Vaerting, Mathilde (and Mathias) 1884 1977 Dominant Sex: A Study in the Sociology of Sex Differentiation 1923 Sexuality NA 1929-03-21
Verlaine, Paul 1844 1896 Fêtes galantes 1869 Poetry MCF MCF162
Voltaire (François Marie Arouet) 1694 1778 Dictionnaire philosophique 1764 Philosophy PL (Norman Gentieu) 1981-11-28
Voltaire (François Marie Arouet) 1694 1778 Essai sur les mœurs et l’esprit des nations 1756 Society EC 1930-06-17
Wakefield, Herbert Russell 1890 1964 They Return at Evening: A Book of Ghost Stories 1928 Fiction EC 1930-04-18
Wall, Bernard 1908 1974 Report on the Vatican 1956 Religion CMG 1956-12-19
Warren, Henry Clarke 1854 1899 Buddhism in Translation 1896 Orientalism EC 1931-01-30
Weber, Max 1881 1961 Cubist Poems 1914 Poetry PH 1916-04-21
Webster, John 1580 1625 White Devil, The; or, Vittoria Corombona 1612 Play AM AM174
West, Morris L. 1916 1999 Shoes of the Fisherman, The 1963 Fiction FH 1964-02-18
Whistler, James Abbott McNeil 1834 1903 Gentle Art of Making Enemies, The 1890 Biography MCF MCF193
Wilde, Oscar 1854 1900 Picture of Dorian Gray, The 1890 Fiction EC 1930-05-03
Wilde, Oscar 1854 1900 Salome 1891 Play FM FM248
Wilson, Dr. R. McNair 1882 1963 In Plain English: McNair Wilson’s News-Letter 1938 Society EC 1939-04-15
Wolff, Charlotte 1897 1986 Studies in Hand Reading 1936 Occultism NEW 1936-12-24
Woodroffe, Sir John George (pseud. Arthur Avalon) 1865 1936 Shakti and Shakta 1918 Orientalism MCF MCF201
Yeats-Brown, Major Francis Charles Claypon 1886 1944 Yoga Explained 1937 Occultism MCF MCF071
Yeats-Brown, Major Francis Charles Claypon 1886 1944 Bengal Lancer 1930 Orientalism EC 1931-08-22
Zola, Émile 1840 1902 Nana 1880 Fiction PH 1916-02-23
Zola, Émile 1840 1902 Terre, La 1887 Fiction PH 1916-02-23
Showing 1 to 243 of 243 entries
Last modified: 2025-01-01
© Marc-André Roberge 2025
Sorabji Resource Site (SRS)
Faculté de musique, Université Laval, Québec

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