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Editors of Music Scores
This page is a tribute to the dedicated work of the editors, through whose entirely unpaid efforts Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji’s music has become increasingly available in readable form in editions published, unless otherwise noted, by the Sorabji Archive.
Some entries are blank if the information is not relevant due to the nature of the edition. This applies for example to a corrected edition of a score published under the composer’s supervision, which is identical in layout to the original. Editions in progress are listed as they are published.
Roberge’s editions (as well as his two bibliographical compilations) were made available to the Sorabji Archive in March 2009 in a second impression, from which the Sorabji Archive is now issuing copies. These new impressions correct various errors, mostly in the text but sometimes also in the music. Some of his editions are also available in second editions.
The editors of the corrected editions of the Fantaisie espagnole (1919; 23 pp.) and the Valse-fantaisie for Piano (1925; 16 pp.) appear as Rice and Amato and as Amato and Rice, respectively, on the title pages. They have been entered here using the latter order to enable correct grouping when sorting.
A message by Alistair Hinton on the Sorabji Forum lists the editions currently in progress (as of 29 March 2014), but does not name the editors. See also page Progress in Sorabji editing, performing and recording, which is generated from data in the Sorabji Archive’s database.
The table below shows the number of newly edited scores were published in each year with the number of pages of music; years with no publication are omitted. Numbers of pages are not given for sets of parts, and corrected editions of scores published by Sorabji during his lifetime are not included.
Click on a column heading to sort, then shift-click on other headings to sort on multiple columns.
Surround strings with quotation marks for specific searches. Refresh the page to revert to the initial order.
Year | Works (N) | Pages (N) |
Year | Works (N) | Pages (N) |
2025 | 1 | 2 |
2024 | 3 | 47 |
2022 | 1 | 693 |
2021 | 3 | 254 |
2020 | 1 | 118 |
2019 | 2 | 478 |
2017 | 1 | 1001 |
2016 | 2 | 282 |
2015 | 2 | 497 |
2014 | 7 | 1438 |
2013 | 8 | 138 |
2012 | 3 | 307 |
2010 | 1 | 113 |
2009 | 1 | 432 |
2008 | 4 | 463 |
2007 | 12 | 238 |
2006 | 8 | 40 |
2005 | 8 | 323 |
2004 | 9 | 546 |
2003 | 1 | |
2002 | 6 | 166 |
1999 | 1 | 53 |
1994 | 4 | 262 |
1993 | 7 | 32 |
1992 | 8 | 95 |
1991 | 2 | 423 |
1989 | 2 | 5 |
1988 | 2 | 18 |
1987 | 1 | 7 |
1980 | 2 | |
1969 | 1 | 16 |
Total | 113 | 4862 |
Click on a column heading to sort, then shift-click on other headings to sort on multiple columns.
Surround strings with quotation marks for specific searches. Refresh the page to revert to the initial order.
Editor(s) | Publication | Title and Comments | Pages (N) |
Editor(s) | Publication | Title and Comments | Pages (N) |
Abercrombie, Alexander | 2004 | Toccata seconda per pianoforte (1933-34; 111 pp.) | 164 |
Abercrombie, Alexander | 2005 | Introduction, Passacaglia, Cadenza, and Fugue (1929; compl. Alexander Abercrombie, 2004; 79 pp.) | 79 |
Abercrombie, Alexander | 2005 | Il gallo d’oro da Rimsky-Korsakov: Variazioni frivole con una fuga anarchica, eretica e perversa (1978-79; 93 pp.) | 95 |
Abercrombie, Alexander (et al.) | 2007 | Études transcendantes (100) (1940-44; 456 pp.) The complex edition history of this work is as follows:
864 |
Abercrombie, Alexander | 2007 | Quintet II for Piano and String Quartet (1932-33; 432 pp.) | 459 |
Abercrombie, Alexander | 2008 | Sequentia cyclica super “Dies irae” ex Missa pro defunctis (1948-49; 335 pp.) | 377 |
Abercrombie, Alexander | 2009 | Sonata V (Opus archimagicum) (1934-35; 336 pp.) | 432 |
Abercrombie, Alexander | 2014 | Fourth Symphony for Piano Alone (1962-64; 240 pp.) | 232 |
Abrahams, Simon | 2001 | Movement for Voice and Piano (1927, 1931; 9 pp.) | 16 |
Abrahams, Simon | 2002 | Apparition (1916; 5 pp.) | 6 |
Abrahams, Simon | 2004 | Sonata IV for Piano (1928-29; 111 pp.) | 129 |
Abrahams, Simon | 2007 | Études transcendantes (100) (1940-44; 456 pp.): nos. 19, 21 (incorporated into the complete edition) | |
Abrahams, Simon | 2008 | Villa Tasca: Mezzogiorno siciliano—Evocazione nostalgica e memoria tanta cara e preziosa del giardino meraviglioso, splendido, tropicale (1979-80; 47 pp.) | 47 |
Abrahams, Simon | 2010 | Symphonia brevis for Piano (1973; 120 pp.) | 113 |
Amato, Donna | 1992• | Toccatinetta sopra C.G.F. (1929; 8 pp.)• | 15 |
Amato, Donna | 1993• | Passeggiata arlecchinesca sopra un frammento di Busoni (“Rondò arlecchinesco”) (1981-82; 16 pp.)• | 30 |
Amato, Donna, and Chris Rice | 1993 | Fantaisie espagnole (1919; 23 pp.) {corrected edition of the publication} | |
Amato, Donna, and Chris Rice | 1993 | Valse-fantaisie for Piano (1925; 16 pp.) {corrected edition of the publication} | |
Bowyer, Kevin | 1988• | Symphony [no. 1] for Organ (1924; 81 pp.) {corrected edition of the publication} | |
Bowyer, Kevin | 1991• | Second Symphony for Organ (1929-32; 350 pp.)• | 396 |
Bowyer, Kevin | 2013• | Symphony [no. 1] for Organ (1924; 81 pp.) | 92 |
Bowyer, Kevin | 2014• | Second Symphony for Organ (1929-32; 350 pp.) | 309 |
Bowyer, Kevin | 2014 | Third Organ Symphony (1949-53; 305 pp.) | 309 |
Burton-Page, Anthony | 1989• | Fantasiettina atematica (1981; 2 pp.)• | 4 |
Fabre, François | 2017 | Messa grande sinfonica (1955-61; 1,001 pp.) | 1001 |
Garvelmann, Donald M. | 1969• | Pastiche on the “Minute Waltz” by Chopin (1922; 7 pp.) {published by Music Treasure Publications, Garvelmann’s own imprint} | 16 |
Hamelin, Marc-André | 1989• | Suggested Bell-Chorale for St. Luke’s Carillon (1961; 1 p.)• | 1 |
Hamelin, Marc-André | 1992• | L’heure exquise (1916; 2 pp.)• | 4 |
Hamelin, Marc-André | 1994 | Études transcendantes (100) (1940-44; 456 pp.): nos. 1-18• (incorporated into the complete edition after resetting by Lukas Huisman and Frazer Jarvis) | 121 |
Hamelin, Marc-André | 1994• | “Gulistān”—Nocturne for Piano (1940; 28 pp.)• | 54 |
Hinton, Alistair | 1988• | Trois poèmes (1941; 13 pp.)• | 18 |
Hopkins, Charles | 1994• | Nocturne, “Jāmī” (1928; 28 pp.)• | 70 |
Huisman, Lukas | 2008• | Frammenti aforistici (4) (1977; 1 p.) | 1 |
Huisman, Lukas | 2007 | Études transcendantes (100) (1940-44; 456 pp.): nos. 1-16, 18 (typesetting of Hamelin’s handwritten edition incorporating corrections; resetting of Jarvis’s typeset edition of no. 17; incorporated into the complete edition) | |
Huisman, Lukas | 2013• | Fragment: Prelude and Fugue on FxAxx DAxEx (1926; 3 pp.) | 2 |
Huisman, Lukas | 2013• | Frammenti aforistici (4) (1977; 1 p.) | 1 |
Huisman, Lukas | 2016 | Symphonic Nocturne for Piano Alone (1977-78; 113 pp.) | 85 |
Jarvis, Frazer | 2005 | Rapsodie espagnole de Maurice Ravel—Transcription de concert pour piano (first version, 1923; 16 pp.) | 30 |
Jarvis, Frazer | 2005 | Désir éperdu — Fragment (1917; 1 p.) | 1 |
Jarvis, Frazer | 2005• | Variazione maliziosa e perversa sopra “La morte d’Åse” da Grieg (1974; 2 pp.) | 2 |
Jarvis, Frazer | 2007 | Études transcendantes (100) (1940-44; 456 pp.): no. 17 (typesetting of Hamelin’s handwritten edition; incorporated into the complete edition after resetting by Lukas Huisman) | |
Jarvis, Frazer | 2013• | Due sutras sul nome dell’amico Alexis (1981, 1984; 2 pp.) | 2 |
Jarvis, Frazer | 2013 | Chaleur—Poème (1916-17; 32 pp.) | 20 |
Jarvis, Frazer | 2013• | Toccatinetta sopra C.G.F. (1929; 8 pp.) | 10 |
Jarvis, Frazer | 2013• | “Quaere reliqua hujus materiei inter secretiora” (1940; 16 pp.) | 22 |
Jarvis, Frazer | 2014 | Opusculum for Orchestra (1923; 36 pp.) | 31 |
Jarvis, Frazer | 2015 | Sonata no. 0 for Piano (1917; 30 pp.) | 40 |
Jarvis, Frazer | 2022 | Symphonic Variations for Piano (1935-37; 484 pp.) | 693 |
Jarvis, Frazer | 2025 | From an Imaginary String Quartet (1926; 1 p.) | 2 |
Jarvis, Frazer, and Jason Acuña | 2005 | Rapsodie espagnole de Maurice Ravel—Transcription de concert pour piano (second version, 1945; 26 pp.) | 33 |
Kingsland, Chappell | 2024 | Trois poèmes du “Gulistān” de Saʿdī (1926, rev. 1930; 16 pp.) | 27 |
Lee, R. D. [Ramer Davey] | 2019• | Two Piano Pieces (1918, 1920; 20 pp.) | 16 |
Lee, R. D. [Ramer Davey] | 2021• | Sonata III for Piano (1922; 75 pp.) | 78 |
Margiotta, Maria Rosaria | 1999• | Études transcendantes (100) (1940-44; 456 pp.) {Etude no. 99 published as part of the author’s master’s thesis “Sorabji: A History of the First Publishers and an Edition (Transcendental Study no. 99)”.} | 53 |
Miller, Elma | 1980• | Il tessuto d’arabeschi (1979; 32 pp.)• {unpublished parts prepared in 1981 for the first performance in Philadelphia in 1982} | |
Powell, Jonathan | 2002 | Passeggiata veneziana sopra la Barcarola di Offenbach (1955-56; 24 pp.) | 24 |
Powell, Jonathan | 2002 | Roses du soir (1915; 4 pp.) | 3 |
Powell, Jonathan | 2002 | Fantasia ispanica (1933; 54 pp.) | 64 |
Powell, Jonathan | 2002 | Rosario d’arabeschi (1956; 45 pp.) | 43 |
Powell, Jonathan | 2002 | Un nido di scatole sopra il nome del grande e buon amico Harold Rutland (1954; 26 pp.) | 26 |
Powell, Jonathan | 2004• | Nocturne, “Jāmī” (1928; 28 pp.) | 26 |
Powell, Jonathan (with Alexander Abercrombie, Richard Younger, and François Fabre) | 2004 | Concerto da suonare da me solo e senza orchestra, per divertirmi (1946; 70 pp.) | 72 |
Powell, Jonathan | 2007 | Études transcendantes (100) (1940-44; 456 pp.): nos. 73, 84 (incorporated into the complete edition) | |
Powell, Jonathan | 2007 | Schlussszene aus “Salome” von Richard Strauss—Konzertmäßige Übertragung für Klavier zu zwei Händen (1947; 25 pp.) | 35 |
Powell, Jonathan (with Alexander Abercrombie) | 2012 | Sixth Symphony for Piano (Symphonia claviensis) (1975-76; 270 pp.) | 270 |
Powell, Jonathan | 2012• | “Gulistān”—Nocturne for Piano (1940; 28 pp.) | 28 |
Powell, Jonathan | 2014 | Le jardin parfumé: Poem for Piano Solo (1923; 16 pp.) {This is the first time a work published by Sorabji during his lifetime is engraved anew.} | 21 |
Powell, Jonathan | 2014• | St. Bertrand de Comminges: “He was laughing in the tower” (1941; 16 pp.) | 17 |
Powell, Jonathan | 2020 | Concerto per pianoforte e piccola orchestra, “Simorg-Anka” [no. 7] (1924; 100 pp.) | 118 |
Rapoport, Paul | 1980• | Cinque sonetti di Michelagniolo Buonarroti (1923; 40 pp.)• {parts prepared in 1980 for the first performance in Toronto} | |
Rice, Chris | 1991• | Variazione maliziosa e perversa sopra “La morte d’Åse” da Grieg (1974; 2 pp.)• | 2 |
Rice, Chris | 1992• | Due sutras sul nome dell’amico Alexis (1981, 1984; 2 pp.)• | 3 |
Rice, Chris | 1992• | St. Bertrand de Comminges: “He was laughing in the tower” (1941; 16 pp.)• | 42 |
Rice, Chris | 1993• | “Quaere reliqua hujus materiei inter secretiora” (1940; 16 pp.)• | 32 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 1992 | Quasi habanera (1917; 6 pp.) | 9 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 1992 | Transcription of the Prelude in E-flat by Bach (1945; 4 pp.) | 6 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 1992 | Pastiche on the Hindu Merchant’s Song from “Sadko” by Rimsky-Korsakov (1922; 4 pp.) | 5 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 1992 | Pastiche on the Habanera from “Carmen” by Bizet (1922; 6 pp.) | 11 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 1993 | Fragment Written for Harold Rutland (1926, 1928, 1937; 2 pp.) {All three versions} | 14 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 1993 | Transcription in the Light of Harpsichord Technique for the Modern Piano of the Chromatic Fantasia of J. S. Bach, Followed by a Fugue (1940; 15 pp.) | 29 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 1993 | L’irrémediable (1927; 8 pp.) | 11 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 1994 | Pasticcio capriccioso sopra l’op. 64, no 1 del Chopin (1933; 8 pp.) | 17 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 2004• | Suggested Bell-Chorale for St. Luke’s Carillon (1961; 1 p.) | 2 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 2004 | Concertino non grosso for String Sextet with Piano Obbligato quasi continuo (1968; 48 pp.) | 108 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 2004• | Il tessuto d’arabeschi (1979; 32 pp.) {includes parts} | 38 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 2004• | Fantasiettina atematica (1981; 2 pp.) {includes parts; second edition in 2021} | 5 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 2005• | Pastiche on the “Minute Waltz” by Chopin (1922; 1922; 7 pp.) | 17 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 2005• | Cinque sonetti di Michelagniolo Buonarroti (1923; 40 pp.) {includes parts; second edition in 2022} | 66 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 2006• | L’heure exquise (1916; 2 pp.) | 4 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 2006 | I Was Not Sorrowful—Poem for Voice and Piano [Spleen] (between 1917 and 1919; 3 pp.) {second edition in 2024} | 4 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 2006 | Le mauvais jardinier (1918 or 1919; compl. Chappell Kingsland, 2023; 5 pp.) {second edition in 2024, including a completion by Chappelll Kingsland} | 5 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 2006 | Arabesque (1920; 2 pp.) | 2 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 2006 | Hymne à Aphrodite (1916; 5 pp.) | 11 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 2006 | Chrysilla (1915; 4 pp.) | 7 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 2006 | Vocalise pour soprano fioriturata (1916; 3 pp.) | 5 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 2006 | L’étang (1917; 2 pp.) | 5 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 2007• | Trois poèmes (1941; 13 pp.) {second edition in 2021} | 22 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 2007 | Frammento cantato (1967; 1 p.) | 2 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 2008 | Music to “The Rider by Night” (1919; 54 pp.) | 38 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 2013 | Passeggiata variata sul nome del caro e gentile amico Clive Spencer-Bentley (1981; 3 pp.) | 7 |
Roberge, Marc-André | 2013 | Benedizione di San Francesco d’Assisi (1973; 2 pp.) | 4 |
Sánchez-Aguilera, Abel | 2015 | Tāntrik Symphony for Piano Alone (1938-39; 284 pp.) | 447 |
Sánchez-Aguilera, Abel | 2016 | Third Symphony for Piano Solo (1959-60; 144 pp.) | 197 |
Sánchez-Aguilera, Abel (and Alexander Abercrombie) | 2019 | Symphony no. 0 for Piano Solo (1930-31; 333 pp.) | 462 |
Sánchez-Aguilera, Abel | 2021 | Toccata terza (1955; 91 p.) | 127 |
Smetryns, Thomas, and Lukas Huisman | 2007 | Frammenti aforistici (Sutras) (104) (1962-64; 37 pp.) | 46 |
Smetryns, Thomas, and Lukas Huisman | 2007 | Opus secretum atque necromanticum (1980-81; 48 pp.) | 48 |
Steininger, Florian | 2012 | Frammenti aforistici (20) (1964; 9 pp.) | 9 |
Stevenson, Ronald | 1987 | Fantasiettina sul nome illustre dell’egregio poeta Christopher Grieve ossia Hugh M’Diarmid (1961; 10 pp.) {set by Barry Peter Ould and published by his publishing house, Bardic Edition} | 7 |
Vignani, Alberto | 2014 | Symphonic Variations for Piano and Orchestra (1935-37, 1953-56; 540 pp.) | 519 |
Visser, Pieter | 2003 | Concerto for Piano and Orchestra [no. 5] [publ. as Concerto II] (1920; 144 pp.) {parts for the first performance in Utrecht} | |
William A.P.M [William Penafiel] | 2021• | Sonata seconda for Piano (1920; 49 pp.) | 49 |
William A.P.M. [William Penafiel] | 2024• | Passeggiata arlecchinesca sopra un frammento di Busoni (“Rondò arlecchinesco”) (1981-82; 16 pp.)• | 15 |
Wolfson, David | 1991 | Trois poèmes du “Gulistān” de Saʿdī (1926, rev. 1930; 16 pp.) | 25 |
Younger, Richard | 2004• | Fragment: Prelude and Fugue on FxAxx DAxEx (1926; 3 pp.) | 2 |
Younger, Richard | 2007 | Toccata [no. 1] for Piano (1928; 66 pp.) | 85 |
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