Sorabji Resource Site (SRS)

Division of Compositional Career in Five-Year Periods

This page shows how many works and pages Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji wrote in each five-year period from 1914 (the date of his first known work) to 1988 (the year of his death). The table shows the number of works and pages both as a number and as a proportion of the total.

Sorabji began to turn his attention away from composition in 1962 and produced no works between 1968 and 1972 until he met Alistair Hinton. This explains the sharp drop from 1,142 in 1960-64 to 198 and 124 pages in the next two periods.

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Surround strings with quotation marks for specific searches. Refresh the page to revert to the initial order.

Period Works (N) Works (%) Pages (N) Pages (%)
Period Works (N) Works (%) Pages (N) Pages (%)
1914-19 27 23.08 666 5.84
1920-24 19 16.24 1,129 9.90
1925-29 11 9.40 880 7.71
1930-34 10 8.55 1,550 13.59
1935-39 4 3.42 1,106 9.70
1940-44 6 5.13 544 4.77
1945-49 5 4.27 460 4.03
1950-54 5 4.27 1,405 12.32
1955-59 5 4.27 942 8.26
1960-64 7 5.98 1,442 12.64
1965-69 3 2.56 198 1.74
1970-74 3 2.56 124 1.09
1975-79 6 5.13 843 7.39
1980-84 6 5.13 118 1.03
1985-88 0 0.0 0 0.0
Total 117 100.0 11,407 100.0
Last modified: 2025-01-01
© Marc-André Roberge 2025
Sorabji Resource Site (SRS)
Faculté de musique, Université Laval, Québec

The contents of this website dedicated to the English composer Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji may be freely used for documentary purposes in a research context, provided that due credit is given, but may not be mirrored on any other server. Links to external or third-party websites are not guaranteed to be or remain valid or persistent and their content is not guaranteed to be or remain accurate or appropriate.

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